So hello one and all
I have very recently purchased a 1998 Silver and Yellow TDM
With the help of Alec1 (who I believe is a member on here) we picked it up last week.(the one on the right, alec1's is on the left)
And here on the left (alec1's is on the right)
It's rear shock is quite nackered but fortunalty, a member form here has sold me a Mark1 shock to replace it :-)
The guy I bought the bike from said he'd had it sat in the garage for 6 months since he bought it from a TDM enthusiast. did't mention it had been over on the ebay advert did he (yes I still bought it)
Well I've travelled over 500 miles on it since purchase, only done a minor service on it so far, attaching it this weekend with new (mark 1) shock
Ordered a new exhaust which bypasses the collector box (but uses the same header pipes
Also ordered a belly pan from M&P
What I could still do with is a replacement clutch cover (I've get round to it off ebay sometime)
One question? Does anyone know if the 1998 TDM850 has dog bones? I may have stupidly ordered a set of jack up dog bones for a TDM900 from ebay and now not actually have a use for them
I also own two RF900's :-)