Everything posted by Jealy
DIY GPS tracker
Battery life could be an issue (if you're not planning on charging it through your battery), also make sure you keep it somewhere it won't get too wet! Hope it turns out alright though, I love this kind of stuff!
DIY GPS tracker
Only works when it's connected to Wi-Fi. You can, of course, use different accessories to enable the iTouch to have GPS, but natively - they don't have a GPS chip.
DIY GPS tracker
Using an iPod wouldn't work as it doesn't actually have GPS. An iPhone however, would work.
Car vs Motorcycle: Crash + Road Rage
Complete cock in the car, brilliant time to have his camera on. Shit like this happens to me pretty often, the L plates seem to just give other road users some sort of authority. They infact do the opposite of what they're there for.
600cc first big bike
This thread and my current financial situation leaves me looking at my YBR125...
Rear brake noise
Thanks for the help guys, I ended up just taking the wheel clear off, giving everything a check over making sure it all looks clean (ish) and nothing is obstructing anything. Put everything back together and made sure it was all there. Went for a ride and it was as smooth as its ever been! Thanks again guys! (Only just realised this should be in the Workshop! Oops, hopefully there won't be a next time but if there is I'll try remember to post in the correct section!)
Rear brake noise
Thanks for the reply MRR, it was getting a bit too dark when I got home to have a look around (plus the engine was hot) - I'll have a look tomorrow and see what I can find.
Rear brake noise
Hey guys, Recently my YBR125 has started making a very loud & unsettling click/clunk noise when I apply the rear brake - it brakes fine but pretty much jolts the entire rear end! Anyone know what could be causing this? Thanks in advanced!
- YBR125 Light Fairing
Ybr125 idling high.
My '11 YBR125 Idles at about 2-3k when cold then drops to around 1.5 when mid-journey. I believe there is a screw (or bolt, or whatever) on some bikes to change the speed in which the engines ticks over, not really looked for it on a YBR but perhaps consult the manual and see if there's anything you can do yourself. If nothing can be done and it's still troubling you perhaps see a dealer or a general motorcycle repair shop.
YBR125 Light Fairing
Hey guys, I'm wondering if it's possible to purchase a square light and fairing for a YBR125 '11, like this image (creds: Wikipedia) And obviously, if it's possible to fit it to one that came with the circular light. Thanks!
YBR "Clicks" after off and False Neutral
I'm also on a CBT and my route to work involves riding along a dual carriageway - and that's the most boring part! I like being on normal roads much much more for some reason... especially the country ones! (I work in the middle of nowhere! ) You definitely have to find some people to go on a ride about with, it's fab. Unfortunately though I'm up't North!
- YBR "Clicks" after off and False Neutral
- YBR "Clicks" after off and False Neutral
YBR "Clicks" after off and False Neutral
I also have an '11 YBR125 Columbo and I have (had) the exact same issues, although coming to think of it I haven't had trouble getting it into neutral for quite a while now, I usually go neutral at lights to free up my hands to drum to my music on the tank! It'll loosen up with time. The clicks are normal, it's just the engine cooling down. Happy & safe riding!
Meets & greets.
Thanks guys, I'm positively sweating from the warm welcome!
Meets & greets.
Well, I figured I'd come say hello! My (albeit short) story; I'm a new biker, bought a brand new '11 YBR125 last month and I'm loving it to bits! Hopefully I'll get another year from it before I itch for something bigger (suppressing it is going well) - I figure I'd wait until I'm 21 to move on. I'm here to meet people, have some laughs and learn from the vets! Peace.
- Ybr - 125