Hi all,
It says introduce yourself so here goes.
25 years after not finishing my bike test first time round (after my best mate was wiped out on his Honda 400-4) I'm trying again.
I wish I'd done it back then though - 2 attempts to get through my Mod 1 test and I just failed my first attempt at Mod 2 is trying my patience and my wallet.
I always loved the look of Viragos so bought a 250 for when I get through my test (I'm doing Direct Access).
(I was going to upload the photos but I'm struggling with finding out about how to add to the gallery bit).
I then made the mistake ??? of sitting on a Dragstar 650 Classic while trying on a new jacket. One pillion test ride later and I bought that too......looks fantastic as well as smooth.
After feeling pissed off at failing my Mod 2 first time round I thought I'd better get some road time in on a 125 so that i will pass it second time round, and I came across a lovely Honda Shadow VT125 cruiser on eBay so that is my 3rd bike now! Although 11 years old it has a genuine 700 miles on it - the first owner (for 10 years) kept it on a SORN (in a temperature controlled bubble by the look of it) but bought every possible extra bit of Highway Hawk stuff for it and it looks beautiful!
After 10 years it had done 35 miles!!!
Anyway fingers crossed for my Mod 2 on Wed 12th Oct..... I want to play with my Dragstar!
Think I'll have to sell the Virago though - tax bill looming means something will have to go.