Everything posted by Beanz
Stoke spinal rehab unit...just giving !!
Hey I am getting there, still having physio but I am back to work now after 5 months off I did put a link in first post https://www.justgiving.com/Corrina-Hynes Just giving charity page, Spinal unit helped me so much and still are and also it is full of fellow bikers that have had offs too Thank you
Stoke spinal rehab unit...just giving !!
Hello all....... Just sharing this with you all as fellow bikers we never know when we may need help from these guys https://www.justgivi...m/Corrina-Hynes Well what can I say....... It all started with a winning raffle ticket for a trip in a glider, personally that is my worst nightmare as I hate heights and have never flown for the reason that I think only birds should fly and was planning to give it away. After sharing the news with some friends, one bright spark came up with the idea to sponsor me for doing it, so peer pressure it is and the challenge has begun. The glider flight will take place after Christmas/New year at the London Gliding Club (Dunstable) and I can go at anytime and don't have to book, so I will choose a clear/visable day to go and do this.(photos will follow). My choice in donating the money to Stoke spinal unit is very personal to me, they have helped me with constant physio over the last few months and are continuing to help me with hydro and various other physio sessions after a spinal eruption which left me in a very bad way pre/post surgery to the point of being told I may never walk again. With the help on ongoing physio I am able to do the things I love and the simple things we all take for granted. Thank you :0)
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Haha yeah my dad says whats the clutch for (when he rides his bike), he races and don't use the clutch when changing gear as it wastes time, that 500th of a second saved could win him the race
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Took it into garage today under warranty they adjusted the clutch for me and test rode it, the problem is stopping in 2nd (if u suddenly stop when some prick don't indicate at a roundabout example) and the gears not dropping its def better now its been adjusted but the guy can't warrant taking the gearbox apart he told me to drop the gears obv while moving and use neutral to coast upto roundabouts and junctions...wtf everything that goes against what I have been taught easy way out for him..... but you know it does work but its not ideal. Also spoke to dad ( a bike racer) he very strongly says wtf do not be coasting up to junctions he did say make sure I blip the throttle when I change down too,....... I tend to use engine braking I done 100 miles on it today on a rideout and my first port of call was the garage, like I said it works but its not a habit I want to get into esp when I go for my mods And when the guy uses the "well its a new bike to you " line it really annoys me I have ridden many bikes off road over the years so I am not totally stupid and have done over 700 miles on it now in 3 weeks and the problem has gradually got worse ....... Am not sure if to push ahead and say coasting is NOT an option its a 60 plate bike I want it sorted ..................
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Well warranty it will be, done 40 miles today the last 10 miles were a nightmare I lost 1st and 2nd gear when I did get 1st/2nd the gears were slack and clonking like mad when dropping down Nearly dropped the bloody thing too, was stood next to it putting my lid on, turned key green neutral light was on fired her up and the bike obv was not in neutral and shot forward, I managed to catch it and stop it from falling right over only just mind u as I was trying to do me lid ...... Well I had a look at the clutch today way too much play in it I have tightened it up the lever is quite stiff now but is ok to use but its at max now and cant be tightened anymore so poss may need a new cable but at 4,000 miles hmmmm ? I haven't had chance to test ride it yet after doing the clutch will try tomorrow......
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
hey thank you....I sort of do that anyway its just a real pain when it happens esp if I need a quick get away Apparently its really common on the ybr, I am hopefully upgrading to a monster in spring/summer so may just have to put up with it, saying that its still under warranty for another year.
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
I was concentrating on saving my arse at the time, have to say if she had stopped I would of had a go but tbh I was a bit shook up if I had not of braked so hard I would of prob gone over the bonnet/or side of her car (keeping in mind I was on a roundabout at the time )
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Its ok at least I have a pic up more than I can say for up yours.....what's he hiding....am wondering if the pic is his bird
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Haha yes back to yr original question....yes that is me lol...i am on my phone now and it shows new pic......i am hardly gonna put someone else up on my avatar esp another woman lol........drunk...tut tut...thought it was normal behaviour for you lol x
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
pmsl what pic can you see, or did you see ? what has all this got to do with my bike but heyho lol
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
eh this.......what its blank.....lol.....I just see glasses pic ? But I did put up a diff one with my hair down ?......oh well ?
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Right ok I am confused now I had a pic of me and my glasses on I tried to change it a while ago to a slightly diff one but the only pic I can still see is my specs one ? what u seeing dare I ask ?
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Luckily for you guys I do have a gsoh and can hold me own so to speak Bike is a pain up the butt when it fails to drop down to neutral and first, I am quite short and struggle trying to rock the bloody bike to get the bike into neutral and drop to first May just take it in as its still got a years warranty left on it ......but loving the sunshine at the mo and don't want it to go just yet ...may have to though as its not getting any better and I did get stuck today at a junction and had to pull away in second being heavy on the clutch too was just totally solid and wouldnt drop down
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
well...600 miles and 3 weeks later, still riding the YBR still wanna upgrade to poss a duke monster or something similar (totally loving the new mv but not really the right seating position for me and cant really warrant 11 grand either) Anyway riding is going well back is holding out, not so sure on the bike as problem with gears/clutch (posted in tech section), corners sorted, roundabouts sorted, nearly had an off with some stupid tart putting on here lipstick while driving on a roundabout, she pulled straight out infront of me and even after tooting and nearly going over the side of her car she still was oblivious, lucky for her I have short legs and couldn't boot her car and I had the sence to leave it because I would of shoved her lipstick somewhere where the sun don't shine.................was not a happy bunny at the time Poss have to take bike in for warranty with gears...but hey its all good, will upgrade in spring/summer....its a MUST Beanz
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Wow you so helpful lol.......and yeah the avatar is me...thanx for sharing yr urmmmmm...habits with me lol
Poss clutch or needs adjusting.... ?
Hey all. YBR 125 2010 4,500 on clock (600 miles are mine) Need a bit of help here the bike is still under warranty but just want to see what others think on it ....when I am in traffic say slowing down to a junction or roundabout I drop the gears one by one as I slow and for some reason it drops to minimum 2nd when I stop I have to pull forward a bit in 2nd and rock the bike to try to get it to neutral and then I have to let clutch out then pull clutch in again as it will only then go into first Need to check the oil tomorrow, only had the bike 3 weeks and APPARENTLY it had a pre service, I am not so sure as it turned up to me with a blown halogen/headlight bulb Maybe poss a clutch adjustment, pretty hard to tell as I am knew to this bike and a bit more delicate with it than I have been with off roaders Any advice welcome Thanx in advance people Beanz x
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
No its got to be mods/das and got to be at least a 600, I should have done that from the start........am gutted really
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
I knew it would happen but didn't think it would happen this quick I am bored of my new toy after just a week of having it............I want a BIGGER TOY ........... I thought that day would come but not that blimin quick..........the bike has just got no guts to it and struggles to keep up with the traffic, not sure what I expected from a 125. I have to try and remember that its health reasons I have a 125 but come on...........be nice to get to 80/90mph sorry I mean 70mph of course without maxing it out........ Didn't take me long to get back into the swing of things, I can see a upgrade coming on very soon, can't believe I spent just under 2 grand and after a week and 400 miles I am no longer getting the thrill..... Time to do mods and go shopping again .........
Silly question - gear reader for a YBR 125
Have to agree on that, I have a ybr 2010 model (5 gears) I just read the revs and listen to the engine and only after 4 days and 400 miles on this bike I have it down to a T so to speak It won't take long to pick it all up
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
Well bit of an update (if anyone cares lol) had a mega rideout on Saturday to Snetterton and back with a mate riding along with me on his Triumph racking up over 200 miles Got thrown in the deepend, on the way back we got soaked right through, visor steaming up (noted to get pinlock) roads were flooding and the winds were really high...and my head light blew on the way home so had to come home on full beam as that's all I had, not to mention the suckin rabbits Good experience was gained on Saturday .........Think I have clocked up about 400 miles now on it from when it arrived 4 days ago Its all good
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
I sat on a cbr 600 in the shop to see the seating position (did look at maybe getting a cbr 125 repsol rep) I def will not beable to ride distance on a sports bike. I can feel it in my shoulders this morning after doing 40 miles yesterday. I am way way past 21.....(36 but shhhh dont tell anyone ) my issues are not being able to pick up the bike if I drop it or handling the weight of a big bike at the moment esp on corners, am having regular physio and hydrotherapy, its looking good the hospital I was in made everything worse tbh I was progressing onto something called cauda equina syndrome (loss of bowel and bladder function) and it can not be reversed, you have 8 hour time slot to get into theatre to relieve the pressures, I had to wait 4 hours for an ambulance to transfer me to a london hospital as it was a Friday night and for some reason all the drunks got priority I was in theatre within 13 hours...and a 4 hour op.......so so lucky I am fine now.....everything works as it should :) I get told that I am an abnormal case due to my quick recovery time and the things I can do........(some may agree with the abnormal bit )
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
Yep I agree to a certain extent....I have been told to be careful, I have compromised I got an upright rather than a sports/race rep also turned down the opportunity to passenger a sidecar again at the weekend but a classic not an F1 this time ....totally gutted but that is pushing my limits just a bit too soon I got told 1 in 5 chance I may have a relapse, I say you know what there is a 4 in 5 chance I wont, some may think I am stupid but life goes on I have chose the 125 to test how I go, time will tell and if any problems start I will stop straight away, being paralysed was not fun... lol at beanz bit at end...cheeky monkey
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
It is a great little bike, had my heart set on an xt I wanted to do some off roading/greenlaning but I am too short and the new model I looked at could not be lowered you could only change the seat. My aim is to get fit asap and access the situation next spring/summer to then decide if to go for the sports bike type style I have always wanted, failing that a duke monster nice upright position lovely sound too
- passed theory test today
So...... my new toy arrives tomorrow and the weather has turned :(
Just got my first road bike due to medical reasons (says in profile) I have to keep it small for the mo, just testing how my spine will cope. So I have a 2010 silver and black ybr :0) Well it arrived and I nearly bottled it ( I know what a pussy ) I did go out on it in the end on my own no wingman 3 hrs of it It stayed dry but jeeez it was soooo windy. Nice little starter bike really, everything was fine I was nice and alert then you get some blowing some wet leaves off the pavement into the road just as I was about to ride past. Apart from that all was cool, found my bike mojo again , back/spine seems to be ok (its still early) So yeah to it all.