Everything posted by rob_aka_chippy
yamaha dt125lc2 unseized ?,,its self ?
right so a few months ago now my dt seized up on me in the fields doing a little greenlaning, the throttle went rearly heavy and cut out, the kick was really hard to kick, like was really stiff, it started but shortyl died and was jammed stuck,??(the kick start) but could get it back in neutral no problem, after strippin it down i then tried takiin the engine out the frame but the swinagrm pivot bar was jammed, so i thought id jus strip the head and barrell of while i gave the bolt a good long soakin, barrell came of really nice wasnt stuck at all, then came the wacks wit the hammer and flametorch, unsuccesful was the out come :'[, and then for some reason i grabbed hold of the flywheel and it moved ever so slighlty, with a little more twist it jus freed off, pulled out the kick start and its free just like before,,,thinkin something gave out got jammed and then my attempts of thumping f**k outta that bolt, has knocked loose the debris,? but stil cant remove tht bolt so cant strip it down for furhter work?..... any clues or theories to what has happened or what went wrong to start with ? thanks in advance
my finished dt125lc2 project
lol, the mowhark comment made me laugh, n dnt worry there not on there now, managed to get a set of dt vinyls from a bike shop in leicester, and speed wise its not tht bad when i took this foto in march just before its mot, it had the wrong sprockets but after a little general knowledge from airhead and gt the right sprockets its much better,,cant fault the old girl really, leaves other bikes standi, im not gunna claim it does a 100mph like ppl have said about there dts, but id say top end around 75 summin like that, and for bein faster than ur 175 i guess its dwn to opinion,,, thinkin of findin an dt125mx 4 my nxt project
my finished dt125lc2 project
thought it would do the job for the time beig lol
my finished dt125lc2 project
couldnt get hold of any dt vinyls lo0l
about to give up !
To obe honest im not even sure if mine is a reg rec ive just took my mates word for it could jus be a regulator and i might not even have a recitfier or vice versa. Something else to check i suppose lol
about to give up !
Lol I've looked at my reg rec and mines a silver block not like the one on in the link. But yeah goin over it thouroughly today to see what i can find. Ill post back later in the day to let you all know what and if i find anything. Thanks again
about to give up !
Thanks mate ill check it tomoz and post back. Thanks again for all your help
about to give up !
i went over the bike yesterday with my uncle whos an electrician not a mechanical one but yeah, he has a very good knowledge off the voltometer compared to me,, all i know he did was put the red prong on live and the black prong to the earth on the frame and said nothings shorting,, so i pedrsume he checked for continuity or something, as i said erlier leccys really not my thing lol,, and ive found the reg rec under my tank next to the ignition coil,,,im not sure these can be tested any ideaas on this particulr question lol..an no my batter is a sealed one [so no plug caps in top],,thanks again everyone i appreciate ur help
Uploaded pics.
oh right thank you very much mate this stufs quite refusing if ya dnt know what ya doin lmao
Uploaded pics.
sorry mate dont understand ya chap |??
my finished dt125lc2 project
sorry about my posts earlier i was figuring out how to upload pictures and ive suceeded ''yay'' wht do you think of my baby then boys Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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about to give up !
yeah thts my idea for tomorrow mate when the bike shops open,,im just hoping i mnage to get to the bottom of the problem but it beats me id hate to hate to have to sell it its my baby,,
my DT125LC2 restoration
thats wht ive done matey, it says copy the img url thingy and mines only coming up with hhtp and does the above ^^yet other people can upload an actual photo to there feed
my DT125LC2 restoration
my DT125LC2 restoration
photo uploading on this site is ridiculous
my DT125LC2 restoration
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed1302.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fag132%2Frob_aka_chippy%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s1302.beta.photobucket.com/user/rob_aka_chippy/library/" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="rob_aka_chippy's album on Photobucket" /></a></div>
my DT125LC2 restoration
about to give up !
my bad miss undrstood about the piccy bit,, blonde moment lol
about to give up !
my mate checked tht though from behind the hed lights,, not sure if the check would of tested the voltage before the reg rec or after,,no advice on the pic upload then and thanks ill look at the pics now mate
about to give up !
any ideas on how to upload a picture to this post as i want to show you all my finished project, and im not sure if my regulator is both a rectifier aswell. when i took my battery out earlier it had like a white powder on the side of the battery and on the housing,, thought it was some kind of wear from vibrations ?? thanks for the suggestions everyone ps ive checked to voltage before nd it said 20 volts, my mate said tht was normal as 12 would go where its needed and the rest to the battery
about to give up !
no the image upload didnt work as you can see feel free to advise on how to please
about to give up !
so i finished my yamaha dt125lc2 project back in march, and all is good, but in may i noticed my bulbs kept blowing after a little detective work i cam up trumps, as it ws the summer months it never really bothered me and the problem slipped to the back of my mind, but now the summer months have come to an ebrupt end, i think now the problem needs to be sorted once and for all ,, i stripped my plastics to view my battery, and noticed the earth had come loose and disconnectedm itself. after amending tht problem, i went for a spin up the road and all was well till i opened her up and again like many times before my bulbs blew, first the normal beam then the highbeam,,im coming to the end off my wits with this bike and will consider selling it if i cnt fix it soon as catchin the bus and being stuck in traffic all the time is not fun,,especially when i use to laugh at people on buses as i blasted pass, even more so when they were stuck in traffic, so people any ideas in advance wiring to me is a no go so lamens terms would be much apprecitaed lol thanks in advance ps ive uploaded a picture but not sure if it will work never done it before
A question for the 2stroke pro's
thanks airhead =]