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Everything posted by Seana23

  1. Seana23 replied to Seana23's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    its ended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! George has lost his regulator and recifier from his dt 175!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how they came off is anyones guess... trying to get new parts AGAIN! i had two seperate units but have seen a combined unit..... will the combined Reg/Rec unit work ok or should i get two seperate ones... (the ones fitted are Rectifier-- 2 wires red & Black and Regulator-- 1 yellow wire)... I KNEW IT WOULDNT LAST!!! xxxxxxxXxxxxxxx
  2. try Private messaging "oldgitonabike" to see if he has one, he's been most helpful with a recent dt175 rewire. XXXSeanaXXX
  3. Seana23 replied to colin-dtr's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi colin. what a mare!! prob not a totally siezed engine so dont go buying a new engine yet... your post is a bit sketchy and vague but maybe youve broken the kickstart spring or its come unhooked on the iside ov the engine or just got wedged on the frame tube or footrest... give us MORE INFO!!!!! what do you mean when you said the engine over revved? Oil in the engine i assume? MORE INFO PLEASE. BTW, if the piston had siezed youd still be able to kick her over in neutral... XXXSeanaXXX
  4. Seana23 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    its that...... for once in ages........ NOTHING SEEMS TO BE WRONG WITH MY BIKES!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!! This cant go on for long....... Lol!!!! Seana XXXXXXXXXXX
  5. hope you dont mean me!!! im still here... lurkin in the background, just avoiding any problems with Georges beast!!!! big hugs babes. xxx
  6. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Defo the way to go. Good luck. XXX
  7. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    if it does end up being a CDi verson (not that im saying Cynic is wrong), George has a spare (for an MX i think) Good luck XXXseanaXXX
  8. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thats another one, by the way. post 70!!! ...........and this is yet another one!!!! just another 70 odd to go... XXX still, im sure George will be intouch again in no time!!! He's already lost the tail piece to the exhaust AND had the engine studs come undone!!! .........................ALL TORQUE AND NO TROUSERS!!! LMFAO!!!!! Bless! XXXSeanaXXX Hope everyone had a good Crinbo and New Year. XXX XXX And yes Neo, that 12v conversion would be a good idea, thanx... I'll ask George. X
  9. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yeah, sorry OG just noticed the Derestricting my DT175 thread... 140 posts!!!! well, we're have to try harder next time... XXX
  10. Seana23 replied to cladoo's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hej da babes. not sure if the factory would "create" play especially for road bikes... think you just got one with alot ov play... I'd look to see if the welded Clutch/Gear has just shifted the play to the part adjacent to the two welded parts, before the final rebuild. Better do it now that you have the engine in bits. good luck babes. xxx
  11. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Just keep checking EVERY nut and bolt pretty regularily. its a bit ov a shaker!!! XXX
  12. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all. well, the ignition arrived, was duley plugged in, the bike was wheeled into the back garden, key on, kill switch on... and...... RINGADING, DINGDINGDINGDING!!! Key to "Run with Lights" and...... we have lights... Front AND Back!!! ...we have High AND low beam AND we have a working stop light!!!!! Flick the Kill switch and the engine dies!!! HORRAY!!! With the key in "Park" we have a Rear light but so far ive not been given a Parking Bulb or fitting for the headlight, so nothing up front... I assume with this 6Volt system im not going to get Headlights without the engine running... is this right? Other than that i think she's ready for George to take over the care ov her into her old age... i hope he treats her well or i'll be seeing her again soon!!! Well, so this is probably one ov the last posts on this Mamoth, Record Breaking Thread concerning the discovery and renervation ov this dear old Bitza, except maybe a big thank you from George to everyone who's contributed to this project......... Thank you all for the technical details and spec's, without which i definately would have had trouble sorting out the wires.. X XSeanaX X
  13. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    isnt it funny how these, seemingly fairly straightforward little jobs just go on and on and on... finding little things that have gone wrong over the years and have either been bodged or disconnected and forgotten about.. This bike would have such a story to tell. its rather nice really that George wants to get the old dear buzzing again. lets hope we can acheive this worthy goal. XXXSeanaXXX
  14. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thank you... great minds think alike... just got a 4 position Ignition switch... its winging its way toward us as we write... i'll get back to you. thanx for all the help by the way.... XXXseanaXXX
  15. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hmmm yes, maybe the matching ignition would sort the lights problem. there seems sumat a bit dodgy going on with it. i took it apart to look for blobby soldering but all seemed good there, its just the "play" either side ov the setting that makes me think its a dodgy unit. George can see if he can get his money back from E(vil)-bay and get a new 4 position unit. XX
  16. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well the bike runs pretty well but..... .........HOUSTON....... (beep)........ WE HAVE A PROBLEM........ (beep) Thanx OldGit (if you dont mind me abbreviating your name) That switch diagram is fab... BUT... 2 things... 1) The diagram stated has 4 positions... Off, 1,2 & 3. Whereas the Ignition switch i have here has Off, Run and Park. 2) I've tested the Main Ignition switch over and again and all im getting are dodgy readings!!! In any of its three positions (with a very slight twist of the key, in either direction) the readings go haywire. "Off" has Live either side and so does "Park" The olny 2 terminals regestering (resistance) a full circuit (in any position) are the Bk/W to the Bk IN THE ON POSITION! Also to confuse things further i did the Haynes, recommended test for dodgy wires on the Pulsar coil and Charging coil's #1 and #2 and the readings were as follows... Pulsar Coil--- White/Red wire to Black wire = 10.6 Not 12.4 Charge Coil--- Brown to Black = 304 Not 420 Charge Coil--- Red to Black ... well, theres no Red wire to check! The wires coming from the Generator/Stator assembly are as follows... Green/White (turns into plain White after the block connector.) Brown Black White/Red Yellow with Light Blue from the Neutral indicator switch All these other wires when checked to the black wire show 003 Risistance. What a nightmare! I'm considering running individual wires from the battery to the headlights (Hi-Lo) and rear lights on their own circuits to just get it running with lights without messing about with crap switches and stuff!!! if this was a normal bike with a normal battery this could be done very easily but the tiddly 6 volter with its titchy bullet connectons precludes adding wires to the battery terminals!!! AAAHHHhhhh! any ideas greatfully received. XXXXX
  17. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    thank you. i'll look tomorrow, gona get a good look in again, in earnest. XXX
  18. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    come on.... stretch ze little grey cells..... what is happening on this bloomin bike!!! my GS850 is gona be easier than this!!!!!! thoughts please, wrong connections from Generator & Stator plate? wrong CDi? or just wrong person workin on it??!! NOW WE KNOW WHY THE LIGHTS WERE RIPPED OFF IN THE 1ST PLACE!!!! XXX
  19. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    ok, crimbo dinner all eaten so time for an DT 125/175 MX/LC/XL, update... the wiring loom is fitted with all colour coded wires connected to its partner......and....... ........the engine runs whatever the position ov the ignition... ........the headlight (Hi and Low beam) works when the key is in the "Park" position... ........the rear light, however works only with the ignition in the "Off" position..... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! FFAN! HELVETTA! Time for tea i think. XXX
  20. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yeah well get on ya Yak and head back... or i'll sell the bike!!! LMFAO!!!!! See ya soon XXXXX
  21. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Thanx OldGit. (nice really!). that might be ov help, i'll look tomorrow evenin. XXX No probs George, she sounded Schweet... just got to sort the rear/stop light, fit the Regulator and your good to go, I'll check the oil levels and make sure everything is bolted up good and tight, etc.... your bill is waiting. XXXXXX
  22. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Another day another dollar........ ok babes Got the engine running... got the lights workin... only prob is that they dont stop working when the ignition is switched off!!!!! or the kill switch applied!!!!! I CAN'T TURN IT OFF!!!! Ha!!! oh well, its progress, ov a sort i spose... prob got some mis-coloured wires crossed (story ov my life!!!)... I'll report back later. nearly there George. XXX
  23. Seana23 replied to Geoclinton's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    yes, your quite right, ive got a TY 175 tune-up awaiting the attentions ov my tool box... oh yes, and theres always my own bikes Nightmare electrical paradoxes going on that needs sorting out!!! But, the result ov this evenings Wailing and Gnashing ov teeth is..... da, da, da, da, da, da, daaaaa.... WE HAVE A SPARK!! and its strong and healthy too!!! However... By the looks ov it, we have a strong healthy spark, regardless ov the position ov the key in the ignition AND still no lights, front or back! Im hoping the feeble 6v lights will glimmer into existance when the Mongrel enging finally fires into life..... Watch this space, i'll trickle some fule into the carb, once ive moved it out the back livingroom and see if she fires up. thanx all. XXXX p.s i forgot to add to the bikes herritage, as previously noted......as well as being a DT 125 LC Gearbox with a 125MX engine that turned into a 175MX, with a 175MX(replacement top end) fitted after the first siezure...and add to that a Honda XL125 front-end and rear Mudguard and an upside-down clutch lever for a brake lever... which was a nice touch i thought...all fitted to a perfectly powder coated frame that didnt have any earthing points or screw holes masked off, so no bolts or screws fit and nothing Earths properly and has a wiring loom that bears scant regard to any ov the original MX electricals still surviving!...the list goes on.... Nitynite. X
  24. Seana23 replied to Seana23's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Yes, thanx MRR, that sounds well thought out and eminently sensible... i'll try that. XXX
  25. Seana23 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi all, its somewhat nice to be posting sumat about one ov my bikes for a change, so here goes........... Its a lovely shiney 1990 XV 535 with Hardly-Davidson type slash cut pipes... Nice. It has a standard factory air filter unit fitted. When i fitted the pipes, i upjetted the both Main-Jets from (if memory serves) 137.5's upto 147.5's. Thing is, when out and about annoying the neighbours, the pipes pop and bang on over-run, the engine gets a wee bit surface-ov-the-sun-like and the pipes have "Blued" at the top near the Cylinders. Should i go up another 10 or 20 on the Main Jets, reduce the Air-Jet size or try to raise the carb needle/ adjust the air screw (if this is possible??? (I can do this quite easily on my GS but not so familliar with the side-on carbs fitted to the XV)) thanx all. Bless ya. Seana XXX