Everything posted by Kevin93
My 1992 TZR125 Belgarda DT125R Hybrid custom project
This looks great, just posting a comment so I can follow the thread!
Assistance Needed! - Yamaha DT100 Restoration Project
Thanks for the replies guys! I did pick up a Haynes manual from eBay quite a while back, but never got around to actually opening it Trying to find a Yamaha workshop manual for it but no luck so far on eBay. I'll keep trying. Is it possible to send off for the V5 with just the frame number? Or do I need to be a Sherlock and find it out? Also, I've been trying to figure out how to upload pictures to the forum, but I just go around in circles, so I uploaded some to Facebook, here are the raw image URL's; https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/484473_640122459335067_52922290_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/395710_640122599335053_755226160_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/923196_640122679335045_19779709_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390985_640122759335037_1241184866_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/385800_640122832668363_1425732130_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/3649_640122876001692_122315162_n.jpg These are pictures from the initial weekend, so not the most recent. Took pics as I was taking bits off so I could have some idea of where they went back on again! When it gets a bit lighter outside I'll take some more pictures of how the bike looks now. Parts I know I'll need are a seat (Didn't come with one) A fuel tank (The one it came with was from a Honda MX) A Magneto (That was missing too) I'm not going to go for concourse here, this is my first rebuild (first of many, I keep finding tempting things on eBay) I'm planning to; 1: Get it down to frame, have that blasted+powder-coated. 2: The chrome bits re-chromed and the black bits powder-coated 3: Engine and Carb to be stripped down, cleaned and any parts needing to be replaced to have that done. 4: Build a New wiring loom, the old wires looked tatty as hell, and I figure I'll probably save money and time by fixing it all at once, opposed to every two weeks. 5: Replacing the Chain, brake pads, rear springs+shocks and battery. Also new indicators and new bulb for headlight. 6: Cleaning up the plastics so they look nice again (tatty) and refinishing the seat cover with some vinyl or leather if budget allows. I'm going to keep costs down by doing everything I can do myself, by myself. I have electrician friends who've agreed to spend an afternoon putting the wiring back together in exchange for some beer, and a friend who works in fabric has agreed to do the seat for free. Friends do come in handy! I'd LIKE to get it done for £500 or less, I'm a student and this isn't the only bike I have in bits in the garden. Is this realistic or way off? That way I can put £160 or so a month into it and have it done around August. I don't fancy working on the bike on my patio when it gets cold! Again, thanks for the replies!
Assistance Needed! - Yamaha DT100 Restoration Project
Hi there guys, In late 2011 a friend of mine bought a Yamaha DT100 to do up with his wife, she wasn't interested and he didn't have the time to do it himself, so I managed to pick it up for a bargain £75! After getting it home, I did the standard ''Use buckets of water and mum's sponges for the dishes to get all the mud and crud off it, but also messing up the patio'' technique. After I got it clean (relatively) I decided to use the next ''take off everything you can and put it in a pile'' technique. The next thing I did, was cover it in WD-40, put it under a tarp and forget about it. It's now 2013, and after remembering I have a bike in the shed in pieces I've decided to actually restore it, which is what the plan was all those years ago. I optimistically decided to do my CBT first (Passed first time) Now I have a CBT, but no bike (that works and isn't in pieces, that's another story) I haven't applied for the V5, mainly because I don't know what the reg number is. There was a tax disk on the bike from 2001, but water had got inside the holder and made the reg. number illegible. I do however, have the frame and engine number, '*13A000002' If anyone wants to lend some advice and abuse at me, it would be welcome. I stored the engine inside (after taking bits off that too) so I don't think there'll be too much of a problem there. It wasn't seized, and did turn over. (Until I took off the kick starter) Apparently, all it needed was a fuel tank and a magneto until I got my hands on it.. There's almost no rust on the bike, and the chrome on the wheels isn't that bad actually. So, what do I do now?
1979 Yamaha DT100 Restoration Project?!
Thanks for the reply, is this what you're talking about? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1979-Yamaha-DT100-DT-100-Supplimentary-Service-Manual-/190221408745?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c4a1459e9&vxp=mtr
1979 Yamaha DT100 Restoration Project?!
Hi there guys, In late 2011 a friend of mine bought a Yamaha DT100 to do up with his wife, she wasn't interested and he didn't have the time to do it himself, so I managed to pick it up for a bargain £75! After getting it home, I did the standard ''Use buckets of water and mum's sponges for the dishes to get all the mud and crud off it, but also messing up the patio'' technique. After I got it clean (relatively) I decided to use the next ''take off everything you can and put it in a pile'' technique. The next thing I did, was cover it in WD-40, put it under a tarp and forget about it. It's now 2013, and after remembering I have a bike in the shed in pieces I've decided to actually restore it, which is what the plan was all those years ago. I optimistically decided to do my CBT first (Passed first time) Now I have a CBT, but no bike (that works and isn't in pieces, that's another story) I haven't applied for the V5, mainly because I don't know what the reg number is. There was a tax disk on the bike from 2001, but water had got inside the holder and made the reg. number illegible. I do however, have the frame and engine number, '*13A000002' If anyone wants to lend some advice and abuse at me, it would be welcome. I stored the engine inside (after taking bits off that too) so I don't think there'll be too much of a problem there. It wasn't seized, and did turn over. (Until I took off the kick starter) Apparently, all it needed was a fuel tank and a magneto until I got my hands on it.. There's almost no rust on the bike, and the chrome on the wheels isn't that bad actually. So, what do I do now?
My Yamaha DT 100 (Help Needed)
Hey guys, I've got an old Yamaha DT100 VIN 13A000002 that's been converted into a trials bike. I bought it for a modest sum and was wondering if you guys think it's worth rebuilding to Original spec? I'll post some pics as soon as I find the USB for my camera aha Thanks
My DT100
Hey Guys, Just posting here as I don't know anywhere else. I recently purchased a 1979 Yamaha DT-100, The VIN and Engine numbers are *13A000002 If I'm not mistaken. (Not at home so can't check) It appears to have been used as a trials bike but by the looks of the wiring has been re-wired in the last few years. Overall impressions look good. Superficial rust on the chrome wheels, almost none on the frame. The exhaust is rusted through in several places so i s beyond repair. I was wondering if anyone would care to share with me any advice about rebuilding the bike as I have little experience in the area, However is something I am very interested in. The VIN appears to be very unusual, does anyone know anything about it? Regards to all, Kevin-Andrew