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Everything posted by lpapo

  1. Hey guys, My maxim is leaking either oil or final drive oil or both. How does the final drive "breather" on these bikes work?? Is it not supposed to have some kind of hole or valve in it or be in two pieces so there can be air exchange??? Possible someone put the wrong one in? Mine does not move or seem to have any sort of hole in it........Is it supposed to be removable also? Cuz mine wont budge. Dont wanna break it......The bike also seems to be venting oil out the crankcase breather tube. Seems to happen after longer highway type drives. Have I put too much oil in it or do i have bigger problems??? The oil does not appear contaminated. There seems to be another oil leak underneath the bike but I'm not sure what? Are these bikes common for anything else as far as oil and final drive leaks?? FYI Bike claims to have 44,000km on it. Hope someone can help THANKS!
  2. lpapo replied to lpapo's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Git, I don't know what the hell you did, but that worked! Just got back from a ride. The only theory I have is that It may have been flooded last night and the battery was too low to get a enough rpm to start properly last night and earlier tonight. Lesson learned. FULL CHOKE and battery FULLY charged if shes dead cold.
  3. lpapo posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hey everyone. New to bikes. New to riding. New to carburetors. Not new to fixing stuff. Been an auto mechanic officially for about 7years and been (trying) fixing stuff all my life. Always wanted a bike and just came into an 83 Yamaha Maxim. Hopefully will be on the road before the end of season but not if I cant get this fuel problem sorted out. If you think you can help, I have the problem posted in the tech forum... thx --LEo
  4. lpapo replied to lpapo's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Giton, Yes and yes. This all happened last night. Today when I got home. I tried the bike. Fired in like 1/2 a crank. I have no idea what it ran on?? I'm charging the battery now and will put tank back on and set petcock to prime and see what happens...
  5. Hey there. New member. Just got this bike. Had a no fire on number four. Changed oil and put some small engine fuel treatment in tank. Went to start bike. Fired right up no problem then died. Pulled the line off the petcock, good flow. Pulled the tank but left fuel in the main fuel line Watched fuel level in line as bike cranked. Did not seem to be drawing any fuel. Has good spark. If i spray quick start into a carb bike will fire. What the hell have I done? Should I try compressed air into the main fuel inlet?