IT 125 erratic idling
It definitely would be better to fix it first, but this being Canada and our riding season coming to a close, I just want him to get the most use that he can before the weather breaks. He only gets to ride it on the trails up north at our cottage on weekends and I work fairly long hours during the week so I'm just trying to get him something to practice on until I can get a bit of time during the winter when hopefully all of the issues can be resolved. Do you think that an expansion chamber from a DT would work, I have ordered the crank seals today and I think that I need to address the exhaust leak next. Thanks for the input.
IT 125 erratic idling
Thanks, I'll stop at the Yamaha dealer on the way home tomorrow and order the seals, he'll be using the bike this weekend so I'll try to do the job next week. He's only learning and is still a bit nervous so the bike won't get any kind of abuse from him riding it too hard. Thanks again, I really appreciate the help, I've only ever owned two, two-strokes, a KH 250 that I took in a trade for a CB 550 and a DT 250 that I bought in London and two weeks later straight swapped for a much older XT 500 (one of my favorite bikes), so I'm not too educated about the blue smoke spewing monsters but with guys like you helping out, It makes it almost easy.
IT 125 erratic idling
Thanks, that sounds painless enough, about the manifold thing, the original pipe is on the bike and not in very good cond. the head pipe has many dents and previously repaired (but not very well done so) areas. When the bike is running there is an exhaust leak and when the bike floods, petrol pisses out those same holes. I am looking for a used original pipe for it but they are not readily available(at least not for a decent price),I don't think the DT is the same pipe but I wonder if it would work ok,? there are certainly alot more of those around. You didn't say, do you think that it would do any damage to ride it with the crank seals worn and choke on. Thanks again.
IT 125 erratic idling
OK, so I went out and started the bike as you said and sprayed WD40 through the slots, I didn't notice a difference in tone apart from the motor dying out. I started it up again and done the same with the WD40, the motor died again, is this a sign of the crank seals being worn? and if so, can they be replaced without the motor being torn apart, also, if this is a major job, would he be able to ride the bike like this until the end of the season without doing any major damage to something else. Don't think that I said before, when we kick the bike over, if it doesn't start right away and starts to flood, the petrol pisses out of the exhaust manifold. Thanks for the help
IT 125 erratic idling
Thanks, I'll try that at the weekend when I get a bit of time.
IT 125 erratic idling
Hello, I've just joined this forum and I hope that someone can help me out with some issues with a 1981 IT 125 that my 13 year old son just bought. When he bought it, it was running rough and was really hard to start. I took the carb off, cleaned it and replaced the needle valve assembly with a new one, next, I adjusted the air mixture screw in totally and out 1 3/4 turns, I also cleaned the petrol tank and mixed some 91 octane petrol with good quality oil (approx 32:1), I also put a new spark plug in. The bike fired right up and was running a lot better, but only with the choke on, when I try to put the choke off the engine revs crazy. I have tried to adjust the idle screw out but it does no good. When the choke is on, it revs a little high, the idle screw does not affect this either except if I screw it in the revs will increase. We did notice as well that the engine flooded when we tried to start it a couple of times. I hope that someone can help with this choke problem, Thanks
Another new member!
Hello all, I found this site while looking for info to fix up my 13 year old son's new(to him) and first bike, a 1981 IT125 that he bought with his own cash. It was running like a two legged cat when he bought it, and now it's slowly starting to come around. As for me, I'm an Irish biker, riding since '78 (a CD 175) and have had almost all makes since. I've been living in Canada since '87 after surviving a three year drinking session in SE London. I'm a full time Carpenter that enjoys tinkering with all sorts of things but can safely say that there's not an hour of the day that goes by without me having some thoughts about bikes.