Everything posted by DT RE Chris
Rectifier's job
I get what the rectifier does (AC-DC) but does ALL the DC power go the the battery FIRST or does it have two DC outputs with one going to the battery and one for the lights? Basically I have all lights working when running but no charge at the battery, so was thinking either a connection fault or the rectifier has failed, ? I've not looked at the rectifier so not sure how many pins are on it yet.
Battery not charging but all lights work
Haven't actually got the bike yet, I'm told by the owner that all lights works fine when running so I assume the power should getting to the battery (via rectifier) first?
Battery not charging but all lights work
Electrics are not my thing, I have a 2stroke moped i'm going to be working on and the battery drains after a few days, new battery, it charges fine from the mains, its ridden every day so should get a decent charge, all the lights work fine when running its just not topping up the battery? I have a multimeter, what things should I be checking for when I get it? obviously output from stator and checking the voltage at the battery when running but apart from that my knowledge is limited, I would have thought if the lights work then surely the power has to go thru the battery first? therefor it should be charging?
Yamaha DTRE Bash skid plate
Is it for the latest model? Any pics?
Yamaha DTRE Bash skid plate
Hi all, I am after a Yamaha DTRE 2004 Bash plate guard Has anybody got one hanging around or know of somewhere I can purchase one? as I can't seem to find them anywhere Thanks very much
VIN Plate HELP!!!
Hi all, so, I've had my frame powder coated and therefore my frame numbers are very faint so I am having a VIN plate made up, one of the boxes on the VIN plate requires the KW power output, on my logbook it states 307KW but this seems high to me as when I google it it says it only has 10.8KW at 7000rpm, I obviously don't want to stamp incorrect information, can anyone help please?? Bike is a 2004 Yamaha DTRE 125cc
Frame numbers after powder coat
I did think about taking the paint off the area but with the later DT's the frame numbers are laser etched by the looks of it and there for not very deep, I have a feeling the number may have been lost when shotblasting but didn't see it before powder coating so worried i'll be ruining good paint to find nothing. A VIN plate maybe an option, where did you get one from?
Frame numbers after powder coat
So, decided to get my frame powder coated but now can't see the frame numbers, I don't want to stamp it myself incase of issues later on, also it may not pass an MOT or may raise PC Plod's eyebrows if I get pulled, I have the V5 registered in my name and did take a photo of the frame numbers before powder coating, any advise please?
Athena 170cc kit for DTRE 125 set up tips
Athena promptly got back to me after several months, the help I received was amazing, they told me everything I needed to do, without their help I don't know where I would be today, their knowledge was invaluable to me. Athena's actual response was "speak to a mechanic" I can't thank them enough
Athena 170cc kit for DTRE 125 set up tips
I've emailed Athena several times with no response, seems they just want your money.
Athena 170cc kit for DTRE 125 set up tips
So, just ordered the Athena 170cc kit for my DTRE 125, anyone set one of these up? jet size, exhaust, did you adjust oil delivery, bigger carb?
Yamaha DTRE 125 Sparks issue
Haynes manual on order, and the connector block I ordered is not genuine, I searched for a waterproof block (which comes with new pins) in order to prevent this happening again.
Yamaha DTRE 125 Sparks issue
So, I tried bumping it and got a good spark, so I then tried it on the starter and got a good spark??? thought to myself its fixed itself put it back together, no spark Again, long story short, bad connection, the 4 pin connector block which feeds the ignition had oxidised and corroded, I bypassed this block temporarily had hey presto it sparks, ordered a new connector block as the old one is irreparable so should be back on the road soon Thanks again guys.
Yamaha DTRE 125 Sparks issue
Thanks guys, I'm going to have to buy a Haynes as I don't know the resistances/voltages components should read. i'll keep you posted Cheers again.
Yamaha DTRE 125 Sparks issue
Hi, please help, my DT broke down on me the other day, long story short, I found that there's no spark, however, I can crank it all day long with no spark but the moment I stop cranking it sparks once or twice and sometimes even fires up and runs??? so far only changed the coil but hasn't solved it. I've asked several bike mechanics but no one has an answer. Any help would be very appreciated.
DT RE derestricting stock exhaust
Thanks very much mate, really appreciate your time.
DT RE derestricting stock exhaust
Please, ANYBODY??
DT RE derestricting stock exhaust
Thanks, but all i can seem to find is people saying that they have done this but not saying how, also i read of people cutting open the exhaust to find theres nothing in there, obviously i dont want to waste a perfectly good exhaust. Any help would be much apprieciated.
DT RE derestricting stock exhaust
Hi, I heard you can cut open a stock exhaust to remove restrictors, does anyone have any info on this, for example whats inside and where to cut it open, or pictures would be helpful. Thanks, Chris