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  1. lexie posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi everyone , I have recently a ticking noise. He does it only when driving by speed lowering , so the trothle out (?) As soon as i give more trottle it's gone. But he does'nt do it alway's .Mostly 75% off the time. The ticking runs with the speed of the engine then. I've bin already with two dealers and they drove the bike , but then he was'nt ticking , very anoying!! I controled already the bolt who drive's the belt . I'm a bit desperate .
  2. lexie posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi , Mijn name is Lex and i live in the Netherlands. I own a MS 950 yamaha Previous i had a Wild Star Royal Star Kawasaki Vulcan
  3. lexie replied to humphrey's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    http://www.youtube.com/user/MrAjveenstra?blend=2&ob=5 Here you can see Vand H 2 in one one my 950
  4. lexie replied to lexie's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    It is kind a late but thanks everyone for the replies.
  5. lexie posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello you all , I'm Lex Veenstra from The Netherlands. I own a yamaha XVS 950 from 2010 . I probebly will not see you often but there are no 950 ownerclubs in Holland. I am a member off the Wildstar Fan Holland Club. So maybe it is usefull to join your site . I will make a.s.a.p a avatar so you can see with you are dealing with. Greetz from nighty Holland