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'82 XT550 YDIS Question
Oh yeah cheers mate, might just clean it out and see what happens. hopefully not more $$$.
'82 XT550 YDIS Question
Hey guys, I'm not all too sure how the Yamaha Dual Intake System works, when my bike is under heavy throttle it seems like it's being restricted in the top end of the revs, only a new problem was, going mint a couple of weeks back. Is it something a home mech can look at or do I need to take the carb set up into a shop. Cheers
- 1981 XT550
- 1981 XT550
1981 XT550
Hey, I've got an '81 XT550 and it's backfiring alot, mainly when I come off the gas. It also does it when I kick it over whilst holding the decompression lever, usually just after an unsucessful attempt to start - it always starts on the second or third kick both hot and cold. The bike has always backfired, I'm sure most of the older big singles always have but these far more aggressive sounding, super loud buggers! Any kind of help is appreciated, cheers.
Hey Jonesboy, Wouldn't this happen if the battery is disconnected? Have you checked the terminals?
help please
Have you checked all the fuel lines/filters to make sure they're not blocked?
'82 XT550 problem with revs
I just cleaned the carb out and made sure that nothing was blocked and it seems to still be doing it but not as bad.
'82 XT550 problem with revs
I can't even see a breather! I think we have found the problem. Haha
'82 XT550 problem with revs
Cheers for the reply. I've checked all the fuel lines and the filter, all sweet as. I don't think it's starving for gas. Gaskets look OK, but could do with a change, I got the bike off a guy who didn't know what maintenance was, the bike was caked in about half an inch of clay when I got it. I think I better just take the carb off and give it a good clean, but I don't think that's the problem.
'82 XT550 problem with revs
Hey everyone. Recently I was riding my XT and I noticed that in 5th, and only 5th, it climbs through the revs nicely, but won't rev out like it does through all the other gears, if the back wheel is spinning in 5th, it revs out fine, but when it has any kind of load it refuses to go any faster. This happens at about 120-140KMPH. Could this have anything to do with the carb, or the second jet not starting like it should, or not getting enough air? or anything like that? Cheers, Thumper. EDIT: It is a single cylinder 4 stroke, single carb with the YDIS. EDIT2: I was taking a video on my phone to show you what I meant but I dropped it and it smashed(excellent)
My Bikes
1986 DT125 Side covers/radiator shrouds not on, this was just after me testing the top speed, about 135KMPH, quite impressive for such a small bike I thought. 1986 XT400 and 1982 XT550 - will post pics as soon as I get them
- New Bike :D
86 XT 400 Gear Shifter Shaft
Just incase anyone ever has this problem and searches these forums. To get to the gear shifter shaft, you must remove head, barrel etc, split the crank case (on these bikes also removing the swing arm). What a mission to change such a small part! Oh well, might aswell give her a freshen up while it's apart!
What got you into bikes
What got me into bikes. I was fishing on a beach one fine day, about 5 years ago I would have been 13-14. I believe it was a TT600(80's model) thundering past me, he must have been doing atleast 120kmph. Just the sound of the motor made me love it. Since then I have loved the big displacment singles. Alot of my friends who are into bikes too tell me I should just be rid of my thumpers and get a smaller, newer bike, which will have more power! but it's just not the same. However I should probably get them registered soon, before I get some fines. Oh - and get my license.