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Everything posted by Mallory1

  1. Mallory1 posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Before watching this I used to think that commuting on the bike with my eyes open actually mattered. Now I'm not so sure ...... http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=relmfu&v=LQpoSCJntnA
  2. Mallory1 replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Can't beat a bit of blacks chocolate wife and kids replaced my Oxford analogue clock for the bike which I accidentally left in some leathers is sold (idiot). Kids making me some home made buns as I type (something akin to apocalypse now) after I got back from participating in a world record attempt this morning (http://www.quayvipersmcc.com/) ..... A good day
  3. Lol. Knew what u meant. When I said if " you're not learning" I meant all of us - not specifically you Sure we all learn from one another !
  4. J0hn, I learn every time I go out on the bike. If you're not learning you're not switched on in my humble opinion.
  5. Mallory1 replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Sorry ... Boys AND girls ....
  6. Mallory1 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Well boys, happy Father's Day to all of you - either as fathers or sons - or those remembering loved ones. All a complete con of course and propping up the card and tacky gift industry. So on the subject of tacky gifts, just wondering if anyone will receive / buy some truly awful tat this (or yester-) year?? Or maybe you actually did well??
  7. Always good when the confidence levels build - well done j0hn. I commute (and filter) through that kind of traffic daily. Just an observation (from experience) but when able to fall back into either lane, I always do rather than commit to the centre line rigidly - I find it gives me more space should one of the space hoppers try a sudden lane change. I also try to filter through as vehicles in both lanes are sitting side by side - makes the likelihood of them moving left or right less likely. Just a thought ride safe !!
  8. Mallory1 replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    What a complete tosser. Very sorry to hear that Noise. I've been hit in the car by uninsured wasters before we were tortured at our last home (an end terrace with gable wall) by ignorant teenagers day & night .... But you've got it all in one hit. That just sucks. Not good at all. As others have said at least you, the missus and wee one were ok - EVERYTHING else is replaceable in time - sorry all the same mate.
  9. Mallory1 replied to mailee's post in a topic in General
    Very true .. It DOES get better. I can even remember the first time I took a bike past first gear on an empty road. Friggin best feeling ever ride safe mailee and enjoy
  10. Welcome friend
  11. Lovin the hair . Welcome!
  12. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in Random
    Xj owner!
  13. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in Random
    Not an xr owner but interesting post. Just shows you don't need the big touring bikes to cover the big miles
  14. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Happy to explain some of the posts above were rightly commenting on how society in general is all rights focused with little thought towards responsibilities ... More pushy etc etc. it was this aspect I was relating to. My 'consumer' in work (and trust me, many NHS managers see patients that way) are by contrast very appreciative. I think this makes sense? I can see why my post, as you say, looks a little unrelated between the post from you and NSD.
  15. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Just as a counterbalance to this thread (although I agree mostly!) I work in the NHS. Cuts are terrible. Targets eclipse people. But despite this trend I genuinely try to listen to my patients and their families - while a voice is screaming in my head about the overdue paperwork - got 3 lovely sets of written 'thank yous' last week. Makes dealing with Johnny public very worth it.
  16. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in General
    Cue the Tony Hart gallery music ..... Happy childhood memories
  17. Mallory1 replied to lilchef4982's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Enjoy the yam
  18. Mallory1 replied to sentiant's post in a topic in The Bar
    Always always always nod. I had stopped for a while but when I realised I'd become one of the ignorant git brigade I just couldn't sleep at night. My only exception is Harley riders - do those people EVER smile??? Although I'm thinking of adding friggin GS Boorman wannabes with their shiny luggage and matching BMW underpants......but I'm trying to be gracious. We'll see how this week goes.
  19. Mallory1 replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Did it .... Just be sure to lube up the nipples.
  20. Mallory1 replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Congrats on the grading Noise. No easy feat. Part of my 'bucket lst' a few years ago was ... Start a martial art. Did the full marathon thing. Parachute jumpy thing. So, joined a fairly full on ju jitsu club ... 1st grading in Sept. don't think people realise that at 39 ur just not used to having ur legs fly above ur head in the air (unless ur wild foamy ???) Eldest son going for his junior black in ju jitsu this sat .... Hence me learning some self defence! So ... Any unresolved bucket list goals out there?? (Aka mid life crisis) .......
  21. Mallory1 replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    What do ya call a donkey with only 3 legs .... A wonkey.
  22. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    Drewpy .... I hear you mate. Met some nice folk from across the UK (Esp N England .... Lot of keen road racers there?) Felt really sorry for them all travelling over just to be rained on. At least I was only an hours ride away from home. It's now being pushed hard to allow for the organisers to be given more flexibility to use the public roads if the weather is foul ... Here's hoping.
  23. Mallory1 replied to iandouglas's post in a topic in The Bar
    This happened to me too ..... Friggin stupid birds aren't they? I carry nikwax visor proof spray and a cloth in my tank bag. I was cynical about whether this stuff would repel the rain well but it really is excellent. It's also a great cleaning product for bugs etc .... In fact I used it for that very reason when heading up to the north west 200 recently. Well worth spending a few scoobies on.
  24. Mallory1 replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in The Bar
    I chose mine after the famous mountaineer George Mallory who perished while trying to reach the summit of Everest - did he reach the summit? No one knows for sure. He was once asked 'why do you want to climb Everest?' His replied, 'Because its there.' Love that type of thinking. Why do I chose to commute every day on a motorbike when it's usually wet and cold, takes time to gear up and get the bike ready, puts my life at greater risk on the roads??? Because I can. I can see why motorcycling can look like it makes no sense sometimes. But when 2 (polite) bikers pass each other with a nod, I like to think that they are both making a subtle statement to themselves and everyone else ..... Because we can. Or they've both just sneezed at the same time.