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  1. RamboLt posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hello fellow bikers I am still trying to fix my RXS 100 and now working on the exhaust. Basically, it's f*****.. downpipe is full of holes, exhaust baffle is maybe two times shorter (burned ? ). I don't think it is possible to fix anything so I have decided to buy new parts. The only problem is... there are none. So, does anyone now if parts from similar bikes like ( YB 100, FS1E ) would fit ? On a picture, they look like they should fit, however I would feel a lot more confident if I can get some advices Tomas
  2. Hi mate ! Normanton... beautiful place to live in Actually I've lived in Derby for about 3 years now, but I'am originally from Lithuania. Came here to study in Derby Univesity.
  3. Hello again, sorry for being rude and not introducing myself.. But, I've already done it and hope someone will give me some tips or hints
  4. hi, I'm Tomas and have just recently bought a Yamaha RXS 100. What a brilliant it is ! It definately has this classic feel and look. However because of it's age (1989) it needs a little bit of tlc, so I'm realy looking forward to join this community and find out as much as possible about these lovely bikes
  5. Hi, I've just bought Yamaha RXS 100 and besides other "issues" I am a bit worried about a security of a bike. I've seen some ingnition locks on ebay, it suits the model and the year ( mine's is 1989), however, I am not sure if it works by just replacing ingnition lock. Do I need any aditional works to be done ?By the way, where do you guys keep your locks ? I have noticed a bit of storage lack on a bike and don't really want to buy one of those ugly looking plastic boxes that you usually fix at the back. Cheers, Tomas.