Everything posted by Retrohowla
Dt2 wiring diagram
No i didnt? I figured this was the cause of the lights blowing but dont know what its for? I have the rectifier connected (up by the coil yes?) and obv battery but no idea where the spare wire went?
Dt2 wiring diagram
Well i got the bike together and running today, not without a few hiccups though. It was jumping out of gear all the time, turns out the previous owner had lost the selector drum locating dowel so i had to make a new one, shes all good now. Got it moted today, then on the way home all the lights blew Back to square one with the electrics i guess!
Dt2 wiring diagram
Thanks Chris, its a red wire im trying to identify, it come out of the main loom, not the engine loom. I would love a colour diagram, im at [email protected] that would be great thank you. As for the bikes year, i identified it from a tread on the Yamahaenduro forum about a week or so ago when i ran into trouble with some parts i ordered, that forum has some great info on it but i cant seem to get on it any more? Original colour is orange i think Thanks again your a star
Dt2 wiring diagram
Brilliant, thank you! I dont suppose you would know what the extra live wire is for that comes out of the loom next to the air box do you? It's not shown on the schematic?
Dt2 wiring diagram
Hi guys, does anyone have a colour wiring diagram for a 1972 dt2? I did get sent a link from a kind chap on the enduro forum but i no longer seem to be able to access the forum or and links i was sent I think it must be a proxy server issue or something?? Anyway, im stuck on a few items with my loom and could really use someone's help here. Any advice would be gratefully received
What got you into bikes
Thanks, one of those situations you remember so vividly even years on. I quickly learnt that i was never going to afford to own more then one motorcycle on a Mech's wage, so now i make the petrol we all love to burn and own 5
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Oh and thanks for the shock link, however i have just found a chap who can supply pattern shocks to match the originals over here. They look identical, have 325mm centres, eye eye fitting and trail type soft progressive springs for trail use. If they turn out to be the ticket i will post up a link
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Hi tommy, thanks for the info, i really don't know what i have engine wise, in the past i think someone has been playing and really messed it up. My engine has a 24mm crank pin, now i believe most DT1's have a 25mm pin? Also, i have a reed valve cylinder, telling me i have the later top end i guess if not a later bike all together. (Yamaha dated it as 1970 but everything else points to a later model) Also, i have a later piston kit fitted, the type with a dykes top ring Now i have just inspected the barrel to see if i can tell where the piston was topping out at, shame as i have already honed the bore and cant quite tell where it was falling at tdc. Should the DT1 stroke finish with the piston right at the top of the bore, or slightly lower? Im in a right mess here, the crank is at the machine shop so i cant put it back together and check the stroke, i don't know if the bike ran ok on this set up or not either as i have never ridden it, it seemed to have good compression as i recall but im trying to think back 8 years here. I think i need to go back to the drawing board, do a dry build on the motor and check the stroke etc. I t would be very helpful if i knew what on earth i have here, as at the moment i don't know what's what.
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Well i got my con-rod kit through today, bit of a disappointment as its not the same as what's in the bike. Basically its all OK apart from the conrod length, the one I've been sent has 130mm centres and the one fitted to my bike has 125mm centres? Can anyone shed any light on this as Keith at Motolink says the dt1 should have a 130mm centres con-rod? Anyway he's been very helpful and is sending the 125mm rod down but now I'm worried there may be port timing problems if my barrel does not match the stroke properly. So now I'm confused, Yamaha dated my frame as 1970, my engine number matches my frame number but i have 72/3 bodywork and it seems a 72/3 engine? I wonder what else i am going to struggle with when i get this back together? Also, I'm struggling to source a new set of rear shocks for it, has anyone found a supplier? Looks like it wont be on the road soon after all
Hello from Southampton
Thanks foamy, it does seem a very friendly forum indeed, already had loads of helpful replies and made great progress on my latest project.
What got you into bikes
When i was little my dad had a CD250u that he commuted on, then it sat on the drive for years under a cover, i used to pull the cover back and make brum brum noises whilst barely reaching the bars and certainly not the pegs, i begged him to keep it till i was old enough to ride it, sadly he didn't and sold it for £50 when i was about 10, needless to say i shed a tear or twelve. 3 years later a new friend made at secondary school has a motocross bike and his dad was seriously cool (reads 'very relaxed towards letting 12/13 year olds try and kill themselves') Needless to say i went straight home and begged to be allowed a dirt bike: NO NO NO NO NO AND NO, FOR THE FINAL TIME NO was the answer i got. So pocket money was saved and i proceeded to purchase a mid 70's C70 from a very unnerving chap, smoking a roll up, lurking behind a block of garages after school one day for the sum of £5. Its new home was to be said friends laid back dad's back garden, but en route i bumped into PC Plod, was accused of stealing it, had the numbers checked and cleared and sent on my way with the biggest adrenalin rush i had ever experienced! The next couple of years flew by with all my spare time spent dicing with death at my friends place and out on the dirt, going from C70 to DT80 to DT250, none of which the folks ever knew anything about My 16th birthday was approaching, my mates parents were buying them 50cc trailies left right and centre, i gathered my best evidence for my case and presented to my parents: NO NO NO NO NO AND NO AGAIN, hmmm i need more leverage i thought. After a couple more months and my exams approaching, i had the plan, an apprenticeship, an apprenticeship that's not on a public transport route and too far to cycle, it has to work, it just has to! The jobs papers were read front to back, the folks were off my back as i seemed to be trying to make something of my life instead of moaning about how hard done by i was, then there it was, the job i had been looking for, all the criteria matched, apprentice truck mechanic (motorcycle mechanic would have been better but beggars cant be choosers) in the right location, out of cycling distance, off the main drag. A cv was posted and i franticly started to refurbish an old mini cylinder head i had in the shed (part of a school project) to show the potential employer i had more potential than the next 16 year old waste of skin. I listened smugly as i over hear mother on the phone one evening telling a relative how much i had grown up lately and how i was applying for jobs already, if only she knew. I come home from school one day to find an answer phone message for me, I HAD AN INTERVIEW! The mini's newly refurbed cylinder head was wrapped in clean rags and placed in a sports holdall by the front door, 3 days before the interview, those were the longest 3 days of my life i think. Sat in a garage managers office wearing a shirt and tie bought specially for the occasion, mother outside waiting in the car, i proceeded to impress with my knowledge of engines (all be it very limited) and sensing the moment was right, produced the cylinder head 'If this don't swing it nothing will' i think. The managers eyes light up, he asked if i did it all myself, i say my dad showed me how to do the first valve and i did the rest, i even asked if he had a straight edge and feelers to show him the head was out of true and needed a skim "When can you start" asks the Manager "Tomorrow is good for me" i reply, soon to be shot down in flames with the reminder he wouldn't see me miss my exams, so could start as soon as they finish. Parents over the moon i stay quiet and revise for exams, then, worried i wouldn't be able to get a bike in time i broach the subject "So obviously im going to have to get a bike to get to work after my exams" "No no, you can get the bus." "But the bus doesn't run past there in time for me to get to work, i already checked" They both wrack their brains for an hour or so, coming up with ridiculous ways of getting to work, non of witch were practical at all, "Well you will have to finance it yourself and insure it yourself" "No problem, i have been saving" was my reply. The very next week i took my cbt and purchased a 1985 Honda MT50, my very first road legal bike, 6 months later i took my restricted licence just after my 17th birthday and motorcycles were my sole transport for the next 4 years. Needless to say i have always had a bike on the road ever since that MT50 and hope life allows me to continue like this for many years to come. I think i just wanted what i wasn't allowed to have as a child.....................A Bloody good time! Oh and my parents met at a motorcycle club when they were 18, but yet the seemed intent on steering me away from 2 wheels for the rest of their lives
Can it be leaner legal?
As a new member myself, i wanted to add that so far every one that has replied to my posts has been very nice and very helpful, definitely not tough and i have managed to progress my project massively in just a couple of days thanks to members on here, this is a great place to be if you ride.
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
I knew it was rare when i bought it as i had never seen or heard of it before and i like my classic dirt bikes so kinda got me interested straight away, bought it blind nearly 8 years ago and never even rode it, fogged the engine and put a sheet over it in the back of the lock up. Turned its wheels for the first time sine then this week..............onto the flat bed and up home. The strip down has revealed a very good motor, nothing really needs replacing but i like to do things properly when it come to the motor so new con rod kit on the way, main bearings and seals, gearbox seals and bearings, new gasket set and a ist oversize rebore. New points and condensor and anything else i consider consumable. As for the rolling chassis, new steering races, fork seals, rear shocks and that's about all that needs. I'm not going for concourse as its going to get used and used well so i don't want to be afraid of scratching it but it will be loved non the less and constantly fettled to keep her prime. So that's where i'm at, stripped down, awaiting parts for full rebuild of the motor(be here monday), paint for the frame and swinger, polish for the rims etc and fit the bearings to the headstock. Hope for an Mot late next week
Hello from Southampton
I think we all like them clean, just a shame so many classics are abused these days!
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Thanks Chrisp, yes the more i look around the more it looks like a DT2/3, strange that Yamaha has dated the frame number as 1970? Engine number matches the frame number also?? Well even though it seems to be a bitsa, its all there and pretty tidy so should be worth what im spending so far should i decide to move her on at a later date. Do you know roughly what these fetch in nice (not mint or 100% original) condition?
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
From what i can make out the tank looks 72/73 ish? Is that about right?
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
And some more Can anyone date these body panels and head/barrel?
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Here is my first shot at uploading pics, hope it works
how much?
Jokes aside, depending of quality of restoration, if the motor is fully rebuilt etc etc, £1500 imo, but its varies greatly on who if anyone wants to buy it. I sold my last TZR125 a long time ago in very very good condition with a FULL engine rebuild for under a grand, but these days providing its totally mint, they have been known to go for closer to 2k
A dt 175 mx Problem.
From memory my last 175mx had the cdi located behind the right hand side panel nearest to the rear upright of the frame, although i think it varied with what year they were made. I could be wrong, its 2 years since i sold the bike now and only have a bitsa bike now.
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Got in touch with Keith at Motolink today, he seems to think my engine is a very early dt1 due to the 24mm crank pin i have, had it been the later 25mm pin he could have supplied a con rod kit no problem but hes looking into it for me now. I also seem to have a DT250 twin shock piston fitted at present so replacing this will be no bother. I will try an upload some pics of the body work for you guys to see what you think in a bit. Hopefully you will be able to tell me what year its from.
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
I have had the chassis dated by yamaha and they came back with feb 1970?, its the engine i was after a date for, (dt1f 110030) it seems the crank cases have the same number as the chassis but the top end is not original due to having reed valves? Thanks Tommy for the link, i will email him Thanks again guys Look forward to hearing your views on the chassis/engine number
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Thanks guys, i didn't expect anyone to reply if im honest! Thanks Tommy for the links that will prove very usefull. My bike looks almost identical to the red/brown/bronze one above, tank is the same, pipe is the same, fenders the same, etc etc, although its been resprayed dark blue at some point the original colour of the tank looks to be orange. As for bearings and seals i have sourced all of them from a local bearing supplier who was very helpful, every crank and gearbox bearing and seals all for £100, didn't think that was too bad. All i have left to find is the con rod, i have done alot of research and found that the 1977 yz250 should be the same and Yambits list a conrod kit for this model so its looking brighter already. All thats left to find is the piston kit but the one thats in there looks decidedly dt250mx to me so maybe someone has fitted this previously when they couldn't get the earlier one? I have been looking on the ebay usa site but would like to find things in the uk if poss due to my last 3 packages from the us all getting hit by import duties, maybe i was unlucky but it made it alot more costly as they added their handling fee as well Oh and can anyone date and model my engine from the cankcase number? Thanks again guys, its nice to know there are other people out there working on similar stuff.
1970 DT1? I'm not so sure? Can anyone help find parts?
Ok so i finally pulled my old 1970 DT1 out of storage yesterday after 8 Years in the dark, i bought it blind back then, never started it just put it away for when i had the time and money to do it up, well i still have neither but its about time the old girl went back on the road so here goes! Firstly im not sure its all original, for a start it has reed valves and a dykes top piston ring, am i correct in thinking this could be post 73' top end? Also the air box has been scrapped making me think maybe post 73 carb too? The most pressing issues for me at the moment are, it needs a piston kit and con rod kit and i dont know what to buy and from where, if it is the later top end then piston kit is no issue but can anyone confirm this for me? Secondly, the crank cases say DT1-F so con rod i guess needs to be DT1? Any ideas where i can get one? Also crank seals etc?
Hello from Southampton
Hi guys, just discovered you here so thought i would sign up, love my old Yami dirt bikes and figure i might pick up some valuable tips in a place like this.