Everything posted by Toutsuite
Foamys Ponderspace...
Technically, there is no such thing as "nothing". Quantum foam at the Plank scale and all that..
Foamys Ponderspace...
a - no, we're not descended from chimps, chimps share an ancestor with us (going back 6 million years). b - no, I don't work at Tesco's. I shop there though!
Foamys Ponderspace...
Ah, the Panspermia hypothesis. Very possible.
Foamys Ponderspace...
Right, let's set the record straight: anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens) , evolved in southern Africa, have been around about 200,000 years. Evolved from homo erectus, a species that was around for 1.8 million years and itself migrated out of Africa way before modern humans, as far as east Asia. Neanderthals evolved from populations of h.erectus in Europe about 350,000 years ago and are said to be exclusively European. They went extinct 35,000 years ago, probably due to climate change, and not being as adaptable as H Sapiens. However, as almost all modern Europeans have Neanderthal DNA (between 1-3% of total genome), obviously some interbreeding occurred. This means that H Sapiens and H Neanderthalensis were not completely distinct species since interbreeding was possible. The whole homo genus evolved from one or more of the australopithecine species ("southern apes"). Modern humans are therefore a species of ape (along with chimps, gorillas and orangutangs). Humans and chimps "split", that is shared a common ancestor, 6 million years ago, and the "split" with gorillas happened 8 million years ago.
petrol pump game
I've seem game footage. That 3rd person view, very console-y! Where's my cockpit goddamit? It's supposed to be a space sim! That said, I don't want to take away your enjoyment of that game, just sayin' not my cuppa. ;-)
petrol pump game
I never played freelancer. Too arcadey. Played the Freespace series though, as well as the x wing/tie fighter games from lucasarts, I-war 1&2, and of course Frontier and Frontier First Encounters. The last two were particularly bastard-hard to play as they used a strictly Newtonian flight model. As did the I-war games. I've owned a few joysticks in my time, my current one is an old Logitech force-feedback model (back when they still used to make those at reasonable prices!). Still going strong, but I may have to get another one due to its centre zone being a bit wonky. Works fine in Microsoft FSX, but not much else.
Exhaust noise/Engine noise?
The vance & hines cruzers (with baffles) on my draggie are loud as fuck if given the beans, so I generally keep the revs down around the neighbourhood. Bet it was his cruiser's exhausts he drilled holes in! Sheesh, when will some people learn, it's not just about volume, it's about tone!
scooter numpty
I shouted at a scooter numpty today. Evening rush hour traffic in New Cross Gate (sarf east London) and he's trying to filter while looking at his sodding i-phone! Just too stupid to live...
petrol pump game
Yes, pretty graphics on SC, but I don't like the flight dynamics from what I've seen. Looks and feels like an FPS with added z-axis. Also do I really need a spaceship modelled to such an extent that it includes a working toilet? Elite Dangerous on the other hand looks like it might involve some serious piloting skills! (rubs hands in gleeful anticipation).
petrol pump game
Or how about the new Elite game that's coming out in 2014? 400 billion star systems, the entire galaxy procedurally generated and simulated. You can be a trader, pirate, bounty hunter, explorer... http://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=30 See you in space, AD 3235!
Ladies - Recommend me a bike?
Honda CB500. Can't go wrong with that, and a fair few on the market for under the kilopound!
bicycle boxes
It would be these 'ere things: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/transport/60-fines-and-cctv-crackdown-on-drivers-who-stop-in-bike-boxes-at-traffic-lights-8635559.html although apparently this is a London thing (for now...) Cheers, Boris...
bicycle boxes
Hey folks, today a nice police lady informed me that in the near future, if I get caught sitting on the green bicycle box at traffic lights with my MOTORbike, I'll get fined 120 smackers and get three points on my license. Oh joy! I mean seriously 3 points? Like when you get caught speeding? Because it's just as bad/dangerous? Sure give the cagers 3 points when they do it, with their fat arses taking up all the space on the green box but bikers? Come ooooooon! Grumph. And indeed harrumph...
10 points - COMBO BONUS!
Nope. Still can't figure out how he managed to do that...
ticking 950 MS
might be a bad clutch basket?
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
I like a good firm feel to the break levers, so it's kinda what I'm after.
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
Cheers mate, that's really useful!
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
Thanks peeps, the consensus would be yes then! I'll have a look at the HEL ones as well.
stainless brake hose, yes or no?
Anyone have a stainless break hose fitted to their bike? Do they actually improve breaking? I'm thinking of getting this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-XVS650-DRAG-STAR-97-03-Goodridge-Stainless-Front-Brake-Line-Race-Kit-/400364533890?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item5d3795f882 Any thoughts?
Miles to a tank
We really are very sorry that we've failed to live up to your high expectations of being the font of absolutely any and all knowledge of Yamaha bikes. Since you feel that this renders not only this site redundant, but each individual member of it redundant as well, because you came perilously close to thinking about using Google for yourself without anyone there to hold your hand and/or spoon feed any information you require, at the instant you require it, we can only collectively, profusely apologise for our rank inadequacy, and promise to nip off and kill ourselves at the earliest opportunity. We wish you all the best in getting everything you want in future, without having to expend the slightest effort in doing so.
Miles to a tank
A forum such as this acts as a node of information garnered from multiple sources outside the forum itself, from personal experience of members to yes, you guessed it, Google and other search engines. Its purpose is the collection and exchange of this information as well as social interaction between mostly likeminded individuals with a shared interest in two-wheeled propulsion. Therefore your extremely poorly thought out "argument" boils down to: "Why should I be bothered to look something up when someone else should have done it for me?"
Best way to quieten an exhaust
It's possible there's a hole in the exhausts already, as they may originally had baffles in them that were taken out. If not then drilling a small hole will be necessary; not actually hard though.
- Accurate Duck tales
Miles to a tank
If the carbs were rejetted to work with straight-through pipes with no baffles (fairly large size jets), and you put the stock exhaust back on, then the bike is now running ridiculously rich, hence the poor mileage. Either rejet back to stock, or get a nice set of pipes. Then you'll see 50-60 mpg, probably more.
How often do you clean your motor cycle?
Minimum once every couple of weeks for my draggie... lots of chrome you see! The give her a once over, check for missing things, leaking things, the usual...