Everything posted by Toutsuite
Dropped the damned bike !!!
Ouch man I feel for ya. Dropped the Draggie once, shortly after fitting shiny new v&h exhausts on her. I was sitting on the bike doing a back-pedal into a parking space when she just keeled to the right. Probably lost my balance due to tiredness. I managed to slow her down, but she still hit the floor and I nearly gave myself a hernia. Pipes were slightly scratched as a result, but thankfully underneath so not immediately visible. The cb500 has been dropped couple of times too: once when the kickstand didn't seem to do it's job, and once when I found it on its side in the morning after someone or thing knocked it over. New bar ends, levers, and a big dent in my shiny new Fuel can!
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
And Lo and Behold, the rubber duct (no quacking jokes please) arrived in the post this afternoon! My airbox is now as it should be! Will test ride her Sunday morning as we're expecting a bit of sunshine darn sarf east Laahdun. Edit Sunday night: she's running sweet as a nut!
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
Oh same here Campa, I'm just being fernickety! She passed the MOT anyways.
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
Cheers guys, one more part to order then!
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
By the way, does anyone know if it's possible to adjust the front lever brake light switch? I have to really squeeze on the lever before the brake light comes on.
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
Update 2: before taking her for her MOT today, I experimented with some ducktape over about half the intake where the duct should be, thereby restricting airflow. This has sorted the hesitation, and I've got full power back. Duct is on back order and takes a month(!) to get here from Japan. So 2-3 weeks to go. Won't get much riding on the draggie in that time anyway, unless we get a freak heat wave or summat (unlikely)... Once the part arrives, and her airbox is back to what it should be, I think I'll get one of them K&N filters, see if I can squeeze a bit more power from that engine, since I got fairly free flowing pipes anyway. I suspect the k&n filter will necessitate another re-jet.
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
Update: looking at the schematics for the air filter housing, it looks like I'm missing a duct in the assembly, before the airflow reaches the filter. Have ordered the part from Fowlers. Will see if that does anything.
Dragrtar 650 throttle hesitation
Hi folks, This afternoon I noticed some throttle hesitation. It happens in the mid-range revs, not down low at idle, and it happens when I give it the beans. Worse when engine cold, better but still noticeable when engine has warmed up. Bear in mind it was 8 deg C on the roads this afternoon. Engine is not running rough otherwise. Possible causes? Carbs need cleaning? Leak in the air intake? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
early facebook commercial
Um, Facebook started in 2004. I take it this ad is some sort of piss-take?
XVS / XVS Dragstar
Yup, 650. I was drawn by its looks. It just looked right compared to all the other 2nd hand jap cruisers going at the time. The equivalents from the other brands are the suzuki intruder 800, the kawasaki vulcan 800 or 900 (depending on year), the honda shadow 750, and the triumph america. There's a lot of help available here so no worries!
My Dragstar 650 Custom '02
Update: replaced the oem screen with a rather slimmer and better looking one (the ranger from national cycle). Oh, and a new saddle.
XVS / XVS Dragstar
Here's mine.
who wants a city trip on the back of this?
The very streets I learned to ride on (on an old Honda CM200). Not like that though... The dickhead above was apparently a motorbike magazine journalist, and is long since deceased. Guess how...
I don't think there's ever been anyone here that's gone beyond braided hoses and sintered pads tbh. Not on a cruiser anyway. Remember its a big heavy bike, so you need to adjust your braking habits as well.
looking for a custom
Ok that's interesting. Go for the Draggie 650 then, the riding height is plenty low, but be prepared to change the rear monoshock at some stage (it's prone to rust and snapping at the base with wet weather riding).
looking for a custom
Keep the divvy for your daily commute. Get a cruiser (draggie 650 and above) for your weekend fun. That's what I did. Cruisers like rain and salt even less than other bikes do. They're great (I have the draggie 650 myself) but they are no substitute for a workhorse commuter like the divvy (or in my case a Honda CB500).
If you Dont have a Garage
Bike theft is apparently unheard of in Churmaniee...
Cobra exhaust and engine bars for XVS1300 (2007-2013)
Holy dead thread resurrection batman! You can order them from the States, from Smartpartz. Google is your friend.
Dragstar Sparkplug reading
Think I might try a k&n filter since the plugs appear to be a smidge on the rich side. See what that does...
Dragstar Sparkplug reading
Yeah noise, that makes sense. I meant darker on one side of the plug. They are about the same from one cylinder to the other.
Dragstar Sparkplug reading
Gap's fine, 0.8 to 0.9mm Noise in your experience with draggie sp's, are they darker on one side than the other?
New member of the Noise family
Congrats man!
Dragstar Sparkplug reading
They were taken off a cold engine, she had a good run on Sunday, two days previously. The threads are oily because they still had copper grease on them. The ends are dry.
Dragstar Sparkplug reading
Changed my plugs today on the Dragstar 650. Here are the old ones, they've been on about a year, about 4-5k miles: rear cylinder: front cylinder: Any of you chaps can give us a reading? Too lean/rich, hot/cold, just right, or not? Anything else? Edit: these pics show the darker side (oooh, Darth!). They are a much lighter tan on t' other side.
crap joke !
Man goes to the doctor. Doctor says: "look I'm afraid you're just going to have to stop masturbating." - "But why doctor?" - "So I can examine you!"