Everything posted by Toutsuite
Sunday ride ruined
So, spent the evening in Guildford hospital getting checked out after a hit-and-run on a roundabout knocked me off the bike. Thankfully it was at very low speed (<10mph) but my left shoulder/collarbone is injured - nothing broken, but damage to cartilage and ligament. The massive cunt in the black merc who caused this will be sad to hear that several witnesses saw what happened and got his/her license plate number. The police are keen to prosecute, as am I, and I believe a lawsuit on top of that may be in order.I'd like to offer huge thanks to the people who stopped and took care of me while i was prostrate on the ground, the ambulance crew who turned up in two minutes (just happened to be passing - err, thanks, Universe!), who treated me at the scene, the lovely people at the hospital, the entire NHS and police services, and lastly but by no means leastly, to my mate who was kind enough to drive all the way out to Guildford to take me home in southeast London. All-in-all, it could have been *much* worse.
Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
The bars were short enough to not require any cable mods. Any T-bar or drag bar should be ok for cables, unless ridiculously wide. Doesn't take long to do, but you'll need new grips as the old ones won't come off easily.
This one's for Grouch -
did he died?
Mexican weather through the eyes of an ozzie (nsfw)
Route through London?
Yeah, I second DirtyDT, North Circ from M4 to Wanstead, is how I would go. " Personally. I hate the shithole. But then im a country hick so..? " Yeah, but we go the best, most sophisticated, most diverse nightlife. So nyah!
Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
There you go...
Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
Ok, try the handlebars before you get the foot control extenders. Reason being, these bars will force you into a much more leaning forward position (tried it on my bike, went back to factory bars within a couple of weeks!), which combined with the stretched footpegs will probably make things uncomfortable. However since you're fairly tall, you probably have long arms so it might work out. Having said that I have a pair of 2nd hand t-bars I can sell you cheap! They are chrome though...
Customising my XVS1100
Huge improvement already! I didn't think those chrome arches looked too bad actually... Make sure they're not structurally necessary though. Were they thin and flimsy, or thick and sturdy? If the latter they might be meant to support the weight of a pair of saddlebags. Meanwhile have a play with adjusting the handlebars to where they feel most comfortable.
Customising my XVS1100
It doesn't and it isn't. It makes the grips look at a weird angle. On the other hand, the biggest (and usually most expensive) hassle in fitting apes is getting longer cables for everything: throttle (x2), clutch, electrics.
Customising my XVS1100
Hmm, I could have been fooled by the angle of the photo.
Customising my XVS1100
Yours is the custom, so I'd go with that. The one you have on now looks more like the classic, being a bit more plush. Your main seat is also off of a classic, the custom is a bit narrower and less padded. Not as comfy but looks nicer. Just start with removing the sissy bar. That should provide an immediate improvement in looks. I don't actually have anything against sissy bars as such, but yours is just a bit too tall and gothicky! You could also remove the pad for now, and see how that looks.
Customising my XVS1100
No "easy" swap. The easy solution is ditch the sissy bar (4 bolts), see if you can find a replacement pillion pad on ebay that doesn't have studs on it, and possibly respray the rear fender gloss black. You might also want to respray the tank and front fender the same colour as well. Alternatively, instead of painting the rear fender, get some saddlebags to partially cover it up. They'll look cool (remember, no studs, or conchos!), and they'll be practical as well.
Guy Martin going round TT at Isle of Man in hidef goPro. Insane.
Slightly bent handlebars
Issue was resolved via full refund. I had to take a hacksaw to the bars and email the shop in America a pic of the result as proof of destruction. All's well and all that... (except I still need to get me some new handlebars).
Slightly bent handlebars
Hi Cynic, it is indeed welded. I'll post some pics this evening.
Slightly bent handlebars
The only issue would be how damaged would the chrome finish be by either process...
FJ1200 recommended engine oil?
Is the oil used in diesels different from the oil used in petrol engined cars? And I'll second Slice: DIESEL oil ffs?
Slightly bent handlebars
So I got myself some t-bar whishbone type handlebars from America and there's a manufacturing defect. One of the tubes that's welded on to the main bar, that goes into the riser hole, is at a slightly (like 2-3 degrees) off angle to the other one. That means when installed on the bike they don't sit straight with the triple tree. I can see it and I can feel it. Returning it is possible but complicated. The shop has offered (as one option) a part refund if I keep the bars. Anyone know if could take these to a metalworks shop and have them straightened?
Man and Boy
for the classically minded...
V Star 1100 Oil recommendations
I've actually used fully synth Silkolene for v twins (now unfortunately discontinued) for the past 5 years. No probs. I've a write up of it somewhere on the forums. Will switch to the standard Silkolene fully synth 10w40 next oil change. I just like the smoothness a fully synth oil imparts to the engine and gear changes.
V Star 1100 Tyre recommendations
Must be whatever compound formula they're using at Avon, plus the fact cruisers tend to be ridden in fair weather...
V Star 1100 Tyre recommendations
Yup, Avons all the way! Mine have done at least 15k miles on the draggie, the front looks like it might need changing in the next 5-7k miles, the back looks barely scrubbed-in! And I've got roadriders on my CB500, fantastic handling in all conditions (except wet manhole covers, those are as bad as black ice!)
worlds most dangerous rides
Just checking!
worlds most dangerous rides
Fake. Not only are some of those machines impossible to engineer to do those things, the acceleration forces involved would turn the punters into jam. Literally.
XVS950A new bike
Very nice! Are the pipes baffled? Cobra do a set of "quiet" baffles: http://www.thehogfatheronline.com/baffle-quiet-core-24.html?fee=5&fep=321081&gclid=CjwKEAiAw4e1BRDfi7vghaWU9jESJACzo9jukczhAzhtSyiv7cEuxfX-E4cm2fRCfhcCY1pARENtpxoC1n3w_wcB It'll still be loud, but somewhat more reasonable.