Everything posted by Toutsuite
Sunday ride ruined
Update #3: Letter from the police arrived today, informing me the case has been heard at Guildford Magistrates and for the offences of 1) driving without due care and attention, and 2) failing to report a road traffic collision, Bellend-who-cannot-drive-for-shit-and-who-is-a-terrible-person has been fined £250, plus £80 costs, plus £30 surcharge (oooooh, that must have stung!), given 7 points on his license, and banned from driving for 6 months. No custodial sentence, no ban for 18 months, and the fine is a fucking joke. This cunt lives on his own estate in Yorkshire and drives an £80K car. It's like a normal person being fined 70p.
Time for a change or an addition
Poor old draggies... Still love mine.
- WTF?
I wonder if that's a mask or CG...
Sunday ride ruined
Update no. 2: Court date set for mid November. Bellend to be charged with driving without due care and attention. No insurance payout yet, and not likely until after bellend has been convicted.
tommy and myself out for a bimble
Feckn' eedjits!
Give me compliments!
No, I categorically deny that! My kookiness is entirely my own!
Give me compliments!
sunday drivers
Apart from the general malaise of our species being, on average, stupid pricks, being in a metal cage confers a feeling of safety that promotes an "ah fuck him(her), they'll use their brakes!" attitude. For my part, I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT for driverless cars. Pull your finger out Google! The sheer amount of Stupid that will be removed from the roads is breathtaking to contemplate.
Finally Happened
Roundabouts... fucking roundabouts. And the fucking cunts who drive among us. And the lesser spotted fucking cunts who don't stop to help a man lying under his bike at the side of the road. Really sorry about this Grouch, I hope there's some cctv footage of this...
Advice needed for exhausts?
Point one: you know, down here in the South, it sometimes gets hot enough for people to roll down their windows! Point two: loud does not necessarily mean obnoxious. The pipes the OP is talking about actually have baffles in them, they are not entirely straight through (and neither are my v&h cruzers). The tone of a v-twin engine, especially a big one, is low down and throaty. On the other hand, a sportsbike redlining at 18k revs, or a KTM single thumper with straight through pipes - now that's obnoxious... Point three: even with closed windows, drivers in all directions seem to be able to hear me - most of the time! (there's no cure for terminal doziness...)
Advice needed for exhausts?
First off, welcome to the forum. I'm assuming your v&h's are these? Now, you mention you find the popping to be an annoyance, but what about the exhaust note itself? Is that fine or too loud or what? Sourcing original mufflers would be a pain: new, they would be eye-wateringly expensive, 2nd hand on ebay would be much cheaper, but they're bound to be a bit dinged up/rusty. Plus, look at the video. Hear how they sound? Quieter, yes, but also like a sewing machine rather than a cruiser. If there is excessive popping it's probably because whoever put them on did not re-jet the carbs. Rejetting to the correct fuel/air ratio will greatly reduce - though not eliminate - popping. My advice? Get the bike down to a dyno and let them rejet it properly and scientifically! Won't cost that much (mine was about £90). Cruisers are supposed to have "presence", and believe me, you'll thank your loud pipes each time they snap some dozy driver out of their semi-comatose state long enough for them to notice you're there!
Groucho Marx sayings
Groucho: "I would never join a club that would have me as a member!"
Difference between Dragstar 1100 and V-Star 1100 (custom)
None. It's called the v-star in America, because someone didn't tell the Japanese that "Drag Star" means performing transvestite in English! As long as they are both the custom model, you'll be fine.
Sunday ride ruined
So, a bit of an update: bike is finally back from the insurance approved garage. Nothing fixed yet, as 3rd party insurer took their time to admit liability. After failing to contact their own client(!), they now accept liability on good faith. The bike needed to be back so it could get MOT'd, taxed and insured, all of which run out this month. So my insurer tells me this will be a cash-in-lieu matter, as the important repair (the footpeg) is an easy and cheap fix, and everything else I can do myself (screen, mirrors, levers, etc). However, upon replacing the footpeg assembly with the new one, it is clear that the gear shifter is also bent. Not too bad,but somewhat unsightly. My options are 1) get a new one from Fowlers (about £60) which probably won't be covered by the insurance as it was not listed in the damaged items (I think); 2) buy a length of steel pipe from Wickes and attempt to bend it back into shape. I think the lever is steel, not aluminium (feels heavy enough), so it should be ok.
why motorcyclists should pray before their ride
Amazed the bike didn't stop afterwards... just to get over the shock, have a change of underwear, take the soiled underwear and ram it down the throat of the pissed-up russkie bastard who caused it....
Bike involved in a smash
What the fuck is it with roundabouts and dozy cager fucks? They seem to not smash into each other that much...
Am I turning into a hairy ex-biker?
Joking aside, it sounds delicious!
Am I turning into a hairy ex-biker?
Poor Monkfish, having his balls battered!
Just bought my first bike, not sure about the mods...
Hi Tombstone, I don't know if you can add a rear seat without reinstalling a stock rear fender. A "Bobber" or a bike that has been "bobbed", is an old fashioned term for cutting bits off a bike to make it lighter. It was a very blue-collar / working class thing to do in the States back in the 40's and 50's, when a lot of army surplus bikes were going cheap. So one of the things that got "bobbed" off was the rear fender, which was usually cut short, and the rear seat removed. It might be possible to stick a rear seat pad on to that fender, *if* the stock girder has been kept underneath the fender. If not... then you'll have to get one, along with a stock fender. I'd go 2nd hand and respray matt black to match the rest.
Holy ____
Yup. Attempted murder right there. Hope somebody got that license plate number! Edit: ok looks like they did. Good.
Sunday ride ruined
Thanks jimmy, my insurance is handling the personal injury legal stuff, but I'll keep this guy in mind.
Sunday ride ruined
Well, £250k is the upper end of the scale for models with that engine, but in any case, they are going to pay.
Sunday ride ruined
UPDATE: looks like the car that hit me was a 2016 AMG 5.5L merc. Also got my baby back. She has near-miraculously escaped major damage: nothing on the tank - can't quite figure out how, but I suspect it's the fact that she has panniers and the passenger pegs are always left in the out position. Minor scratches on left mirror, and on edge of clutch lever. Left saddlebag has had its buckles ripped off (so will need replacing). Some scratching on the v&h exhausts where the idiot's car made contact. Might replace them. Only major thing is the left footpeg assembly is bent and needs replacing, as does -perhaps- the gear shifter as well.
Sunday ride ruined
On a small roundabout (no lanes). I'd stopped, waiting for a car to pass coming from the right. All clear, I proceed intending to take the 2nd exit which meant going round to the right, with my right indicator on the whole time, and occupying the centre of the road. This massive fuck knuckle comes up from behind, thinks he can squeeze his merc between me and the inner curb of the roundabout. He hits me on my rear-right, as I'm turning along the roundabout (single lane remember), I go flying off leftwards, and the bike lands on its left side (and I land on my left shoulder). Damage appeared superficial: folded left footpeg, some other bits. I was in a bit of a state so didn't get a careful look.