Everything posted by Toutsuite
- ACF50
draggie exhaust leak
Job done! Had to drill two extra 8mm holes next to the exisiting ones in the metal plate holding the back end of the rear exhaust in place so that the whole thing aligns *correcty* (ya hear that Vance&Hines?? )...Oh and had to reuse the old gasket because Wemoto sent me one that was the wrong size - that's the second part they've sent me that doesn't fit - but there is now no more leakage. The new bolts worked a treat as well. I'll get the proper OEM gasket next week and fit that one to be sure. Thanks for all the advice guys!
draggie exhaust leak
That makes sense Campaman thanks.
draggie exhaust leak
My thinking behind adding a second gasket: if there's nothing wrong with the one already in there, (and there shouldn't as I installed the exhaust myself less than a year ago and put a new one in at the time), then perhaps a second one on top of it might allow for a more gastight seal if the problem is the pipe not sitting correctly on the rear cylinder exhaust outlet. But I'll try the new bolts first. Fingers crossed nothing gets f*cked while I gingerly take out the old ones...
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
Ah that was entirely my dum dum... removed the airfilter housing before taking off the tank to see if I could squeeze my fingers under there and save myself the trouble of removing the tank. Didn't put it back on quite properly so the air intake didn't seal with the filter assembly. Hence the loss of power. The engine got either too little air or too much. But basically I rode around for 25 miles with the engine partly sucking in unfiltered air! What a doofus! But once I put it back together *properly*, the engine and performance were to back to normal, i.e. great! Just hope I haven't done any damage... Oh one more thing: if you need a throttle cable, get an OEM one. The ones Wemoto sell aren't quite the right fit. The small bracket that screws into the switch housing is different (it won't fit), and the metal u-bend thing is too small to acommodate the master cylinder / mirror assembly. You can jury-rig them on, if you're desperate, but it's best to get the OEM for this one. Wemoto were good about it though, they'll refund the cables once I send them back! And all the other stuff I've got from them is great!
draggie exhaust leak
Seems I have a bit of blow from where the rear header connects to the rear cylinder. (I don't think there's a hole in the pipe itself). I don't think I can safely tighten those rusty old allen bolts any more. I've two shiny new ones on order, but I was wondering if adding a second aluminum fibre gasket might sort out the problem. What do you guys think?
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
...except I won't be because I'm now getting mid-throttle "hesitation". One f*cking thing after another! Could it be the cable not quite fitting properly? Something somehow got up the fuel line when I removed the tank?
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
Well I've managed to somehow rig the cable on, despite both the bracket that attaches to the switch housing and the metal u-bend on the end of the cable being the wrong size. Wemoto are trying to source the proper cable for me. At least I can do some riding in the meantime...
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
Well I gave it a go myself in the end; was wary of removing the tank, but it was not too hard to do. However, there's a problem with the new cable in that the washer thingy that fixes to the switch/throttle housing with a small screw is the wrong size and shape. First time Wemoto have let me down... Will be on the phone to them tomorrow.
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
Thanks for the response mate. This might be a bit beyond my current dyi skills, so I think I'll just bite the bullet and get a mobile mechanic to install it for me. Cheers!
how fast is your bike
Well my draggie can make the Kessel run in less than five parsecs! So niah!
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
How easy/difficult is it to replace the (main) throttle cable if anyone knows? Anyone have any instructions anywhere? Mine snapped this afternoon but thankfully it wasn't far from home and I managed to rig the cable to an old screwdriver and limp home!
Look at where he hits the rail: I'd say this has all happened before, many times!
The damn rain
Despicable f*cking weather... Rain, rain, go away... no seriously rain, why don't you just f*ck the f*ck off, NOW, and don't come back until some time in December?! And when that layabout Summer finally gets here, (2 months late the unreliable little f*cker!), it's gonna get a right ol' mouthful! Don't the Native Americans have an anti-rain dance? Like a sunshine dance, or a drought dance, or something? ENOUGH WITH THE FECKING RAIN ALREADY!!!
LOVE the game! Reeeaaaally like this vid!! It's so well done!
XVS650 help and info
custom cruisers uk is where I got mine, although they're vinyl. You can get leather ones but expect to pay anywhere between 200 to 500 quid for a pair.
Back after 2 weeks....
Congrats to the happy couple of taskmasters!
Yamaha XVS 650 Dragstar - Fat Rear End
This kind of modification will cost you several times what you paid for the bike.
Yamaha Stryker and Raider: not for the likes of us?
Not that I'm in the market for a new bike or anything but I have noticed the Yanks get a more extensive selection of Yammy cruisers than the current measly 3 available in the Uk. Especially the Stryker: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=yamaha+stryker&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HOrPT6mGGoSf0QW0o83JCw&sqi=2&ved=0CGQQsAQ&biw=1310&bih=700 And the Raider: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=yamaha+stryker&hl=en&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HOrPT6mGGoSf0QW0o83JCw&sqi=2&ved=0CGQQsAQ&biw=1310&bih=700#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=yamaha+raider&oq=yamaha+raider&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_l=img.3..0l10.198635.200848.0.202057.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=cdfa8e29da0b37d3&biw=1310&bih=700 Those bikes are just porn in the form of metal man!
Poor Hamster got "shot"
...or maybe it had a heart attack?
New set of Avon Venoms on xvs650
Loving my venom/cobra tyres! The bike is much more surefooted, and I'm much more confident leaning into bends and corners at all speeds.
Motorway Lane Splitting Into London
Well, it's a cool angle, but not for 7 minutes!
Riding/Lane Splitting in London
To all the gentle country squires commenting here: it may seem extreme to you, but that is about the only way to ride through London traffic. Allow me to explain: just as on a motorway, where you need to be going above a certain speed in order to keep up with most of the other vehicles and therefore stay safe, so in London rush-hour traffic, you need a riding style sufficiently aggressive and assertive in order to stay alive. Granted, some of the hairier bits of passing between lorries in the video are not something I would ordinarily do, but then: 1) I ride a dragstar 650 and she's not quite as nimble as a streetbike, scooter, or other commuter and 2) my commute is only 4 miles (20mins door to door). And hairy as it may seem in the video, it's cyclists (especially women) who mostly get crushed under lorries' wheels, rather than (moto)bikers, though I'm willing to concede the opposite if someone can point me towards some authoritative stats. As for the accusation made by someone upthread about no regard for other users' safety, the most reckless behaviour in the video was from pedestrians crossing the road wherever and whenever they randomly bloody well felt like it, rather than using the crossings designed for that very purpose. "Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner" and all that, but I've become totally used to seeing this kind of riding, even before I took up biking again, so wasn't particularly shocked by what I saw. I should also mention I cut my biking teeth in Athens in my youth, and if you can negotiate traffic on a bike in that town, you can ride anywhere in western Europe!
XVS 125 Exhausts
+1 on what neversaydie said. 125 draggies with aftermarket pipes just sound like obnoxiously loud mopeds. You need more displacement in your cylinders before you can get a decent sound. Just enjoy riding your new bike around until you can get a bigger one.
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
that looks good, but wouldn't the jubilee clips scratch the original shield underneath?