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Paul Mc

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Everything posted by Paul Mc

  1. My (now Ex-) girlfriend got her test the year before last. I bought a damaged GPZ500S and put it on the road for her - she still has it (fancies an MT-03!) and has eyed up my fazer but she hasn't quite got the upper body strength (in my opinion) to manoeuvre it around, so I've not let her near it! Lady in question is 5'6", 29" inside leg too. 500s is a decent wee machine, especially the later ones (get a D model with twin disc front wheel and disc rear brake) - prices are VERY good too. 'Only' 60 horsepower, but light and decent handling machines. Again, good for ladies and vertically-challenged fellas - had one myself about 10 years ago (and a GPZ1000X at the same time). (I've been mainly kawasaki through the years, as the list below shows). £1800 will get a good low mileage version, half-fairing and belly pan... have a look?
  2. There are probably a couple of scooped-out fazer seats kicking about somewhere on the FOC-U board, a wanted advert there should yield results - and GerryMoore's machine is a bargain at 2200 even with 2 owners. Deefer666 gets bits and bobs frequently, I'd try him too. FYI: I've just had an annual service and MOT for mine for £145 at George Whites... Hornet - good bike, good pedigree engine - seem to remember something about a feeble tank range (I might be thinking of the 900, my memory isn't the best on the planet). Have you considered an SV650S? Again, one for the ladies and shorter fellas, and great handling. (Another of my 'if I had more money than I needed' bikes, although I do find a little too much weight on my wrists on them).
  3. Jim, absolutely, consider more machines - I just picked up on this post on the YBR sale item, I've no idea what Ulster Exile wants to do (distance/fun/commute etc). I've ridden an XJ600 (borrowed one for a fortnight once some years ago) - found it on the top-heavy side. Unless a lady would be about 5'8" or more, an XJ600 (and perhaps even a Fazer 600) might be a little bit of a handful with a full tank for manoeuvering around a yard - these bikes are more on the top-heavy side than many other (including bigger) machines. I've not ridden the XJ900 (fancied one once, thanks to the shaft drive) so not really in a position to comment on that. Currently running the FZS600, a GPX600 and XZ550. FZS600 sunny weather A and B roads, use the GPX for B roads/back road spins as it's centre of gravity is much lower and you sit in the bike, rather than on it - more fun on the roads I'd not want to tip-toe about on the (mint) Fazer for fear of losing it on the gravel. GPX is worth a lot less, and it's not so far to fall! XZ550 is just a slogger, can be fun when the revs are up and it's got a trailing front axle which gives interesting quicker steering than one might expect. I'm only 5'6" myself, 29" inside leg and found my ZZR1100 easier to balance on and move around than the Fazer - a lot of bigger bikes (not counting cruisers) are better suited to shortarses like myself.
  4. Paul Mc replied to hobbo's post in a topic in The Bar
    More air pressure = it's 'less easy' for the air to compress as quickly when the forks are compressed - should 'harden' up the response a little. In theory, if the forks are assembled properly then 'by default' they should have the standard amount of air in them (at least for 20yr old bikes!) but use a small bicycle pump CAREFULLY when adding air, and ensure that both forks are the same... Yes, you can add more - but bear in mind that eventually you'll blow the weakest point - usually the seals - and possibly under heavy braking = there should be a range within you can add air, (dunno what it is) so don't exceed it. More air - harder ride (in theory).
  5. Hi Exile. Most main dealers will off-load 2nd hand bikes (apart from pristine low miles nearly-new machines) to another bike shop that specialises in second hand. But yeah, expect an insulting price from them! If I was you, I'd get an advert up at the local bike (CBT?) riding schools, someone there will want your bike for a while for a bit of experience. The school might even buy it! I'm sure you realise that you'll get the best money for it selling privately, but I'll mention it to be sure. For 2K you'll get a 12-15K miles 2002 Mark 2 Fazer 600, or thereabouts. Check out the Fazers Owners Club if you're keen - there are a few mint 2003 machines (mark 2 again, less than 10K miles) surfacing for about £2300 at the moment. http://fazerowners.yuku.com/ The Fazer is a cracking bike, btw. I've had mine 6 years, out to play today and in 20yrs riding it's the best I've owned (and suited to my 'style' and needs). Plenty of power and great handling, good brakes and decent tank range. I do like the MT-03s too, if I had the money I'd get one too for hooning about on. Paul
  6. Spark plug spanner and a spare spark plug. Small bottle of 2-stroke (even only 100mls-200mls).
  7. Expect to average 40mph on the road - sounds low, perhaps, but that's what it'll work out at even if you can sustain 55-60mph on A roads (N roads) with stops for fuel etc. £10 per day doesn't seem like a lot for food. Have an emergency fund to fall back on. Do you have AA or similar? Might be worth checking/getting cover for the trip. Confirm that your bike insurance covers you for Eire. And good luck on the trip - should be a blast!
  8. Paul Mc replied to Mark J's post in a topic in Naked
    Should work so long as the ignition is on. No need for the engine to be running. It flashes your high beam - so if it's not working, perhaps your high beam isn't? (There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots out there)
  9. Paul Mc replied to brianfzs600's post in a topic in Naked
    http://fazerowners.yuku.com/directory Ask here. Paul
  10. Paul Mc replied to philbrad73's post in a topic in Naked
    Knowing nothing about that model, I'd guess it's a problem with the rev limiter (assuming it has one). There's a fault with the XZ550 where the rev limiter can kick in (and cut the spark to one of the cylinders) lower down the rev range than it should - 'fixed' by disconnecting a wire at the TCi (but this has removed the rev limiter function completely). Dunno if you can/need to do the same for your machine. But check other items as per above first? Paul
  11. Paul Mc replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in General
    It'll be fine. I've bought worse. Take your time cleaning and pulling it apart and inspecting it (bodywork etc) and you'll probably find a mouse nest in there somewhere too, judging by the storage condition. Expect to spend about £100-£200 sorting it, but don't spend another penny on the bike until you've given it a good going over. At this stage you can still break it and get your money back if there's a serious problem. Solid machines with a slightly 'agricultural' feeling to the engine, but it'll be grand. There's probably an owners club kicking about somewhere on the interweb that can help you. Check for engine seizure first - if she's kickstart, try to turn the engine over using your hand on the kick start - if she doesn't go easily, put a little oil down the cylinder and leave it overnight before trying again. Even thought it's not a Yamaha, get back onto us here if you need help - an engine is an engine. Check everything else - any and all bushes and bearings (headstock, swing arm, wheels) and the brakes are probably jammed on, again, will need a little TLC. Looks like the kickstart has been taken off according to the listing - would want to know why it's off (broken off?). I might have a spare kickstart knocking about (currently on an AG100 engine, probably wont fit (assuming that it's not welded in place, think it may be)) but yours if you want it. (Go for it!)
  12. Paul Mc replied to Goff's post in a topic in The Bar
    Nice Bike
  13. Paul Mc replied to gav dt's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I can understand one of our more junior members banging in rods as a cure. How many miles do each rod last, and where does the missing 1cm go are probably fairly pertinent questions. (Hoping that the rod is compressed, not broken ("pushed in at one end")). Whereabouts in the country are you Gav DT? (Not that I'll be much help, better on 4strokes than 2strokes myself) P
  14. Gentlemen, Why not go to one that's already going to have drink and entertainment pre-organised? http://www.quayvipersmcc.com/SBR08/SBR08Flyer.asp Okay, it's in September, but face it, if you miss the 2 days sunshine at Easter then you've missed the NI summer anyhow, and there's often a couple of hours sunshine sometime in September? Just a notion. Paul Or book a pitch at Benone anyhow, some nice roads (A2 coast road) in that area too.
  15. Paul Mc replied to boro1007's post in a topic in Naked
    Go to http://fazerowners.yuku.com/bfazerowners introduce yourself and ask in the relevant section. Paul
  16. Paul Mc replied to smirky's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Fazer 600 for the missus - sounds like a fair swap, post a picture of her and I'll get back to you Go to the owners club http://fazerowners.yuku.com/bfazerowners introduce yourself and ask there - will probably get a sensible answer to your questions... Paul
  17. Sam Swann - and Semo18 - from your descriptions I'd guess it was a fuel supply problem (same as oldgitonabike) which could be a number of things, most of them preventing the fuel bowl from filling fast enough (blocked fuel filter, blocked tank breather hose, problem with the vacuum tap pipe (assuming it's a vacuum fuel tap)) or a problem with the jet itself i.e. carb icing - water freezing in the jet blocking the jet with the curent low temperatures - less likely on air-cooled machines than on water-cooled bikes - or a problem with the float height (unlikely if you've some power at 3000-4000rpm) or an issue with the needle lifting etc - fiddling with the air/fuel mixture shouldn't be undertaken lightly, especially if the bike was previously running fine... It could even be the plug oiling up at the higher revs - but for goodness sake on a two-stroke don't start playing with the oil pump settings if you don't know what you're doing. Or another cause. If you EVER suddenly get a great surge of power on the bike, and it runs great (better than ever) for about 3 or 4 hundred yards then it's about to melt the piston as the oil has stopped flowing into the cylinder and there's no lubrication on the bike. If the bike was previously running okay, don't start changing things just yet. A good carb clean (even a plug clean) could be in order as well as a general check over - if ypu're not confident on doing it get someone you trust to help - even fitting a spark plug takes a little skill to avoid overtightening and wrecking the thread in the alloy head. Paul
  18. Sorry to poke my nose in, but if you're new to this sort of thing how do you know you need to run richer? Are you using enough 2-stroke, running too hot, is the air filter/exhaust system non-standard etc - ? (Do you want to give some background on the issue, to confirm that running richer is desired, or that a different issue should be addressed?) Paul
  19. Gents: Would probably help if you also shared the information on the number of teeth on your front and rear sprockets - I've a notion that this'll be the crux of your problems. On an engine this size, they can make a helluva difference - and you'll generally either gear it for good acceleration or higher top end... (I've no idea what teeth ratios should be used to give the higher top ends, you'll need to pass that info between yourselves). Paul
  20. I did London to Londonderry and back three times on an RXS100. On my own. Twice via Stranrear, once via Holyhead. On L plates, so A roads only. Sometimes travelled at night, 6V electrics = interesting combination. GO FOR IT!
  21. Paul Mc replied to mattR125's post in a topic in The Bar
    Have a look here http://fazerowners.yuku.com/bfazerowners P
  22. You could set the float height/fuel height with the clear plastic tube method, but do it on a workbench and not mounted on the bike? Got to be better than fitting and taking off a lot? I don't know how many turns, but as a starting point I'd go for 1½-2 turns out from fully in (sort of a universal setting).
  23. Paul Mc replied to nospod's post in a topic in The Bar
    Okay, Coil-related as 1+4 affected and the coil is fine - either power/earth out the back of the coil, connection over to the TCi or connection from the pick-ups up to the TCi... Did you make any progress on sorting this? Paul
  24. Paul Mc replied to nospod's post in a topic in The Bar
    It's a coil. 99% certain. Usually have one feed 1 + 4 the other feed cylinders 2 + 3. Check the connections into the back of the coil first. Have a wander over to the Fazer Owners Club too if you can't make progress. http://fazerowners.yuku.com/bfazerowners Paul Assuming that you've got fuel etc in the cylinders...
  25. Paul Mc replied to JUstinator's post in a topic in The Bar
    Did Guildford to Londonderry three times on an RXS100 when I started biking (about 20 years ago). 23 hours door to door, including 10 hours on the Liverpool ferry, first time. (That was 6 months after buying the bike, no training (unless up and down in the car park behind the bike shop counts) and my mum found out about the bike when I pulled up in front of the house.. 3rd time was via Anglesey/Dublin, the A5 at 3am with 6V electrics wasn't a lot of fun... A roads only (thanks to Leper plates). Did 20K miles in 2 yrs on the RXS, my only form of transport at the time. Advice? Make sure you're warm and comfortable on any long distance run, and that the bike is in decent shape (esp chain tension and brakes). Usual criteria for riding any distance apply, correct tyre pressures and so on. Stretch your legs every couple of hours. Decent breakfast (hot, if possible) before setting off is a good idea too. Helps if you're fit too, makes quite a difference on how long it takes aches to kick in...