electrical woes
the bike was registered on 21/6/78 so i believe thats a E model, definately 6 volt and battery is only a cple of months old, using a cheap trickle charger overnight. if its a dud battery would it lose charge that fast?
electrical woes
its a 6volt battery, the regulator is not on the bike at the mo, got a tech in work checking it out for me, i have put a new rectifier on. seem to remember i tried it but no surge in voltage. will try when i get it back and let you know
electrical woes
sorry to be a pain on the forum but need more help, getting the xt500 somewhere near ready for mot so needed the horn to work, long story short, charged the battery 5.8 on the meter, connected up-ignition on-neutral light on, tried horn and can hear sort of click but very faint, looked at neutral light and its very faint so turned ign off tried the meter on the battery which read 3.6 turned ign on and drops to 1.6 and dropping like watching a digital clock seconds. what can cause this? battery is only 3-4 months old. dont know what i am doing with a multimeter so please try and keep things simple cheers wayne
xt500 brake shaft
could work, i'll have to remove the shaft and take some measurements.
xt500 brake shaft
thanks tommy, i will make some enquiries about getting one machined from nylon, having never seen the item in question is there a pic anywhere? is there a shoulder on it on the inside to sit against the frame on the inside where the return spring sits. i have the dust covers on order so may have a better idea when i see them. thanks wayne
xt500 brake shaft
must be bloody thin then, no wonder i couldnt even see it on a parts diagram, any ideas on what tubing can be used?
xt500 brake shaft
the rear brake pedal on my xt500 is a bit sloppy so changed it for a new part but it has not made any differance to the play. is it correct that it is only pushed through the frame and the brake pedal clamp is the only thing holding it in place?
kick return
what i mean is that the kickstart returns further than it should so that the rubber hits the hot pipe and melts, i removed the kicker and replaced it at bout 12 o'clock, kicked over and it returned to about 1 o'clock then back to 12 sometimes 11, when its at about 2 o'clock and i try to manualy move it to its original position with the engine running it starts to "click" as its trying to engage. hope that explains a bit better.
kick return
the xt500 i just bought seems to have a prob with the kickstart return, what controls the return position? the spring seems to be ok as it does return it only seems too far and melts on the exhaust. anyone had this before?
xt relay
i got a relay ordered today, not a 3 wire version but a 2 wire, spoke to an elec who said it should be fine so ordered a cheap one to try, in the meantime set about why the horn dont work, stripped the button, cleaned contacts but no joy so started tracing it back and found that the live had been cut cleanly in the head light, touched them together and got the horn working. why the hell cut that? seems that there are a few insulated tape wraps in there so may as well go for a new loom
xt relay
okay, so i opened the relay, played about and refitted it, now got the ind bulb to light up but not flash even if putting the black wire to earth so reckon its knackered. is there a wire in the loom for the earth coz i took the battery box out to look but cannot see a connection point for it.
hi everyone, relatively new to the bike world after a loooong break as a teenager, got another yam so will have many questions, so be gentle guys/gals
xt relay
the one i took off has 3 wires 2 brown and 1 black, the black 1 was taped off and not used. i can only see 2 wires with bullet connectors on the harness for the 2 connected, when these are connected together i get power to the indicators even tho its static proving that the relay is knackered/stuck.
xt relay
hi all, new to the yamaha xt 500 scene after buying a 78 which i believe to be an "E" model. indicators came in a bag so before i begin a strip down over the winter i need to be sure that all is well with the electrics. so i connected them up but no power to the switch, bypassing the relay gives me power. when doing a search for a new relay i get 2 types, one cylindrical with bullet connections the other squarish with flat connectors, which is correct ?
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