Everything posted by jimboz4
excellent, thank you tony...
HELP..!!!!!!!!!!! Can anyone tell me the timing settings / procedure on my 2003 TDM 900 twin....... P.S. I am a member who hasnt been on for a while due to work commitments.... HELP jimbo
New Owner from Denmark
welcome lars, i have a couple of good friends who just moved to CPH, they love it, and i may be over there for a holiday next year, ( on the bike ofcourse ). maybe go for a cruise...... jimbo
btw, likin the new look site....very cool jimbo
thanks blackhat, yeh it would be good to get out again before season ends, but i will have to see how my hand is healing ...lol.......but hope to be out soon, thanks for the warm welcome guy's... jimbo
Advise Please
sounds like you've got idle hands.....if it was me, i'd buy a cheap restoration project to keep my idle hands busy, and leave the unbroken bike unbroken...( but i'm a bit of a coward ).....
hello ben, welcome, and congrats on passing, i take it you mean Southend On Sea....????...not that i'm anywhere close tho, ( Scotland ). anyway, welcome jimbo
New Yamaha owner
hi photonut, welcome from bonnie Scotland, i'm also new here, and also a first time Yamaha owner, i never even thought about a helmet lock, ( until i read your post ), now i will have to hunt around my toy to see if i have one,.........got plenty of time to look now, as i cant ride my baby due to my injury......anyway, welcome again jimbo
better pics of my TDM900
- M SAM 1312
- M SAM 1310
- M SAM 1309
- M SAM 1308
- M SAM 1307
- M SAM 1306
- M SAM 1305
- M SAM 1304
- M SAM 1303
- M SAM 1313
My 08 YBR125
whether BIG or small, 2 wheels deserve respect from all..........nice ride jeddy jimbo
My Babies
Howdy from Canada
hi guy's, welcome from sunny Scotland, well, when i say SUNNY, i mean it in the most comedic sense....haha...... jimbo
new from new york
hello, and welcome, from the bonnie banks of Scotland...... hope to see some nice resto pics jimbo
new member
thanks nev
nice welcome 2 wheels, thanks....