Can it be leaner legal?
I didnt do the Boscastle route, i stayed in Bude but always seemed to head South (St Austel way) but the roads down there are really something no matter which was you go.
A belated hello
Just a quick hello to you all, I posted a question some time ago not noticing this section so better late than never i guess. My name is Shaun, 44 years old and while not really new to Biking I am new to big bikes, i passed my Mod 2 a few weeks ago and now run an XVS 650A, Ive had a couple of trips out the Brecon and Cornwall, which is a great way to really get to grips with my new found way of life, probably running into 1500 miles in the last 2 weeks, I'm thinking about putting her away for the winter (sad days) dam me for not passing my Mod 2 until September but God bless the late Summer sun that graced us right through till October.
Can it be leaner legal?
Thanks for all being gracious, I'll try to answer all your questions. Yes I'm a little bored with the 650 everything over took me (dam me and my sticking to 70 - 75 ways) but my arms are getting pretty buff with all the hanging onto the bars for 6 hours, I've just done Cornwall and back (3 day run & around 1000 miles) and it got shall we say a little incomfortable , my wife who went pillion also hurt somewhat, so she googled *comfortable pillion bikes* which suggested an Suzuki Intruder c800, I'll see how it goes. As for the horses, I teach riding, carriage driving and Level 1 & 2 Diploma in stable managment and horse care, and yes the same skills are indeed very important. Oh BTW can anyone recommend a good rider to pillion communication setup?
Can it be leaner legal?
Hehe, "dont need em like that"? I never have been a good boy, but hey ho, lets put it behind us imo, I've now passed my test (mod 1 &2) first time and just got back from a few days touring the Brecon Beacons with my wife, it was great, took it nice and steady, so the wife would be happy and not scared I do understand that a lot of folks are daft on bikes and i agree that i maybe looked a bit over confident, but i know I can ride well, and more importantly safely, I'd like to stay a part of these forums without the worry of a huge flaming (semi flames I can deal with) anyway I just thought I'd log on to update you guys as to my test passing.
Can it be leaner legal?
Nope, i didnt realise it was unrestricted until after my time with the bike was over, my point was riding somthing like this without so much as a scrapped wing mirror surely gives me some semblance of road worthyness, I merely thought " oh it's a 125 so im legal" always insured, always taxed etc, I also dont ride like an idiot. Im the reason your insurance is going up? away with you, the only claims ive had in the last 15 years or so is some fool running into my wife on my policy so i dont think I can take the blame for your increased premiums. You lot really are an unfriendly bunch aren't you. i begining to wish I'd bought a Honda. all i asked was CAN MY XVS BE RESTRICTED? and I get all this!!! Im gonna try my hardest not to log on here again as my bike time should be a happy one and certainly not like this. Dam and to think my opening gambit was " this is my 1st post here so please be kind" ha!! no such look. Im outta here.
Can it be leaner legal?
Seems like you get a bit of a beating if your not a full on Petrol head, oh well, Ive never been bothered by asking in ignorance to hopefully become better informed. My XVS (bought now) is awesome, Theory now passed and DA booked for next week, I hope if you guys ever want to take up a new hobby/Pastime etc you get better treatment than the self inflated goons have given me, Some of you were however very helpful (you know who you are) and thanks for that, Oh please no more videos, they don't impress. I by trade are a Horse riding instructor and as such play an active roll in the Horse and Hound forums, there are aslo the usuall mix of bullies and helpfulness there, i just had the opinion that Bikers where on the whole a more level headed friendly bunch than my own native Horse riders who can be very snobbish and really dismisive of people with less knowledge than themselves, myself as an Instructor would choose to help rather than tell someone "how stupid they are" I guess were all not very different Horse riders and Bikers, on the forums at least . I sit back and await the storm
Can it be leaner legal?
My question was merely *can my 650 xvs be restricted* thats all!! I now know it cannot, Im toally confident in my riding ability i have been driving legally since 1984 and the Aprilia RS125 which I owned for almost 3 years was the fastest production 125 in the world at the time I had it and would easily eat my 650 for breakfast. I only wanted my question answered it's a tough forum i guess thread closed imo.
Can it be leaner legal?
Point taken
Can it be leaner legal?
A bit harsh as you don't know my riding ability, 4 years riding an unrestricted RS 125 is nothing to be sneezed at imo without incident is a fair right of passage, also a survivor of many weeks riding a 350 cruiser in India takes some doing, but hey ho, Full license inc.
Can it be leaner legal?
Hey all, my first post so be kind Ive just bought a 2001 XVS 650A but I've only got my CBT right now, (my 3rd BTW) my previous bike was an Aprilia RS125, now my question, can i get it restricted to ride on a CBT until I pass my Theory and my DA? Thanks in advance.