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Everything posted by wolfboy

  1. lol. i dont want anythin for it. will try n suss out how to private message. wolf.
  2. hi mate, if i can get it off its yours.lol. shed is full stuff put by for a "later date" lol. wolf.
  3. just had a quick look and there is 17 dragstar 650s on ebay mate. wolf.
  4. i agree with taskmaster, you can use this bike for everything, mines is a 97 model and got no problems apart from a few cosmetic issues that were caused mainly by neglect on MY part. and yes its used everyday. loads of older low millage stars on the bay at good prices. wolf.
  5. was thinking off using that but, 1. was worried it might eat into the plastic, and 2,. would it lift the chrome that has not started to peel yet. i need to get all the plastic chrome off. yes, all the chrome off and lots and lots of matt black paint.lol.
  6. guys various parts of my bike are now lookin the worse for wear, mainly the plastic chrome stuff is peeling badly. is there anyway to just get rid of this and paint the affected areas. all my "real chrome" is okay, its the stuff thats on plastic panels. thanks for any advice guys.
  7. im not too sure re the rejetting mate, i know i would have needed to rejet for the vance n hines pipes i have on my bike anyway.
  8. just balance the bike against a wall. works for me everytime mate.
  9. hi guys, im new to the forum so be gentle with me. lol. i want to remove the hypercharger from my xvs650. 97model. reasons for removal are, it gets in the way of my leg on long journeys, its starting to look tatty, and i dont think it makes any improvment to performance. anyway back to the main topic, is it just a matter of pulling the hypercharger off and fitting the standard filter and cover or is there more to it. there seems to be a few hoses running into the hypercharger. many thanks for any advice given. wolf.