Everything posted by Pete
MCN tests the new naked FZ6!
News for you Jesse....Hondas have been called Gay for over 30 years. The ad campaign "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" and The Hondelles (do a Google search) were the cause of it.
Offroad Disaster!
Looks like I bust my nose in the crash. Which is great.....cos it seems to have straightened it a bit and I can now breathe much better!
Offroad Disaster!
The Mrs was videoing but missed that bit. Would have been worth £250 on Beadle too!
Offroad Disaster!
Just checked the bike and the handlebars are twisted to shit. Feel even worse about it now with messing up my boy's stuff.
Offroad Disaster!
As I said before, I'm not too skilful offroad. My boy was having a potter round, he got off for a break, and I jumped on the little DT just to rev it a bit. Course I had no helmet on and foolishly decided to wheelie up a slippery bank. Bad idea really....I'm not sure exactly what happened but I think the back end slid from under me. Somehow I got launched over the handlebars and landed heavily on the side of my face. :oops: So now I've got various cuts, bumps and bruises....and what looks to be a black eye coming! Plus my neck must have got twisted and I've got quite a bad headache. :cry: My fault completely....no offroad skill and no helmet! Course the incident upset the wife and my boy who were both watching, cos apparently I hit the floor quite hard and stayed on the deck for quite a while. And I found out that I don't bounce as well at 50 as I did at 20. So maybe I better stick to what I know.......road riding! :oops:
MCN tests the new naked FZ6!
No exhaust seat issues on the FZ6....the fumes and hot seat were just a Gay Honda perversion! Incidentally, the last I heard was that Honda are refusing to accept it as an issue....obviously basing themselves on Suzuki's Customer Services agenda then! Still....if you buy a Gay Honda or a Shitzuki you expect to get your ass burnt!
MulletFest comes to town......
MulletFest comes to town......
I'm Welsh? :shock: Why wasn't I told?
MCN tests the new naked FZ6!
Removing the front fairing? Why don't you just buy a naked one then?
the perfect bike?
Shit....I've been rumbled!
MulletFest comes to town......
Not if Da Mozzman has him first!
MulletFest comes to town......
We just got rid of Dick and Ben FFS....we don't need more Internet atrocities!
the perfect bike?
Gay Hondas....the CBX was a bit butch, so it's classed as a bisexual model! 8) Do try to keep up.....you stupid boy!
MulletFest comes to town......
Too much information Alan!
Good road tyres for the DT
I got the Tourances on the XT....just scrubbing them in at the moment. But much more positive steering with them compared to the Trailwings.
MulletFest comes to town......
.....also known as the Welsh Bike Show, held in Builth Wells. Same old gathering of Patch Club/Back Street Heroes/MAG types, as far as the eye could see there was wall to wall mullets, tattoos, leather waistcoats, pierced faces, ZZ Top beards etc. The blokes were no better either! Most of the stuff on display was bloody trikes and streetfighters, and the "stunt" show was awful. The only saving grace at these annual events is cheap clothing and accessories....we must have had about £200 worth for about £70. Took my camera....but there was nothing worth taking I'm afraid! :roll:
the perfect bike?
They were bisexual you know.
the perfect bike?
Tell him that my second Kettle threw me off at a ton ten! :shock: Piece of Suzuki shit....the only bike that ever tried to kill me. My H1 was great....and still on the road today, love to see it! Note the long hair and flares.... :oops:
the perfect bike?
I bet he had Dunstall 4-2's on his! 8)
the perfect bike?
TBH Alan...the Honda 750 K series would be my second choice....I've owned about 10 of the SOHC fours. And no...the Z1/Z900 was not as bad at handling as people say, and neither were the triples. The worst of that generation was the Suzuki GT750 Kettle...very, very nasty machine. You see, people from the current era ride one of these machines from the past and say...it's slow, bad handling etc, but they're comparing it to modern bikes which is a ridiculous comparison. Your father will tell you, at the time we knew no different and they did what we wanted them to, and we're still here to tell the tale. When I first rode a Z1 in 75, it was mindblowing! :shock:
the perfect bike?
If you're talking all manufacturers....then it would have to be this one....I was at the Earls Court show in 72 when it was unveiled!
Good road tyres for the DT
Hey....I've cured more vaginal dryness than Canestan. 8)
Yamaha Roadtests!
Very comprehensive list here: http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/clasqm/yamaha.html
Good road tyres for the DT
I am pleased to say that I have never participated in such things!
Good road tyres for the DT
I heard they have flavoured types....diarrhoea, sticky stool, and anal apple!