Everything posted by Pete
what will you go for next?
Sad Power Ranger wankers!
F***king Ice!
.....or these conditions..... ....though he could be lurking behind those bushes taking potshots at the Gooks!
new members? who are you
Yeh....and stop asking dumbass questions that could be answered by a Google search within 10 seconds! And of all the fuckwit questions we've ever had (and there's been many) THIS was the most cretinous!
a serious note
I think you're confusing Eddy with Yamahead!
now i know why pete moved to spain
I'm going to speak to Eddy about this!
Another Country, Another Oilchange.....
.....for the XT350! For those of you who don't know the history of this bike....the wife saw it stored at the back of an old carpet clearance warehouse in Mid Wales last June. She told me about it, so I went and made enquiries and it turned out that it belonged to the shop owner. Apparently he'd bought it some years previously, rode it to his warehouse, and just never used it. It was 14 years old, original tyres and battery with a verifiable 5300 miles from new. So I made him an offer, bump started it, and rode it away. The rest is history! When I was about to move to Spain, I put it up for sale. But when it came to the crunch I couldn't sell it, so we brought it over with us! After years of neglect, it's been treated like a King by me and gets the best of everything! Anyway....back to the oilchange! I've had to switch from Silkolene 10w-40 semi synth to Castrol GPS 15w-50 semi synth as it needs a different grade of oil here. And Silkolene seems to be unobtainable in these cretinous Battle Scooter dealers. Anyway, oil and filter change done today at 6800 miles. The full list of work done since I bought it in June is: 5300 Miles: bought the bike, changed oil and filter, new spark plug, new battery, new tyres. 5800 miles: oil and filter change, plus air filter change, and full service by ace mechanic Steve Plain...including valves, rocker cover gasket, front fork oil seals. 6000 miles: fuel tap washers replaced, new stoplight switch fitted, tank removed and flushed. 6300 miles: oil change, and UK Euro-style number plate fitted. 6600 miles: new Euro-spec headlamp added. 6800 miles: oil and filter change, adjustment and lubrication of all cables, plus linkages and grease nipples. I honestly don't ever see me selling this thing....cos it's the only bike I've ever had an emotional attachment to! No idea why....maybe it's because we rescued it and gave it a good home? And as it is now, like me, it will see out the rest of it's years in a sunnier climate than what it's been used to! So.....it's now good to go.....weather permitting!
i think this shall be my last....
Word! This boy is going to the top you know! Once he sells that POS Shitzuki!
It's been a hard Winter!
Here's where I went today.....Cartagena! Bit cloudy today in Downtown Namby-Pambysville....so Big Bird stayed in...and the Baby Yam came out! I cruised down the harbour road causing XTreme vaginal moisture from the local ladies! I parked up rather close to the water....but that's me...I'm hardcore I am! Here's some shots of the harbour area.... And there was a ship converted into a restaurant....looked a bit posh for me to go into though! Got back on the XT, continued up the road....and I thought WTF is that! As I'm not one to miss a photo opportunity I rode the XT through the pedestrian area to get to it! Apparently it's the Peral Submarine, built in Cadiz in 1884, launched in 1888, and the world's first military submarine! Yeh....this Winter is really killing me!
It's been a hard Winter!
You're obviously not married! Cos married guys don't "invent" wives....they just forget to mention there is one on occasions!
It's been a hard Winter!
And I'm not afraid to admit that I've struggled! Like today, I had to be careful I didn't get sunburnt! And the offroading has been done in treacherous conditions! Hell....I nearly got sand in my shoe once! But I can handle it! I'm hardcore I am!
a serious note
And then there's the saddos with no bike at all!
My New Bike!
Number 53 Tom! And for those of you who think it's a bit of a saddos bike....then you might like to watch these onboard vids! The bike is an R1150GS and is ridden (very skillfully IMO) around the IOM by Paul Young from UKGSer. These videos are superb, and well worth seeing by everybody....even if you hate Beemers. I saw them first a year ago, and they certainly changed my perception of GS's. (You'll need Broadband....then "right click and save as") Ballacraine-Kirk Michael 43mb Rhencullen-Sulby 23mb The Mountain Course 73mb You may very well be surprised!
My New Bike!
I am an old man you stupid boy!
My New Bike!
She's said that I can't buy a bike for touring other than a Beemer! We went out today too.....
My New Bike!
Alex you Twat.....it's yellow! Taken today in Calasparra..... And Scott....she loves it! These are her exact words..... "I found it very strange at first because there was so much room....I kept adjusting my position because I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to be sitting. Once I'd got used to that, I could lean back into the contoured topbox and I still had enough space to read a newspaper. Footpegs are in the perfect position and the seat was much more comfortable than anything I've ever been on before. Riding along the Autovia was like sitting in a big leather chair in an open topped sportscar. It was very unlike any other bike I'd been on. In fact it felt more like a car than a bike. I had no turbulence or buffeting and apparently at some points we were doing over 100mph but it didn't feel any faster than 60. There's no vibes at all, and no sensation of the engine revving hard. Within 5 minutes I was more relaxed on it than any other bike I've been on. There were no back problems whatsoever, and I didn't even feel any of the speedbumps we went over, which normally cause me pain. Basically, it's brilliant, I'd recommend one to anybody who needs a bike with good pillion capabilities if their wife/girlfriend suffers with back/neck problems, or someone who wants long distance pillion comfort. Nothing else even come close to it".
My New Bike!
The problem is, whenever I see this....... ....I think of this..... I rode it yesterday and I felt like I was in an episode of Sesame Street. Now I've got to parade around the streets looking like a pretentious twat on a Pantomime Horse!
a serious note
All the best Alan....you sad Suzuki twat!
My New Bike!
You gotta be joking....I can't stomach all that pretentious Beemer bullshit spewing forth from their owners!
My New Bike!
Here's the details: 2000 BMW R1150 GS 50K kms/ 30K miles 1 owner from new Full BMW main dealer service history (same dealer) Supplied with 1 year BMW main dealer warranty Genuine BMW topbox Excellent condition Hell has frozen over!
crashed and burned...
You're right there Ross. My 66 3TA Triumph hit everything from cars, roundabouts, and even the window of an Indian restaurant! And tough luck there Splinter, but at least you're in one piece.
Xmas Message from EddyIrish!
Here's a Xmas card for you Eddy.....
The Definitive Jap middleweight dualsport review!
They're quoting the 1000 screen....the original model had a fixed screen, which then changed (2004 I think) to the adjustable one that has always been on the 650. But bear in mind that the seat height on the 1000 is 1" higher....so that alters the variables even more. And sports bikes are only good for one thing....riding fast on open, smooth roads. Not easy to find in the UK....and when you do, you can guarantee Plod will be there. If you want sportsbike performance, but in a "do it all" package....get a Fazer!
The Definitive Jap middleweight dualsport review!
I had a 650 and it's brilliant! Apart from the buffeting which made anything over 70 a nightmare....for me! It could be different for you because a lot depends on your height and posture, but it's unlikely you won't be affected in some way, which ruins the bike. And nothing has been sorted with the screen re new models....they've all got the same one.
Read it and weep!
For those of you still stuck in dear old Blighty, and having to contend with sub zero temperatures and all the trails getting closed.....here's something that I'm sure will cheer you up! Took an hour's break from house-hunting, making Spanish friends, and avoiding fuckwit Brits, by taking the XT350 for a jaunt. It hadn't seen the light of day for about 2 weeks, so I thought I'd give it a quick spin down the road. I wasn't planning any offroading, but you just ride along and see trails everywhere.....so you tend to get sidetracked. Firstly I did a couple of miles along the sea front.....roads were busy! Then I found a gentle gravel path near the beach, and my first thought was......Photo Opportunity! I could see the trail was continuing, so I just carried on braving the elements in the 17 degree Winter sunshine! Then things started getting a bit more difficult as I turned onto a dry river bed.......there's a lot of them over here! I'd seen some offroad wizzes riding this area from a distance, and making it look easy. Not for me it wasn't! Managed to eventually stumble through that lot like a CBT wobbler....and things started getting easier. In fact the surface was great. I whipped it up through the gears, I'm doing about 40....then HOLY SHIT! I'd been looking at the dry river bed in front of me and all of a sudden, it's not there! I hit the brakes HARD and slide to a halt right here....... The river bed that I'm riding stops completely! Underneath is a 10 foot sheer vertical drop into the entrance of a concrete tunnel. I turned round carefully and managed to find a track running off the river bed. Another 1/4 mile and I'm back on tarmac.....thank God. And that's what catches you out over here.....within 200 yards it can change from gravel to sand to rocks to huge drops. But the good thing is, you can ride anywhere....and everybody does, cos Spain is a very bike friendly place.
im a newbi
Get a Fazer! Better learning tool, cheaper insurance than an R6, and more than enough performance!