Everything posted by Pete
my turn!
Alan....as you know I take a lot of stick for my namby-pamby biking ways! However, the way I am now is the result of all the experiences I've had, both good and bad, over the years. And I learnt many years ago that riding in potentially hazardous conditions is painful, and you invariably end up paying in blood and cash. When in doubt....leave the bike alone. Your old man has probably told you the same thing too. But I'm glad you're reasonably OK....just think how much worse it could have been. And the most important thing...learn from it! I gotta give you respect for the way you told the story though....totally honest that it was your fault, rather than shift the blame elsewhere like most people do. So you've been a Twat....but at least you're an honest Twat! And looking on the bright side....it was only a POS Suzuki that hit the deck, so nothing of any value!
Ride out/trip to Spain
It actually snowed yesterday Bob.
Ride out/trip to Spain
I'm permanently in Spain....at the moment about 80 miles from Alicante! And todays weather is...
I'm styling and profiling as usual.....
What lid do you have?
Shoei Raid 2....exactly like this.... And I had an identical Shoei Raid before that one.......cos I have a Shoei head!
Here's the typical Suzuki owner..... However, Suzuki ownership is a good learning experience for novice bikers as it teaches them all about speed weaves, broken subframes, rusting, oil burning, and non existent customer service.
You do know this is a Yamaha forum don't you? And as far as Suzukis go....I've got 2 words: Ernst Degner!
Brilliant ride
Nice one Tom! Now clean that bike! Oh....and here's a shot of mine from today....
at long last
As you know there's been a few glitches but we nipped it in the Bud.
What's happenin?
Hi Bud! Let's see some shots of your Fazer Bud!
cleaning my lid!
Fill it with Gunk and then steam clean it! Remember to take your head out first.
It's been a hard Winter!
Taken yesterday....as you see, the Winter conditions here are still severe!
Another newby!
Roger? Don't listen to him! He's a useless cunt!
Another newby!
Hose it down with COLD water immediately!
Another newby!
Hi Steve! When you've got a licence you should consider signing up to my online cleaning course!
F***king Ice!
Hang on.....aren't all you Micks supposed to be drunk and stupid? That's what I've heard! Now where did I put my rugby ball and sheep?
It's been a hard Winter!
I have thrown the odd duster over it now and again!
what's your cuppa tea
This is going to kick it all off! But here goes..... The Ultimate Female.......6 times Ms Olympia Corey Everson!
In Search of the Moto Exhibition.......
Gotta buy a house first Alex....and that could be anywhere in Spain. So I can't do anything definite yet....though I have been doing a few odds and ends in my mates computer business.
In Search of the Moto Exhibition.......
.....somewhere near Cartagena! I'd seen posters advertising this event but I couldn't make any sense of the directions. So I thought....no problem, just get into Cartagena and follow the bikes! However I was wrong! I get into Cartagena, and the only thing I can see are scooters! Oh....and a bike up a wall! So I keep going and I find a Ninja in front of me....so I start following him! Cos he must be going to the Moto Exhibition surely? However, this dipshit thinks I want to race him through the centre of Cartagena! So he's riding like a Twat trying to lose me.....and try as he may, he couldn't shake off the XT! Every bit of straight he'd pull away, and every roundabout I was with him again. In the end, he jumped a red light and nearly got T-boned by traffic crossing....all to get away from me! So tonight in Cartagena a Spanish squid is telling all and sundry how he nearly got killed on his ZX6-R burning off a 15 year old 30bhp enduro ridden by an old bloke in his 50's! And all I wanted was directions to the Moto Exhibition! So I ride around a bit more, and come up behind about 15 bikes....sports, standards, cruisers etc. Cos over here people just ride together irrespective of machine type! So I think....they must be going to the Moto Exhibition! Let's join in with them! So off we went! However, after about 25 miles of country roads, I began to suspect that perhaps they were not going to the Moto Exhibition! My suspicions were confirmed when they all pulled into somebody's driveway leading to some luxury villa! So I kept going....fuck knows where....then I found this! I carried on regardless, and was way up in the mountains....somewhere! And it was getting cold, so I was busting for a piss! So off I go up a trail.... I go about half a mile, find a deserted spot....and leap off to piss! And as I'm pissing in the middle of nowhere, along comes a fucking German rambler! Please note the piss behind the rear wheel! I then follow the trail for a few miles.... ....and eventually get back to the main road! About 5 miles later, things start looking more pleasant! I ride along the coastal path....and look at the colour of that sea! No condoms or sewerage in there....I think! I take a look at the signs and it appears I'm in Mazarron! A few more miles and I'd have crossed into the Almeria province of Andalucia! I turn round and head back along the coastal road, and after about 30 miles I'm back in Cartagena! Still no Moto Exhibition though! Time for coffee..... There was another bike there, but I had a feeling it wasn't headed to the Moto Exhibition though! I sat outside the cafe leering at young Spanish bimbos while the XT looked super cool (and dusty) at the side of the harbour! A strange day really....I took the XT cos I was only planning on doing about 20 miles, and I ended up doing nearly a 100. And the Moto Exhibition? Fuck the Moto Exhibition!
It's Beezkneez's birthday......
....it says he's 35, I find that difficult to believe! Have a good day Bazz!
First ride of the year.
I was out today....
what will you go for next?
Like the motor I got for the wife Moz?
what will you go for next?
Shit....there's no real options left Alan. Only the Caponord, Varadero and DL1000....none of whom measure up against the Beemer for allround ability. AFAIC Beemer ownership leaves me in the Last Chance Saloon with nowhere to go.