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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    Avon Gripsters? :shock: Sounds like a Pooftah's condom that gives better grip in the dirt! 8)
  2. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    Have you checked to see if they do a Michelin Sirac for them? Cos they're OE on the new XT660.
  3. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    Those Tourance's should be on the XT tomorrow....the back Trailwing is barely legal at the moment! :shock:
  4. Pete replied to stevie taff's post in a topic in Naked
    I know nothing about DT125's I'm afraid. There is a specialist for that vehicle here...he'll advise you. BTW...RU Welsh? :shock: That's fine by me....as long as you're not one of those Cardiff Boneheads!
  5. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in Naked
    You have a handbag Mozzy?
  6. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    That's true Alex, but most bikes today have far greater handling ability than the rider. Go back 30 years and the reverse was true, cos the bikes felt like they had a hinge in the middle of the frame, and brakes were virtually non existent. So the rider had to compensate for all that. You have to remember that any situation you find yourself in, is caused by the rider, not the bike. Did you see the recent Nick Sanders programme where he was riding the world on an R1? I saw a clip where he was riding this R1 through about a foot of snow on some isolated mountain somewhere like Tibet. Amazing piece of riding. The average Internet riding hero couldn't get his bike out of his drive in those conditions. So it's a matter of adapting your riding style to suit the bike and the conditions. Bit of a lecture I know, but over the years I've attended dozens of bike funerals (mainly the 70's) and I've seen a few deaths of close friends first hand....including a beheading and an impaling. And it stays with you forever. The last time I hit the deck was in 78 on a Kettle at 110.....my youngest boy was 6 weeks old, and I walked away with just cuts and bruises. I wised up after that and completely changed my mindset where everything was built around safety. And I haven't gone down for 26 years, so it must be working, cos I'd gone down about 15 times in the previous 7 years. And that includes twice on the same roundabout in 30 seconds....I fell off going in, then got back on and fell off again on the way out. Though some people have suggested that it's just luck and time is running out for me....but they've been saying that for 20 years and they're still waiting to be proved right. But you know something? It won't happen! 8) Accidents are not something that just happen....they're something that you get involved in.
  7. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in General
    I always try to use Shell if possible. Don't know why, but I've always felt my bikes go better on it.
  8. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    As I thought....it's the information part that went wrong. Information means taking in all the necessary info to evaluate the manoevre....you do that by observation all around you at all times. So you need to see what is ahead, and correct positioning will allow you to do this. If you're taking a right hand bend then you should be nearly in the left hand gutter entering the corner to gain maximum vision. Similarly if it's a left hand bend you should be just inside the centre line to get maximum vision.
  9. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    Haven't got a clue mate....I know nothing about them. But I know a man who does! 8) Mozzy.....come on down!
  10. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    Don't worry dibey....everybody makes mistakes. But what seperates good riders from bad riders is that the good riders learn from their mistakes. The bad riders just keep repeating them until something serious happens. Think about what you did (only you know) and analyse it bit by bit. Then go out on your own and practice to put it right....that way you won't get caught out again. One thing to always remember on cornering.....being in too low a gear isn't a problem....but being in too high a gear can spell big trouble.
  11. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    The Trailwings are not too clever tbh....sort of a compromise road/trail jobbie, and not particularly effective on either. Check the Metzeler site for fitment: http://www.metzelermoto.co.uk/product_info...&imageField.y=6
  12. Pete replied to dibeydude85's post in a topic in Naked
    Hate to tell you mate....but that was down to your riding not the bike. My little DT175 will howl round bends and that's with full knobblies on it. Like I said before....keep it smooth. Go back to that bend and practice taking it....first very slowly getting your positioning right. Then gradually up the pace...but without sacrificing smoothness. These are the 5 stages of taking corners based on the Police Roadcraft manual: Information Position Speed Gear Acceleration It sounds to me as if you screwed up on the very first part....Information. Don't fall into the trap that a lot of people do, by blaming the bike. Cos otherwise you'll make the same mistakes over and over again, irrespective of what you're riding.....and that's dangerous.
  13. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in Naked
    What's the difference between a qualified and an unqualified kick boxer?
  14. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    I just ordered a set of Metzeler Tourance tyres for the XT. Apparently they're the best road based tyre for the bike, with rave reviews all over the Net.
  15. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in Naked
    Bloody hell....those are long days Mozzy! :shock: Get yourself another bike asap.
  16. Pete replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    You know Mozzy then? :shock:
  17. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in Naked
    You need to get out more! 8)
  18. Pete replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    A rather worrying pattern seems to be emerging here! :shock:
  19. Pete replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    Don't tell me.....tell Bender and Dick Hurts!
  20. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    I didn't go anywhere near The Wear.
  21. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    No...I went out on the bike instead! :roll:
  22. Pete replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in The Bar
    We don't get offended at the "sheep shaggers" jibes Mozzy. But just remember that every time you say it to a Welshman, he's thinking what a sad English twat you are, cos that's the only Welsh insult you've got. And after you've said it....you're fucked...you've got nothing else to say. Us on the other hand, have got loads of things to say about the English....and it varies from region to region. For example, would you like to explain why Bristolians assign a gender to inanimate objects e.g "Where's the lift?....Oh, there he is!" :roll: And who assigns the gender to these objects? How would I know whether a chair is male or female? Is there a definitive guide in paperback? Cos you'd look pretty stupid calling a shovel a female if it was a male, wouldn't you? :roll:
  23. Pete replied to skyline's post in a topic in General
    It's a Gay Bike! :shock:
  24. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    Did another 100 miles on it today....even managed to get lost on unclassified roads in Mid Wales.
  25. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in General
    Done 200 miles on it so far....engine's still very tight though. Me and the wife did a run today round the Mid Wales lakes....narrow single track bumpy roads all the way, and the XT just takes it all in it's stride. Really having a lot of fun, and so easy to ride.