Everything posted by Pete
Yamaha XJ600 Diversion was stolen
Was it the one Vin Diesel rode in xXx?
Yamaha XJ600 Diversion was stolen
How is anybody supposed to know whether it's your bike?
Newbie here
Nice one Harry....good to see you!
fao alex pete or any other "original clever" peolple
And at 21 you now think a Mondeo is the best thing on the planet Moz!
Happy Easter!
No bike and no net access? You're living on the edge Alex! And me....I've been painting!
hi guys!
This girl you got engaged to Alan....is it the one that was away in college? Or a new one?
hi guys!
Good to see you Alan....I was getting a bit worried that something was wrong. So you're settling down....and you've sold the RD?
Thundercat not starting
And I'd add a fair bit of Redex carb cleaner into the petrol as it will help to clear out any shit in the fuel system.
- Xs400
fao alex pete or any other "original clever" peolple
From what I can remember, all images were linked Moz. So you must have uploaded them somewhere then linked them to here. There's no images in the database now, and when I did the conversion from phpBB about 15 months ago there were no images in that either. Mind you, we did lose a lot of stuff when we here hacked.
Ideas for a place to get away
Horseshoe Pass, Llangollen, North Wales.
u have to see this its hilarious
I ran one on GigaBikes about 3 years ago....and reprogrammed it with EddyIrish's vocabulary.
New to Yamaha
Nice one Paul....they're good workhorses. Change the oil regularly and it'll just keep going.
i have applied for a new part time job
Moz the Roz?
Cleaning chrome/stainless exhaust headers
Always been Solvol for me!
Brand New. Buying a bike but not for this season.
You want a nice Beemer you do!
This is hardcore....last weekend in the mountains of Granada!
My UAV is back on the road!
[x] That's a girl's bike!
mums scooter
Good stuff Moz....now when you getting a bike?
I hear it's snowing in Britain......
No probs Moz.....I'll see you in Benidorm!
I hear it's snowing in Britain......
Spain weather update....yesterday was 25 degrees and SCORCHIO!
WSBK is Back!
23rd April I'm planning to be at Valencia!
work this out
Hi Eddy! I see you're chilling out on the weekend again then?
I hear it's snowing in Britain......
.......well it's no picnic here either! ......only about 20 degrees at the moment....so I'm not riding my bike in that shit! It might get dusty!
Wanna nick my Bikes?
Every bike should be stored as upright as safely possible.....I've always used a block of wood for sidestand only bikes. I'm not a mechanical guy, but as I understand it, keeping a bike upright prevents the oil running to one side, and maintains a good oil balance for cold starts.