Everything posted by Pete
Where's Yammie Girl?
They were a very strange pair of individuals who kept obsessing about Mozzy. :roll:
on me own again
That man's in no condition to go shopping!
- New Bike
Warning from DVLA!!
Stick with it Mark....you'll soon get the hang of feeding yourself!
The Big Meet!
For the millionth time.... 8)
The difference between Tahiti and Manchester
It was taken before he got into his Spinal Tap phase. 8)
Warning from DVLA!!
Me and Alan have known for a long time that anybody waving that flag has got to be an AssClown. 8)
The Big Meet!
I'll aim to get to Calne by midday Jon. I have been to Calne some years ago, but I can't remember it at all. So probably it's best to see you just before Calne on the road down from the M4. Anywhere on it that you can suggest?
- New Bike
The Big Meet!
We're the only ones up this way, but I think JonRisby may be going as well. SupeRDerek will definitely be there.
- New Bike
The Big Meet!
More Styling and Profiling!
Just telling it how I see it really. It's major drawback is lack of power, so overtakes need to be more carefully planned. Second hand? Not sure really....I know the likes of George White sell 03 platers for about £3200.
Any tips on looking for a 2nd hand bike?
Careful on the sportsbikes John...they do get crashed more. And you don't want something that's been used as a trackday tool either. Look out for wired sump plugs or plastics that look newer than the bike. And go to a reputable dealer too....you may pay more, but you get what you pay for. Also try and get a bike that's less than 2 years old cos it will still be under Yamaha warranty. And be suspicious of a bike that looks in considerably better condition than it's mileage....unless you're buying it off me! 8)
New XT660R Plastics
I've had bike 33 years Alan, so I know where you're coming from. Don't you reckon that everything today is an extreme? No more useable, sensible bikes available...and too much sophistication and complication. I find the XT to be a bit of a throwback to the old days...bit like my old B33...but without the oil leaks!
New XT660R Plastics
We'll have to meet up sometime Alan, cos I like the look of the new XT660. If you're planning to go over David Jones or the Elan Valley centre then let me know. Like me, you probably notice a difference in power compared to previous bikes....but aren't they so easy to ride? And handling is amazing isn't it? You probably have Michelins on it....when they wear down replace them with Metzeler Tourance. They really are superb.
New XT660R Plastics
Very pricey David Jones are, aren't they? They seem to sell every bike at full retail. Seem to be very helpful there though.
what we all look like?!!
It may surprise you to know that I've NEVER heard any Welshman saying they hated or even disliked Bristolians Mozzy. :roll: Everybody I know who's spent time in Bristol really likes it and has lots of friends there. Including me. Plus a lot of Bristolians have Welsh roots you know. You need to get out more Moz.
on me own again
I think we'd better check that one out Yammie! :oops:
Where's Yammie Girl?
My SRX400
Looks great Mark. Those oilstains on the drive mean you've obviously had a Suzuki in there then?
Fancy a wee drink?
Yes....it's Jessie "The Body" Ventura...also in "Running Man".
Fancy a wee drink?
Got to ask why you've got Jessie The Body in your sig Al? You a wrestling buff?
Fancy a wee drink?
That is a strange fetish of yours PP....wanting to see me in a French Maids outfit. Still.....you're not the first lady to express that sentiment! 8) And where I live, you won't find a dry pair of knickers within a 20 mile radius!
no one to play with!!
Hey PP.....how can you tell when a Welsh girl has an orgasm? She drops her bag of chips! 8) I'll get my coat! :cry: