Everything posted by Pete
Me's goin' oot tae play
I was last called "young man" about the time England won the World Cup. :cry:
Dykes on Bikes?
Aaaah...but they're both in England. Obviously they get small portions then. 8)
Me's goin' oot tae play
No you're not young man....you haven't done your homework!
Dykes on Bikes?
Calm down Ladies....this isn't a witch hunt...just an observation. I'm sure both of you are red blooded Biker girls who get regular portions of Helmet! And axl...do a search on Google for Dykes on Bikes, and you get pages of links like this: http://www.dykesonbikes.org/ Seems they love the name apparently! :roll:
- 1st bike?
Norfolk babe!!
PM Mozzy...I believe he handles all such matters!
Dykes on Bikes?
There seems to be loads of them about you know....particularly on the Net. One bike forum, so I'm told, is full of them. What's all that about then?
1st bike?
....and very heterosexual too.
- New Bike
Norfolk babe!!
You want to show us your Pussy? :shock: PM Mozzy for assistance! 8)
- New Bike
Woman's horror at the build quality of her new Suzuki!
There's no excuse for Suzuki ownership! 8)
1st bike?
New XT660R Plastics
Bear in mind that I can't meet up with you unless you're colour co-ordinated in this season's fashions Alan!
- 1st bike?
- New Bike
on me own again
Ugh! Axl bit on Yammie's Tampax! :shock: I'll stick to Kebabs myself. 8)
on me own again
Why expensive? You can get a cheapie for a few quid. Remember my tips are based on 33 years of riding....and you can ignore them if you want. Please feel free to learn the hard way.
- New Bike
on me own again
My seat don't flip on the XT. But here's a hint for newer riders....keep a digital camera under the seat. Cos if something happens you have the potential for photographic evidence.. Very difficult for other people's insurance companies to deny liability then. :wink: I've never had to use it....but it doesn't hurt to cover all the bases.
on me own again
And even more assholes on bikes unfortunately! You're at more risk from other bikes than you are from cars now.
The Big Meet!
About 120 miles I think. Hopefully weather will be OK....cos a trip in the rain is definitely out! :cry:
New XT660R Plastics
I can relate to that Alan....the XT does give you a new lease of life with bikes. I've had more enthusiam for this bike than I've had for any other, and it's difficult to explain why. Have you noticed that just about all other bikers now blank you? Not that I give a shit, cos I reckon 99% of bikers today are complete wankers. I'm sure you'll agree that bikers today are not like they were in the Golden Years. As I've said on here before, we've gone from a "brotherhood" to a "fashion show catwalk". :roll: Let me know if you're about this weekend....we can get "looked down on" together then!
Just Reminding you :)
I have never done any of that shit. 8) Always stayed well clear of it.
Where's Yammie Girl?
Here's Ben and Dick: