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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    What red blooded heterosexual woman wouldn't? 8) Of course, no girl is ever the same after she's had a ride on Space Mountain you know!
  2. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    I look good for 50 don't I Yammie? 8)
  3. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yammie likes the "take charge" kind of guy! 8) Plus she did get a quick peek at my photo....she was stuck to the seat till the following day apparently. 8)
  4. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Make the tea Wench! 8)
  5. Pete replied to liquidcooled's post in a topic in General
    Sounds great Alan. I'll have to take a trip up there you know....never been. No I rarely ride at night TBH. Bogey man phobia you see! :oops:
  6. Probably the best pro Yam post I've EVER seen. Read this....it really is superb: Gotta chime in on this one. For my money, I am a proud Yamaha man all the way. I have owned Yamaha street, trail and race bikes for 30 years and have always regretted going with another brand. A single bike was the exception, a 1986 CR250R, a very fine ride in it's day. Yamaha's have traditionally always been a more stable mount at speed as opposed to headshaking, quick turning Honda's. This is a trait I treasure and apply in my riding. Down through the relatively short history of Japanese motorcycles (mainly since the 60's), Yamaha has been a consistent innovator and winner in pretty much all forms of motorcycle racing. From their GP days when they took the world by storm with their lightweight 2 strokes(RD350's) against the mighty MV Agusta 4 strokes, to their outright domination of the roadracing world with the awesome TZ750. From it's release in 1987, with the FZR1000 all through the R1 years(till the GSXR1000 was released) Yamaha owned the street liter bike category. Remember Bob Hannah and Kenny Roberts dominating the late 70's on Yamaha's in their respective fields. Anyone in here remember 1980 when the YZ's G model absolutely stood the motocross world on its ear with best in class models in each engine size 80, 125, 250, 465? In 1984 Yamaha began racing production based bikes against the "Works" units of the other manufacturers and won the 250cc Championship with RJ before Honda bought him away. We can thank Yamaha for starting the process that brought such technology directly to the buying public that allowed amatuers to compete with pro level riders. Haven't you all seen the huge resurgence in Veteran class racing since the mid 90's, Thank Yamaha for that. You like this Thumpertalk site, spend all your non-riding time here, Thank Yamaha for that! I mean, I realize there were thumpers out there before the YZF's, but they were XR's, KLR's, DRz's, not a 11,000 + RPM firebreathing, flame-shooting hightech lightweight blue missile. First to use reed valve induction, first with the mono-shock, first with water-cooling, first with power-exhaust valve(EXUP), first and still only with the Genesis head (5 valve heads), first with a modern 4 stroke and now first with their new process for injection moulded, hydro-formed aluminum frames allowing huge weight savings in street and dirt models while increasing strength. Funny that, once again, all the other manufacturers are playing catch up to Yamaha. Hell, Kawasaki still doesn't have a large bore 4 stroke, 6+years after the YZF400 was released. Face it, Kawasaki is in big trouble, having to team up with Suzuki to stay afloat financially! I know Honda makes a great product and has very high quality but what a farce for a company that supposedly prides itself on winning/leading. They sit on the fence while Yamaha designs, builds, markets a whole new class of bike, then they go and basically copy it, tone it down and give it a bland VANILLA Honda flavor. Honda may make a great bike and they may have a good business philosophy but they will never win my HEART. The magazines can have their say and opinion, 2 stroke or 4 stroke, Yamaha, IMHO makes a better overall bike. When I ride a bike, any brand, I don't say wow, I really like the lightweight of this bike, or wow, I really like the suspension. I ride for the [@#$%&*!] eating grin the motor on said bike puts on my face. Well, lets face it, all the Yamaha's motor's kick ass. Most folks can just ride those lighter hitting Honda's, harder and for longer as opposed to the arm straightening YZ's. Maybe it just goes back to Yamaha being the hisorical sentimental underdog, but they consistently make the best bikes in all classifications. They are THE leading innovators in the motorcycle world and by the looks of the newly released 2005's have my money and heart for another season. I've invited the guy and any other Yam owners over. Hopefully we'll get a few more "BleedinYanks" on board! 8)
  7. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    You're a feisty little filly aren't you?
  8. Pete replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    That smiley is a subliminal message on the dangers of buying a Suzuki i.e.....you'll be FUCKED! 8)
  9. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    You're doing great now Yammie....you're one of us. Now be a good girl and put the kettle on! 8)
  10. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    One point on that though. Freedom of choice is one thing, but if that choice has disastrous and tragic consequences for the people around them, then it's an entirely different matter.
  11. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sounds like man trouble to me Yammie! You can confide in me you know.....I'm the Doctor of Style! 8)
  12. Pete replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
  13. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    The thing is, no one can convince me or prove to me that drugs are OK. A lot of guys that I grew up with got into drugs in the late 60's and early 70's during the Hippie era. Many of them are dead now....and the ones that were still alive when I last went back to where I was born are seriously fucked up. It's been a few years, so maybe they're dead now as well. I turn up (OK, with grey hair) on my bike wearing tidy leathers, looking smart, and I've really aged well for 50 (as some of you know). I've still got a spark and I'm still laughing and joking as I've always been. But my mates are like limping, shuffling, twitching old men in their 70's....sort of reminiscent of the "Old Gits" in the Harry Enfield programme. I remember them as young, good looking guys with their life in front of them. Now they are fucked up old men staring death in the face......and barely capable of stringing a sentence together coherently. Everyone who went into it is either dead or fucked....but I'm still the way I've always been! 8) You see, that is what drugs do to you. Try and prove me wrong.....cos nobody has yet!
  14. Pete replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
  15. Pete replied to Alex's post in a topic in General
    Can't understand why you're leaving Brighton to go to the Far East Alex. The place is full of LadyBoys, Transexuals, Raging Homo's, Hookers, Pimps, and assorted sexual deviants. And the Far East is no bloody better! 8)
  16. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    You know the score then Scott. It's a nightmare for the families concerned. Emotionally scarred me for life, and my mother died 5 years ago not knowing whether he was alive or dead cos we couldn't find him.
  17. Pete replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in The Bar
    Last I heard he had a role in a Vin Diesel movie. Think it's called "XXX: Return of the Chav" where Mozzy plays the Baddie who threatens to burn down a city by revving his CG125 to the redline. Apparently Vin Diesel saves the day by wheelying his DT125 at 105mph, while simultaneously giving every female in the city 4 orgasms in 29 minutes. Barry Norman rated it.
  18. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    The thing is I'm very anti-drugs....always have been. Then when my eldest boy was 16 (he's now 27) we found out he'd been doing drugs for 2 years. He continued to do various stuff over the following years. This all resulted in him lying, stealing, having no education, no work experience, living in squats and hovels all round the UK, dissappearing completely for 3 years so we didn't know if he was alive or dead, and eventually he ended up in hospital having an operation for a collapsed lung. I think he's cleaned up his act now, and he's living and working in Bristol. I see him every month or so and he looks a lot healthier now, so I hope he's wised up. He realises how he fucked up his life and distressed his family and now says he wishes he'd never got into it. I only hope he's telling the truth, cos over the last 11 years it's been difficult to believe anything he says. Sorry about the monologue and I do understand that not everybody who does a bit of dope ends up as a crack addict, in the same way that not everybody who has a pint will end up as an alcoholic. But there are a lot of people who can only do things to excess, and the more people who do drugs then the more victims there are going to be. And I speak from experience when I say that it is the families of those people who suffer the most. Just say NO! 8)
  19. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Society is fucked up....priorities are all wrong. So many people say that a bit of dope doesn't cause the problems booze does....and that's true. We're now in a culture where the use of mind altering substances is seen as an acceptable alternative to getting pissed and aggressive. Surely the logical viewpoint is to do neither? Anyway...consider this... 1. You do dope which is illegal, and I don't care what people say but it most certainly can lead to more dangerous stuff. Yet it's viewed as acceptable! :roll: 2. You get pissed up, create trouble, crash your car, beat your wife etc. You tell people how much you drunk....and you're a hero. 3. But if someone lights a cigarette.....they're the AntiChrist! Does that make any sense?
  20. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    No I don't actually dibey...any alcohol brings on a blinding migraine.
  21. Pete replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Drugs and booze are strictly a crutch for low self esteem people. You can do all the smack, crack, slack, snack, jack, or black that you want....you'll still never be the "Total Package" like me! 8) Discuss! 8)
  22. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    There's no women's problem on Earth that can't be solved by a good stiff prick Scott! 8)
  23. Pete replied to axl's post in a topic in The Bar
    I was 12....and my claim to fame for that year was that I was actually at Wembley for the World Cup match when England beat Mexico 2-0, and Bobby Charlton scored his famous goal. Once I got a bike in 71, I never watched football again. Back in those days the players weren't pansies like today, there were some real hard bastards about. Remember Dave Mackay axl? He'd have snapped today's soccer hardmen in half!
  24. Pete replied to Pete's post in a topic in The Bar
    Wales is just one big helmet you know. I'm so potent that I can even impregnate women by e-mail attachment.
  25. Just look at that photo and think....thank fuck I went to the Yam dealer! 8)