Everything posted by Pete
Just Reminding you :)
I've never shot a homosexual in my life! 8)
flat tyre on the A11
Don't do a repair! Get a new one!
Just Reminding you :)
I think the very worst side effect of drink and drugs is that it can lead to Suzuki ownership! :shock: Just say no....you really don't want to go there. 8)
Just Reminding you :)
Exactly! You've seen it short term...I've seen it long term. It's for losers I'm afraid....same as excess drinking. WTF is dope and booze gonna give me that I haven't got already? I look great, I'm intelligent, I'm humorous, I'm self confident, I'm the Quintessential Stud Muffin......I'm not modest though! 8) The only thing drugs and booze would give me is a vegetable brain and a limp dick....so I think I'll pass on that thanks! 8)
Just Reminding you :)
Agree with you axl...but remember that you don't have a compulsive personality. Those that do are at serious risk from any of that stuff. As I said, I've never needed any of that stuff to enjoy myself. Personally I prefer to keep my wits about me.
flat tyre on the A11
Pain in the ass Yammie. Sounds like it's a new tyre job....if it's damaged don't risk a repair.
XT update!
RU Welsh and a Jones? That'll narrow it down a bit.
Just Reminding you :)
Read back axl...I don't drink either. And there is a difference between having the odd social pint and rampant alcoholism. Drugs are a different thing though....do people honestly know what it is they're taking? You buy a can of Bud and you can be pretty sure it doesn't contain antifreeze or Jeyes fluid.
XT update!
Cheers Moz...you might get a chance to see it for real soon. I'll be in Bristol soon to see my boy....have to do the Fowlers meet.
Just for Yammie
Any ideas on a bike yet Moz? You need to get back on 2 wheels you know!
Just Reminding you :)
Once again, The Mozz has hit the nail on the head! 8)
Alan's a Jock.....
Hey Moz! My boy in Bristol has now moved to St George's. Is that any better than Easton, or is it another shithole?
Laconia NH and Mt Washington pics from the 17th
That motor of yours should go way past the 30K life expectancy of the KLR's Tym. Any thoughts on changing it yet?
The Arms' Race
Kawasaki are sitting on a goldmine...but they're too stupid to see it. If they brought out a new Z1 based very much on the original in terms of styling, but with modern technology like a ZX9 motor etc, they'd fly out the door. Look at the number of XJR's, B12's, GSX14's etc that are about. They're all too big, too heavy, and not great performers. But they are basically the only options like that. The ZRX has 80's styling....but it's the original Z1 that's the inspiration for people, not Eddie Lawson 80's replicas. All the BAB's would be queueing up for new Z1's....cos they were the bike that we ALL wanted in our youth, and few of us could afford.
The Arms' Race
What I don't understand is how a company that produced the definitive ground breaking motorcycle in 1972..... ....can somehow manage, 30 years later, to create a hideous parts bin special like this.... ....and have the fucking front to call it a Z1000. :roll: Like ice cream and horse shit aren't they? :roll:
Laconia NH and Mt Washington pics from the 17th
Well as you've brought up the subject of oil changes....let's see the up to date list of oil change points! Those of you who thought I was obsessive by changing oil and filter every 1500 miles.....wait till you see this! :shock: And BTW....Tym does actually have a Yamaha at home too. Tell em Tym! 8)
Alan's a Jock.....
I thought you were a quietly spoken Scot Alan. Very easy to understand too. Did I sound different to what you expected? I don't sound 50 either do I? 8)
Laconia NH and Mt Washington pics from the 17th
Hey nice one Tym! How many miles you up to now? And how's that doohickey holding up?
Alan's a Jock.....
It's not unusual.....for people to say that! 8)
Alan's a Jock.....
.....just talked to him on the phone! He sounds like Rab C Nesbitt you know! :shock:
12 Days to go!
Who's this Newbie?....Is he an alias?
The Arms' Race
I was at the Earls Court show in Nov 72 when it was unveiled Alan. It was like something from another planet to us. Hasn't it aged well though? Can't say the same about many others TBH.
XT update!
Good job you sold that Gay Honda Alan....being reclusive would be the least of your worries! I always play fuck in David Jones's...cos the young boy on the parts counter keeps giving me Gay Honda carrier bags. I'm not sure he understands what I'm on about though! 8)
XT update!
That Llangurig-Aberystwyth road is lethal on a Sunday isn't it? Bone headed Power Rangers acting like twats there....well, they act like twats everywhere TBH!
The Arms' Race
I still reckon that this was the pinnacle of motorcycle development. Completely head and shoulders above the rest when it was launched. Truly ground breaking motorcycle!