Everything posted by Pete
Had my new 05' R6 for 12 days now and.....
You gotta be careful with T Cut, it could strip it. Try polishing with a bit of WD40, but make sure you dry it off. Then try Turtle Wax.
There's a banning coming up! And before you all mention the Beemer......I do have a Yam as well!
Clutchless Upshifting!
Why do it? It's not doing your bike any good. The clutch is there for a reason.
Lest We Forget!
Lansivuori and Saarinen were very close....and Saarinen's death affected him badly. He raced for a couple more seasons (but his heart wasn't in it) then he retired. 3 years ago on the 30th anniversary of the crash, he was at the fatal spot in Monza along with Saarinen and Pasolini's widows laying flowers.
Hello everyone
You're welcome to post up a link at my place Capt....DualSport-Europe Just post with it that I said to put it there so people will know you're a friend! And since we spoke last, I moved To Spain, sold my XT660 (still got the old XT350 though)....and now I'm riding this....
- Lest We Forget!
Hello everyone
Hi Capt....this is XTreme here....what's happened to JMC? Is he not involved now?
Feb 1978 I had a tankslapper at 110 on a GT750 Suzuki. How did I deal with it? I fell off! Cos when you get a bad one you're going down....BIG STYLE! The bars rotate so violently you have no hope of saving it! Just say your prayers! Very rare on modern bikes nowadays....so I wouldn't worry about it!
Picked up my New 05 R6 last night.....
Remember me telling you about the restrictive nature of clipons nearly 2 years ago? OK for round a track.....but a pain in the ass (and wrist) in urban areas. You want a nice 2 wheeled urban assault vehicle with high bars you do!
When cars are turning out of junctions.....
Expect EVERY car at EVERY junction to pull out in front of you.....and always give yourself an escape route in case they do. When you expect the unexpected then you're rarely taken by surprise. Spot on Andy! It's never taught or mentioned....but if you keep changing your lane position all the time you'll attract attention. From behind and in front. Test the theory....get somebody to hold 2 lit torches in front of you....one stationery and one moving from side to side. And you won't notice the stationery one, your whole attention will focus on the moving one.
Dark Visors?
Where I am now, they don't give a fuck about your licence, visor, plate, or can.....or whether you're even wearing a helmet.....or even if there's FOUR people on a bike! And no, I'm not joking!
- Oi Pete!
I've pass my bike test!!
Only ride at YOUR pace....nobody elses!
I've pass my bike test!!
Good to see you back John!
New Buy saying Hi
I'm no fan of sportsbikes.....but that is superb!
Now it's Tomg's turn...
All the best Tom!
about fucking time
Business as usual for the Moz family then?
Nabbed by the old bill
I hate to say it Sir Tom....but if you have a small plate and a race can you may as well put a sign on your head saying "Nick me". Ditch them both!
Oi Pete!
Thanks guys! And I can confirm that the XT is pristine! And I just did an oil and filter change. It's now on 7300 miles, previous one was 6800 miles.....so it didn't really need it. But it had developed a slight oil leak from the oil filter cover, so I had to replace all the seals. But it's all done, no more leaks, and it sounds great.
Get a big trailie....unfortunately Yamaha don't do one!
- Hi, hello and wazzup
What exactly is this?
Seen today outside DandyMoto in Murcia! Looks like some sort of YPVS-Manx Norton hybrid!
Peo's XT350!
On a 91 J Plate Scott....same as mine! Mine's The Daddy though!
Peo's XT350!
He had a problem uploading so I've posted these for him.