Everything posted by Pete
proud parent
More girls on bikes is what we need Yammie! Just keep her away from Suzukis!
maintainence courses
Forget a course...just find an experienced biker to show you. He'll probably be happy to help.
ISP down!
Been offline nearly 24 hours as my Pipex ADSL connection was down. :cry: Seems they had a major network problem, which is very unusual for them cos they're top notch. And even worse, it's been pissing down and blowing a gale here...so no bike either. :cry: Did I miss anything happening on here? Has Alan got rid of his Mullet yet?
Have you ever...
The XT! Never considered one till a couple of months ago. And when I rode it I thought "This is fun". And that's what it's all supposed to be about.
maintainence courses
Get yourself a boyfriend who's a bike mechanic! Sorted! 8)
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
There's no disagreement or bad feeling AFAIC, and no malice intended. If axl wants to ride round with floppy ears and a tail on his helmet, then that's his prerogative. And that subject only got mentioned in respect of some bikers who look to cut corners on essential consumables, but are quite willing to spend their money on stuff like that. I'm sure you'll all agree that people like that have definitely got their priorities wrong. So cool down axl....no need to run off with your tail between your legs....sorry, back of your head!
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
I thought you said you weren't going to bother going on about it anymore? Well....seeing as you're still fixated on it, I may as well throw this into the pot! 8) I won't comment on it any more axl, don't think I need to really. And unfortunately, it seems you haven't had much luck in getting support for your ideas anywhere else either. Got to admit that I did have a really good laugh at this one: "Why don't you just ride around with a big sign on the back of your bike saying I'm a mobile twat" Not my words....taken from here: http://www.visordown.com/forums/showthread...ad.php?t=164473 Still.....you know best axl!
Is there a discount for bulk buying?
just developed a sudden hatred for Swiss refs.
Don't class one or two dickheads as being representative of the whole nation Moz. Peter Sutcliffe and Fred West were English, but I don't think all English are serial killers. I can honestly say I have never met a Welshman who is anti English....sure, you'll have rivalry and banter over sporting events, but that's the same everywhere. I can tell you now that there is probably more backstabbing, untrustworthy bastards in Wales than there are in England. And I don't think there's a Welsh-English divide, in my experience there's more of a conflict with city people and country people, irrespective of their nationality.
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
Why has the fun gone out of biking then? Wrong bike perhaps? Sometimes we all go through peaks and troughs with it. But how are bits of fur on your head going to bring the fun back?
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
No...it's not cool axl...it's pretty sad and pathetic really. It just screams out..."Look at me....I sooooo want to be accepted. I'll wear floppy ears, gaudy dayglo colours....and even get my wheels to light up....now can I be one of you?" Bikers always were individualists....people who walked a different path to the average guy. Now it's Glam Rock on wheels! No offence to you or your mates, but you've all just bought into an image created by non-motorcyclist marketing men. If you think about it....those kinds of biker, and the kids in their souped up Novas with big speakers and baseball caps, have ALL embraced an image that has been created by companies for you to "belong" within your chosen peer group. As I said, I'm not having a dig....people are free to choose what they spend their money on. If people want to look like Darth Vadar wearing the Blackpool Seafront illuminations....then carry on. I'll just stick with "Old School" thanks! 8)
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
Look at the bollocks that's sold today....floppy ears, Darth Vadar visors, valve caps that light up, coloured tyres, coloured chains etc etc. And I guarantee that some of the muppets who are into that stuff have cut corners on essentials like servicing items and consumables. And regarding the NGK's....other people may not notice such an improvement unless the bike is set up to it's optimum. If the carbs are out, worn rings etc then it may not make much difference. But if the bike is 100% like mine, then you really notice it. Interesting experiment though, if some of you guys try the Iridium for yourselves and report on the outcome.
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
axl...I've tried most stuff over 33 years of riding. Some good, some bad. If it works I'll say so, if it's crap I'll say so. As you can imagine, I've changed a lot of plugs over the years....and I've never experienced a difference like I did today. What I don't understand is the mentality of people who'd begrudge paying £40 for plugs and £25 for oil....when they're quite happy to fork out £100 for some multicolour screen. Course the oil and the plugs can't be seen can they? :roll:
just developed a sudden hatred for Swiss refs.
The English just can't take losing can they! Everybody's fault except their own. You wanna blame GayBoy Beckham after his pitiful "Have It".
Welsh 2 Day Enduro
Quite funny today really. Me and the wife were out on the XT and we'd come across various groups of Enduro entrants using the roads to get between the stages. Course their bikes are geared for offroad competition use, so I'd go thumping past the lot of them! 8) Loads of people at the roadside watching the bikes going by and they'd see me passing everybody on a similar type of bike. They must have been thinking..."Look at that guy on the black bike.....he's burning them all off...AND he's so fucking cool he's doing the event two up!
Thieving B****rds
You're still my centrefold Amanda....just make sure that the Shitzuki isn't in the picture!
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
OK...here's the verdict on the NGK Iridium IXtreme plugs! I will NEVER use the normal ones again. They cost 50% more, but even if they were 3 times as much, I'd still get them. Better starting, smoother, and more throttle response. 5th gear used to feel more like an overdrive, but now it really pulls. OK, you may not get as noticeable a gain on a multi compared to a single....plus the engine is now loosening and it's had 2 oil and filter changes in the past 5 weeks. But there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Iridium has made a major improvement to the bike. It won't turn a DT50 into an R1, but it will get the best from whatever you're riding. Get them! Please note...from now on it will be known as the Silkolene/NGK Iridium lifestyle! 8)
The best Bike review on the net.
It's from an American site obviously. Why can't Brit journalists (besides Dan Walsh) write stuff like this instead of the usual "Sports 600 shootout" bollocks? :roll: Read this...it's brilliant! http://www.motorcycle.com/mo/mckaw/00w650.html
Thieving B****rds
Even more frightening today is the psychos who go round dumping Suzukis in your garage overnight! :shock: What sick freaks!
Are you riding the Bike that's right for you?
And on a positive note...neither of them are Suzukis or girls bikes! Don't worry Amada...I'm your Knight in Shining Armour who'll save you from the perils of Suzuki ownership. 8)
Road Test - XT660R First 350 miles
The strange thing is that the new XT costs nearly a grand more than the old model. OK...new motor, water cooling, better build quality and design...but no rev counter. Like the new Fazer pricing it's pitched at premium levels...hope they don't start pricing themselves out of the market.
Big Thumbs up for Alan!
Are you riding the Bike that's right for you?
And as you get older, the worse it will get Alex. Next time round try a lot of different bikes for comfort. Fazer Thou would suit you.
Road Test - XT660R First 350 miles
Mine's got a rev counter...did they do away with it on the new model then?
I fell off tonight!
Glad you're OK there axl....could have been worse.