Everything posted by Pete
Every fucker's winding me up tonight with talk of Shitzuki's, Tattoos, Gay Hondas....nobody better talk about all that drugs shit. And if axl dares to mention his fucking floppy ears.......
Waahay!!! I passed my Test today :)
Don't you fucking start as well! Oh...and well done Jon....and get a Yam or a Kwak. Get anything else and it will be..... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Just to introduce myself................
I like the V Strom with the 650 V twin motor....but I'm not going down that road again cos I know where it leads.
Haven't got any....and find them gross...particularly on women. It's a poor man's way of collecting art, makes people look bloody stupid, potential HIV risk....though it does enable you to spot Pikeys and Chavs quite quickly.
Ola dudes and dudetts
Tym's an honourary Taff with Irish American dual citizenship. 8)
passes test woohooo
Quite right mate....and let's not talk about the sexuality of your future bike. Oh I nearly forgot.....
Just to introduce myself................
OK...let's clear this up once and for all. Yams...love'em. Kwaks...like 'em a lot. Hondas...excellent products but nothing of interest to me. Brit/European/American....wouldn't touch them with a bargepole. OK....who's left? Oh yes....the K Mart of Motorcycling...Suzuki. I make no secret of the fact that I don't like Suzuki. Why? Well it's not actually the bikes themselves, though some of them are cheap and nasty....no, it's the ethics of the company. Examples: Persistent failure over the years to accept warranty defects...i.e. Hayabusa subframes cracking, TL 1000S speed weaves (which killed people), and the legendary 2nd Gen Bandit 12 oil burning issue. In fact, Suzuki still maintain to this day that using a litre of oil per 600 miles is acceptable for a new engine. And ONLY if your dealer can prove to Suzuki that it's using more than this will your claim be looked at. Personally I find business practices like that to be totally unacceptable, definitely immoral, and possibly illegal. Another example is the development of the Big 4 in the Sixties. While Honda, Kawasaki, and Yamaha were working hard to develop their product....what were Suzuki doing? Well basically they were stealing another Company's 2 stroke technology...lock, stock, and barrel by arranging the defection of East German MZ rider and engineer Ernst Degner from behind the Iron Curtain. He got out with his wife, his son...and ALL of MZ's secrets. Suzuki then went from having nothing to winning GP's inside a year, and MZ went down the pan. I could fill pages with all this stuff covering cheap and nasty builds, "sharp practices" etc, but I can't be arsed. All I would say is that all the people who hold Suzuki Motor Corporation in such high regard need to learn a bit more about the company they're giving their money to. If you want to support a company that refuses to stand behind it's products however substandard they may be, and fails to conduct its business in an ethical way....then be my guest.
- What do you use...
Polishing Plastics
I was in Halfords in Hereford today so I bought a bottle of Armor All on your recommendation Alan. First coat just went on so I'll let you know how it goes.
Ola dudes and dudetts
Tremendous stuff Tym...and I see you've got the Welsh flag on there too! Any nice ladies there? Time for an oil change too! 8)
Suzuki GS500f?
[x] There's no excuse for Suzuki ownership! [ ] Bon was The Man! [x] You want a nice Thumper you do! [ ] Warning! Internet Riding God bullshitting in progress! [ ] PM Mozzy! [ ] Just say NO to Mullets! [x] We didn't bother with that any of that shit in my day! [x] That's a girl's bike! 8) 8) 8)
i konow i should be getting another bike
Motorcycling is Doomed! :cry: Da Mozzman was going to be the icon for a new generation of Bikers! He coulda binna contenda! :cry:
i konow i should be getting another bike
You're letting the side down Moz....have to take you for a stroll round Fowlers you know! 8)
Stolen goods on eBay?!?
It's a steal at that price.
So who's gonna chat up Russian Lady first?
She signed up yesterday and after a bit of research by Baz we've discovered a bit about her. She's from a Russian bride site, 23 and her name is Yana. So...who's gonna step up to the plate first? Gotta be axl surely?
- what would you do?
The Truth about Motorcycle Chains!
We've had a few discussions on here about chain care and lubing, and I came across this site tonight. Very interesting stuff that you need to read. Please note that they ONLY recommend PJ1 Blue...like I do! 8) http://www.quality-cycle.com/truth_about_m...ycle_chains.htm
passes test woohooo
Nice one...but why are you buying a Gay Bike? You know you'll take stick for it....not from me obviously! :roll: Oh...by the way..... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Noise annoys??
Agree Alan. And I know I've said it before...but why do people want to spend hundreds of pounds to make their bike loud when all they're doing is attracting unwanted police and public attention and INVALIDATING their insurance. Don't believe me? Check with your insurance company!
what would you do?
Same as normal then Baz! 8)
what would you do?
Probably best to work it out Baz. You never know what will happen in the future, so best not to burn bridges.
How far can people check you out
Why do you think that I'm normally behind high anonymity proxy servers? Course once somebody's got your IP then you run the risk of being hacked. My signature gif is reading your IP info....but you're the only one who can see it. It's also reading mine, but the IP address that it shows is not my real IP. 8)
maintainence courses
True though...I tell people that ALL our tools from Hammer Drills to Sockets Sets belong to the wife. They always think I'm joking, but it's true. I'm lucky that she was a Tomboy and she is very good at practical stuff. There's 3 things I can do in my life....ride bikes, shag, and sort out PC's. Anything else....forget it...I'm a disaster! :cry:
Bike 1 - Car 0
Most oldies will have gone through the bike only phase when they were youngsters. Bikes in those days were either viewed as "poor man's transport" or a hooligan tool. But if you've got a family you have to have a car. I don't like cars, never had any interest in them. They're just like a pair of shoes to me....something you have to have to get around.
maintainence courses
No...I'm not offering, cos I'm mechanically clueless and incompetent. In fact, if it comes to any practical job then I'm a complete disaster.