Everything posted by Pete
How about a nice chat about V-Stroms?
It's Yamahead's 44th birthday!
Good avatar Alan!
It's Yamahead's 44th birthday!
As I say every year, Scott's a great guy and a real biker....though his personal grooming does leave a lot to be desired! And how much longer can the bloody Line Dancing Hillbilly get away with claiming to be younger than me? And how much longer can he deny using hair colourant? He might fool the rest of the Trailer Park....but he's not fooling me! So let's hear it for Scott.....and as a Birthday treat, here's his all time favourite! "But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart I just don't think it'd understand And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart He might blow up and kill this man Ooo"
- Workshop Manuals!
Exit Beemer....Enter ????????
Here is Bike no.54..... Suzuki DL1000K6 V-Strom brand new!
Exit Beemer....Enter ????????
Well I've got my new bike....and I like it!
- WTF ????
Yamaha Owners Club business opportunities!
There's a bot got in here....but I've now nuked it's sorry ass!
Exit Beemer....Enter ????????
The Goddam Redneck's on the money! 6 months is much too long to own one bike!
Exit Beemer....Enter ????????
Don't you remember I had one for two weeks and hated it?
Exit Beemer....Enter ????????
A deal was done today, and the Beemer leaves the building next Wenesday! It's being part exed for a brand new bike. I can't knock the Beemer, it used no oil and never missed a beat. The only minor glitch was the brake problems, and a defective throttle linkage and horn which was replaced today. All FOC. It may have run forever, it may explode tomorrow. Who knows? And once the warranty expires in a few months I'd be footing the bill for potentially very expensive parts, and extortionate BMW labour charges. I'm not going to run that risk, and bearing in mind that I very often end up in totally remote places with no mobile reception....I need to trust it with my life. And I can't make that commitment. Bottom line.....the handling, suspension, and comfort were superb. But I just didn't have the confidence in it that I'd have in a Jap bike. And I never would. So bye bye Beemer.....enter ???????? You know the drill by now.....so start speculating on what Bike 54 will be!
That's the drawback with these middleweight high revving bikes. Bottom line....to sustain cruising speeds you need torque, and those type of bikes don't have any!
back on the road again
Has the GSX-R gone Alan?
Sportsbikes are just gay!
Moon Rally 2006
C'mon guys....let's see some members from here going to this rally!
Attention all Sportsbike Posers!
Try THIS on your race rep!
Viva Almeria!
TBH Robbie....most of the issues and problems are with the later 1200. The 1150's are pretty sorted...some of them with excess of 200K on the clock.
Coming to work in the rain this morning.....
I'm all choked up about it!
A Must-Read
It used to be called "Roadcraft"....I've got an old copy somewhere!
Viva Almeria!
Wander into a Beemer dealer and get a testride Scott. With the type of rider you are it'll blow your mind. The setup for handling with the Paralever and Telelever suspension is amazing. Pick a corner you take at 70 and you'll go round it at 100 on a GS.....and feeling like you're sitting in a big armchair on the roof of a car. It's unreal!
Viva Almeria!
Going on for 6 months and over 3000 miles now Scott. Never missed a beat! And TBH....I'm surprised. As for rideability....it's amazing! From one lane "roads" filled with potholes, gravel tracks, urban riding, fast open roads, right through to crossing continents on motorways. It does the lot....easily. With virtually zero fatigue on the rider however long you're in the saddle.
Getting on and off ya bike with luggage on the back!?
So you got problems getting your leg over then John.
Clutchless Upshifting!
Spot on Andy! You can have the flavour of the month bike, dress up in a Power Ranger's costume, wear a Darth Vadar visor, hang off like a baboon, and do all the clutchless upshifts you want. But you're just going to end up feeling like a Twat when some old bloke riding an unfashionable POS bike in classic Hailwood style dissapears over the horizon in the blink of an eyelid.
Viva Almeria!
For all you poor bastards still languishing in Blair's Brave New World, here's a trip I took yesterday. It'll cheer you up! From Huescar in Granada to Urra in Almeria! For the thickos amongst you....that's in Spain! It was a 250 mile round trip in great weather! :cool: I headed south from Huescar to Cullar and then picked up the A92 motorway for about 20 miles. Turn off at Chrivel....and that's when it gets interesting. It's a 40 mile run through the mountains to Albox, but as usual when you get off the major roads, the surfaces turn to crap and it gets very narrow. The Beemer takes it all in it's stride though.... The roads turn into a labyrinth of twists and turns where you rarely get above third gear. I got to Albox, the roads opened up, and then I was back onto the motorway for about 50 miles. I turned off, and arrived at my destination which was Urra just outside Sorbas! It borders onto the only desert in Europe....where the spaghetti Westerns were filmed in the 60's. It was getting really warm by this time so I thought I'd go back most of the way via the motorway to cool down. I stopped at the services for a much needed drink! And I made some new friends too! Then off I went again....north up the motorway towards Murcia, then turning off onto the A92 motorway. 140-160kph all the way, and hardly any traffic. And certainly no sign of cops! The Beemer did 250 miles today, didn't miss a beat, and just keeps getting better and better. And the harder you run it, the better it likes it. The thing is just so planted and stable at speed it's unreal....it's like being on a monorail. A bike this ugly, this heavy, and this old-tech, has no right to be this good. If Yamaha could build a GS-beater, I'd buy one tomorrow! But until that time, I'll stick with the two wheel Urban Assault Vehicle!
Clutchless Upshifting!
It's OK for the cop to say that, he's not the one who has to pay for repairs on his bike. I know you have a warranty but if a failure occurs due to owner abuse then you're out on a limb.