Everything posted by Pete
- War
Firefox is The Daddy! And if you want to make it even quicker...do this: 1. Type "about:config" in the adress field. 2. Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true". 3. Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "100". 4. Set the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining to "true" And you should see a noticeable speed increase.
Big Changes!
As a further commitment to developing YamahaClub, Alex has purchased the Invision Power Board commercial forum software. I've spent half the day doing a database conversion from the old board and this is the end result. But please note that the url to use for the forum is now http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php This is different from the previous one and the only reason you got here is that there's a redirect in place on the server. So change your bookmarks NOW! Your account, passwords, post count, threads, and posts are all exactly as they were on the old board. Nothing has changed in that respect. All you will need to do is to sign in again when you visit the first time. We hope you like the new look!
Here's the TT-R250.....
This will be used mainly on country trail type roads Scott....and as the Tourance is mainly road based then I doubt it. I'll need more of a 50/50 compromise tyre on it. It's actually got Trials tyres on it at the moment, which are basically as new.
Here's the TT-R250.....
Not sure...I think the motor's been changed a bit TBH. Moz...come and sign up over at my new place DualSportUK....Scott and Alan are members there too.
Here's the TT-R250.....
For a 250 it goes very well indeed Moz....I was very surprised TBH. It wants to be revved though, but when you keep it buzzing you can get round quite rapidly considering how small it is. I tell you something, it's not far behind the XT600 in performance when you make it work hard.
- Snow !
coppers are fekin wankers
Hiya Moz! Good to see you back on form. Won't be down to Bristol as I planned as my eldest boy has now gone back up to London. Got another bike yet?
Here's the TT-R250.....
Indicators are standard Scott. And I find handguards help me with my white finger syndrome, so they're as essential to me as mirrors.
Here's the TT-R250.....
Still got a bit to do on it Alan. Handguards and mirrors are needed urgently!
Here's the TT-R250.....
....that I just bought! What you think guys? 8)
coppers are fekin wankers
I've been here a year and I'm still waiting!
The Friday Quiz!
Alan guessed it right on DSUK. It's a Yam TT-R250. It's a 1994 manufactured model, imported into the UK in 2001. Looks like it's spent most of it's life in more tropical climates TBH. They all were imports from that era as Yamaha stopped officially bringing them in as the high price tag at the time (circa £4.3K), resulted in low sales. It's done 20K miles, all original except for Renthal bars, very good condition....though I'll improve it out of all recognition. Owned by a 60+ year old guy from Hereford since import. No expense spared on maintenance either.....brand new gold sprockets and chain on it. It was taken as part ex by the local offroad dealer.....the one that I do all the computer work for. So I had it at way below it's real market value.....plus he's doing a full service on it, and a new MOT for free when it's due at the end of January.
The Friday Quiz!
This is running on DSUK too....so I can't give you many clues Alan. But it is 4 stroke.
- The Friday Quiz!
The Friday Quiz!
Those of you who know me are aware that I've been looking for a second bike/ratbike since I sold the DT175 in June. And now something has finally turned up....the right bike at the right price too. It's bought and paid for, and I collect it later. So....can you guess WHAT bike it is? Some clues..... 1. I won't consider anything that's not Jap...cos I love the inscrutable Nips! 2. I won't consider any Jap bikes assembled by inscrutable Nips if the factory name ends in "i". Go on.....take a shot! Can YOU guess what bike no.48 is? But have no fear....the rampantly Gay Honda is staying!
coppers are fekin wankers
So what about it JMW? Let's see those bikes of yours then!
coppers are fekin wankers
JMW not got a bike? And made it all up? I think we need more info on this!
The Diana tapes
So do I Marchy.....but people disbelieve it now cos of AlFayed's lunatic rantings! And on the subject of Royalty....did you know that Queen Victoria spoke with a GERMAN accent?.....allegedly!
coppers are fekin wankers
What's Argentina got to do with it though?
- bike test
anyone out today?
You wish you'd listened to The Cool Guy's riding advice now......don't you skyline? Still......you knew best! 8) Stupid Boy! Of course Alan listens to advice from me and his old man....consequently he comes to no harm! Take a look at this...... That's you that is!
- bike test
anyone out today?
There's something about those types of bikes that you just can't get into Alan. Don't know how to describe it really....cos they go quick and handle well....but there's just something missing. I think it's emotional involvement....there's nothing there...bit like a car.
anyone out today?
I was! 8) Only did about 35 miles round mid Wales though.