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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Pete replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in The Bar
    Looks like something out of Deliverance to me! You're in the wrong place Andy! Over here you ride offroad wherever you want to..... .....and roadriding is quite good too! I'm having to tough it out a bit now cos temperatures have plummeted to 15 degrees!
  2. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    It's true Moz.....I'm in Spain! And this Winter weather is killing me!
  3. ....and 14 years old! And now it's in Spain it'll never rust! I've even seen 25 year old Fiestas in perfect condition here!
  4. Pete replied to rolfg's post in a topic in The Bar
    Goddam Bedwetter!
  5. Pete replied to Boozehound's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not more "trouble at t'mill" again Bazz?
  6. Pete replied to Boozehound's post in a topic in The Bar
    Better than being called English though.
  7. Pete replied to Faust's post in a topic in Classics
    My money's on a YR2.
  8. Pete replied to Boozehound's post in a topic in The Bar
    You rang? Boozehound seems a big enough Twat to be allowed to enter the hallowed inner sanctum of Twattishness HERE!
  9. Pete replied to Novice's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    I've got a 660R.....and TBH I haven't got a clue.
  10. As it's been non-stop since I moved to Spain 3 weeks ago, we decided to have a day to chill out. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to put the 350 through it's paces. I travelled about 15 miles from El Algar to Portman via the dirt tracks....however most of the time I didn't have a clue where I was. I turned off the main road, followed some paths and came across a huge disused quarry which had tracks right across the mountains. Then I came across the remains of what looked like some sort of mine....this photo could have been taken in Wales. After getting out of the quarry (eventually) the roads were quite gentle.... Then it started getting a bit more difficult... It may not look very demanding surface-wise but these switchback bends are every 30 yards with a serious drop on both sides.... I got to the highest point and there were great views across the area... Then I found out how I had to get down the other side! :da919: I had about 2 miles of that (most of it on mountain ledges), I finally got to a more gentle terrain approaching Portman. A nice little run in 18 degree temperatures! So.....do I miss the UK? No fucking chance!
  11. I've been busy since I've got here Alan....so I haven't been on either XT for what you'd call a rideout. Just used them to go into the local town that's all. As for rules and regs about riding off road here..there isn't even rules and regs about riding on-road here! Here's a list of some UK-Spain biking differences that I posted on DSUK........ 1. Thousands of little Scooters swarming around like bees (many ridden by nubile young ladies wearing horse riding hats), and they'll pass you any way and anywhere they can. Until it comes to bends....where they have no idea what to do. It's all harsh acceleration, harsh braking....wobble round the bend, then repeat. 2. The sportsbikes adopt the same straightline riding style, except they wobble round bends with their knees out. The general standard of riding skills is pretty poor.......they can't even plan out one bend, let alone a sequence of bends. On British roads, in British weather, and British volume of traffic, they'd never survive. 3. There's no L plates on bikes. Well I've never seen any. 4. You are supposed to carry a helmet......but you don't have to actually have it on your head. Some don't even bother. 5. Very few big trailies/adventure tourers....I've seen one 650 Strom, one Transalp, and one GS since I've been here. 6. I haven't seen any musclebikes, but I do see the odd Harley Twat now and again. Usually British. 7. Nobody seems to wear gloves, or even protective clothing whatsoever. Sportsbike riders are generally in Jeans. 8. Insurance is a blast from the past....it seems to be just cc rated. 250-500, 500-750 etc. So a GSX-R750 costs the same to insure as an XT660. The lesson here is that if you do buy a big bike....make sure it's a big performer, cos anybody on a BT1100 Bulldog is paying the same as an R1. 9. It doesn't matter if there's bits broken or hanging off your bike....you just ride it. 10. The police don't really give a shit what you do....or how small your numberplate is. In fact, they don't even care if you've got a numberplate or not. 11. You can park wherever you want....pavements, crossings etc. Nobody cares. 12. If there's a pedestrian on a crossing you don't have to stop....they have to get out of your way. Or you can just ride around them if you want. 13. It doesn't seem to matter how many people you carry on your bike. 14. It doesn't even matter what you carry on your bike....I even saw a guy on a Scooter carrying a hedge and part of a tree that was about 10 foot tall. He was peering through the branches to see where he was going. 15. The craziest loonies are all on quads.....they turn them on 2 wheels, then race them down the Autovias overtaking on the hard shoulder at about 80mph. No helmets and no number plates either. 16. The best bit? Like in 70's Britain......girls look at guys on bikes admiringly! They even stop and watch you...and I've had a few waves too. Basically, Spain is a Utopia for Bikers......irrespective of the type of bike you ride.
  12. Us XT guys are real hardcore....cos this is where I was today! The Sierra Nevada Mountain range in Andalucia Spain....temps were down to about 13 degrees too!
  13. Pete replied to pepe's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Warm the bike up, then put it on an axle stand on a flat surface. 10 minutes later check the oil.
  14. Pete replied to Derek Matheson's post in a topic in Naked
    Off at 3, Reserve at 12.
  15. FFS....we've got another one replying to it now!
  16. Why the hell are you lot replying to this? The guy made this one post SIX months ago....so I'd imagine he's got it sorted now!
  17. Pete replied to Alex's post in a topic in The Bar
    You're a badass Alex!
  18. Pete replied to BENJAMIN's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Yeh....mine's absolutely standard. One point though....even those these XT's are capable of 100mph, they're not designed for it. Thin tyres, high suspension, and a high front mudguard that the wind gets under, all contribute to lack of stability at speed compared to a pure road bike. Having said that, there should be no weaves of any kind and it's quite safe....it's just that it won't feel as stable as a road bike.
  19. Pete replied to Smitty's post in a topic in General
    I've never used one Ross!
  20. Pete replied to BENJAMIN's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Your dealer is talking bollocks! I've had mine up to 100mph/160kmh and it's solid as a rock.
  21. Pete replied to Smitty's post in a topic in General
    We need photos of this red button Smitty!
  22. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    At the moment Valencia and Murcia are the frontrunners....but we're quite flexible really.
  23. Pete replied to HAYWOOD's post in a topic in Classics
    FS1E were 50cc and an M reg is Aug 73 to July 74.
  24. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Something just occurred to me Scott.....with my impending departure to Spain, I haven't got much time left to meet Da Mozzman! However....I may be flying out of Bristol on a recon mission in the next few weeks....so you never know!
  25. Pete replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Yeh....the Mullets follow me everywhere!