Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Thanks I know it'd be a terrible shame to sell it but I've enjoyed it every step of the way, and it's a great thing to have on my CV at the moment given the type of work I want to go into. I have though about going about it that way but in honesty I just can't justify the expense, paperwork and pissing about with it at the moment. I'll see what it comes to when I've passed my driving test as regards car and insurance because I might not have to sell it... It's a nice asset for me to have and it's not even taking up space in my garage
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
I didn't do my test in the end meaning I can't ride this due to new regs, so I think I'll be selling it to buy a car. It's been hidden away at the farm since we took it down, been ridden occasionally but I think there's something up with the oil pump as it kept getting really hot until we put some 2T oil in the petrol tank to make a crude pre-mix. I've just ordered a new loom and will fit it in the holidays I think, apart from that I just need some fork seals then it should be MOT-able. Should be fun!
1976 DT175C
Haha, I didn't take may either. Next time I take it to bits I might try one as I've got a timelapse app on my phone
1976 DT175C
Looks good so far. You should try a timelapse!
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Some. It was pretty scary tbh, especially down the A47. We didn't exceed 35, lol. Went green laning after so it's all good! Bike was stuck about 1 foot out either side of the jeep, no mirrors. PS that's not me, it's my mate who's jeep it is.
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
For anyone interested, or just wondering... Yeah, you can fit a DT175 In/on the back of a Suzuki SJ No trailer license = No problem.
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Quick video... We live on a little private road so this is legal That was from cold out the garage!
- Gilera 4V project
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
I might see. Really need to sort out important issues first though. You need a resistor if you don't have a battery =http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=109786]width="400" height="225" flashvars="intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=13b4004eff&photo_id=7922666240" bgcolor="#000000" allowFullScreen="true"
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
They run off the engine when I fix the electrics... You don't need a battery to pass just so long as all the lights work when the engine is running. My Dad and Unlce have both had bikes like this before... Just need a resistor to stop it blowing bulbs.
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
No not going to bother with one I'm afraid. Still need to figure the kill switch gremlin - When I took the bike to bits there was a ring connector on the bolt retaining the 2 stroke tank... I presume this is an Earth? I hate electrics!
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Right so I'm missing a ring terminal then... And there is no battery so there is a brown plugged into a red further up the loom (as I pulled it). Yup on yellow which I have plugged into one of the wires from the RB switch.
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Ah, so are the two black wires going into one female plug for an earth then? I've got one yellow for the recifier (think it's called that), the other yellow for the brake switch and the brown for the brake switch (as of 10 minutes ago...
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
The engine will only get a spark with the black/white unplugged at the back... once I plug it in the spark disappears. The brown wire branching off with the wires for the rear brake switch, what is it for? I can't find a plug for it. Thanks for the help so far!
Yamaha DT175 'barn find'
Not as yet but going to borrow one. I've found a black wire with a white stripe going into the rectifier (the thing behind the 2 stroke tank) and when that is plugged in then i don't get a spark at all. Also, what is the brown wire coded for?