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Matthew Duncan

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Everything posted by Matthew Duncan

  1. im tempted to go . . . its only a 7 hour ride there and 7 back from whre i am ...
  2. REBOOT GUZZI SPARES got the email this morning haha - i wish i could go but i dunno like, usually thats the kinda thing i would go to with my old man - but he's on on the bike atm due to medical reasons :/ im also guessing that it would be the kinda place that i would by more than can fit in my topbox and panniers aswell ! haha
  3. I did, untill someone nicked my cover ! waiting till the end of the month to buy a new hevie one, that will hopefully have holes in the bottom so that i can lock it to the bike, or lock it round battery was full, i think it was ether a duff connection or a short due to the horrendus rain - had to bump her yesterday but started up fine today in the lovely sunshine
  4. so, this morning - put my leathers on, and my waterproofs - due to normal sunny aberdeen weather - looked like there was a waterfall outside my window !, and unpadlocked my bike - key in the ignition, choke on and press the starter! . . .click. . . .click . . . . seems the water must have got into my starter ??solenoind?? / ??relay?? pushed her down the road abit and booft - she fired up nicely. Bikes been under shelter at work all day and im just finishing - so i hope its dried out cos i cant be bothered bump starting it again
  5. i did check wemoto - cos thats where usually get my yammy bits, but it was 6 and half a dozen - i got a good deal from motomecca cos i have been ordering loadsa parts recently
  6. this may bee a newb question - but whats happening at Stafford? only problem is i live alll the way over in the north east of sunny scotland :/ main places i have been ordering parts from are "Gutsibits" and "motomeccaspares" im trying to keep the bike as orig as possable, and for the weight of them, postage was within the weight of a small envilope so it wasnta that bad
  7. Alternativly, what i found and do as i think it is easiest, if you have a facebook acount, or any other website that you can upload pictures to, you can uplaod them on there - and if you use "Safari" web browser, it allows you to right click on the image, and " copy image address " thats what i do
  8. its like learning to ride a push bike, once you get used to it - you just get more confident and it becomes second nature, i too chose the option of bikes cos of insurance reasons, aswell as all the other things that bikes tempt riders with. Best of luck for friday mate
  9. Failing that, if you dont know much about bikes i would suggest you take it to the local garage for them to have a look over it
  10. its okay, im happy to get information like that worse case is that it sheers completely, then i'll have to fork out money to put it to an engineering shop to handle - less hassle for me, but more money! haha im hoping to get it sorted this coming weekend, but i think my old mans wanting to pull out the BSA Bantam to give it a good polish and a run, so the guzzi might be getting neglected haha. my next steps are to wait the arrival of the new studs, install them and out the exhaust on so the neighbours stop complaining about the noise everytime we start it . . . then take it for a wee spin to make sure it goes into all gears. Also need to fill the tank of water to see where its leaking from and weld that up
  11. Following another thread that i started on friday, i managed to get one of the broken studs out but still have to get another one out . . . I have ordered replacements, and am waiting for them to arrive from italy also managed to get the clutch assembled and working, so next week when im home i will be getting her running and taking her round the block to make sure she goes into all gears
  12. Came back home this weekend to some lovely packages ! not only did i get my new brake disk for my yam, but i got in nearly all the bits i ordered for the guzzi. they were as follows Basic Service Kit - £19 Ignition Points - £17.50 Oil Pressure Switch - £8.50 Airbox Breather Pipes - £11 O rings - £4.48 Gaskey Set - £39.00 Inlet Manifold Rubber - £8 handlebar Grips - £13.00 total - £120.48 Total so far - £120.48 + £310 --------------------------------- £430.40 ordered and still waiting to arrive - set of orig handlebars, footpeg rubbers, battery strap
  13. Cheers guys ! it's my project bike that the problems on . . . imma gonna have a look at it this weekend if i get the time, failing that, i have a relative with an engineering shop - im sure he'll put it straight ! cheers for the help
  14. Hey, before i got my full leathers i had a Nitro Jacket and trousers to match ( Textiles) think the jacket came in about 90 and the trousers aobut the same?? but the guy in the local shop gave me discount for them both just pop into yer local shop and see what they have - really depends on what your going to be riding e.g. if your going to be a commuter in all weather then spending a bit more on a jacket with removable layers is well worth it ! failing that, go into the shop, try some on fro size then find something online ebay usually has heaps of "half decent" stuff . . asl otry ghost bikes
  15. Hey, just noticed this thread - any chance i could get one too ? Black and size Large Please
  16. yeah, used them in the past - but tend to prefer this type - http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&q=stud+remover&gbv=2&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5313186072052915527# as the the force is spread equally on the stud - i.e. all force is coming from above rather than from one side, more concrended about the samller one that i cant get with the extractor :/ any advice?
  17. HI guys, Just wondering what everyones opinions are on the best way to remove a broken exhaust manifold stud. I need to remove 2, one of them has about 15mm protruding and the other is snapped pretty much right at the cyclinder head. would i be best to drill them both, with left handed bits and hope they bite, or use a stud extractor ? cheers
  18. +1 i agree, do your cbt first and get the 125 to see if you think bikes are for you . . i would suggest doing it asap and if you enjoy it - check aroudn to see how long you have to wait before the local bike training people could do a test, i would suggest doing it before they change them in jan 2013 - you could allways just pass your test and keep the 125, and the test is never goign to run out of date
  19. yeah, im having the same problem . . . went out today and the xj just woudnt start . . can you please tell me whats wrong with it ? i joke, I JOKE. but i can see why that would p*** you's off :L
  20. Just got banned from the local swimming pool. I was bursting for the loo so i decided to take a cheeky slash in the deep end. Life guard must have noticed thow cos he blew his whistle. What a fleg i got ! very nearly made me fall in . . .
  21. Deffo a full restoration - well, im hoping to use it as a runner between selling my XJ and moving onto my next yammy, but we are aiming to do it so a quality that with a bit of spit and polish ( on everything, not just the rocker cover ) then she wud be able to enter in shows . . .so she will be kept nice when shes done an yeah . . we realised after we got her firing that it was in gear next step is the clutch
  22. that is so true ! only had to wait about an hour or so before my old man came and picked us up in the van, so it could have been worse ! would have been a struggle to push it back 50 miles . . .
  23. gets goign about 30 seconds in . . first time shes ran since 1994 . . made my day
  24. with a bit of improvisation for the fuel tanks, we put the choke on and connected the throttles . . . then ! plugged in the ignition, and the starter . . with help from my XJ600n battery . . we have life ! have a video that i will put up as soon as i find out how haha
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