Everything posted by Matthew Duncan
YN50 no power/ignition barrel broken
just an update if anyone reading, lubed the hell out of the switch and the key is turning nicely, clicking at each stop. must have just been completely junked up. in other news the starter seems to be goosed but new one ordered for a meer fiver off of ebay.
YN50 no power/ignition barrel broken
Just actually noticed that the seat catch is operated by the key at the main ignition Aswell, but the key doesn't turn round far enough to unlatch it. How do I get it going without buying a new key/ignition?
YN50 no power/ignition barrel broken
Long time no see! will be posting a few bits and bobs soon as im about to be putting my FZ6S S2 up for sale .... sad times! Recently just bought a 2002 Yamaha YN50 scooter for a mopen mayem race coming up - It currenly has a 70cc big bore kit, "race" exhaust, upgraded carb/air filter and apparently tuned reed valve..... nae idea about that cos i know nothing about 2 stroke smokers. Having a right problem getting the thing going. hooked up the battery for my fazer to it but scooter has no power whats so ever, or theres a problem with the wiring. Put a multi meter across the wires at the block, red, black, black and white, and brown and none of them seem to be getting any power atall. First thing i checken was the fuse and it seems fine. When i put the key in there seems to be alot of free play before it "Clicks". could it be that the barrel is goosed? Cheers Matt
These bike laws make no god damn sense. I just want my A1!!
i was pissed when i did my test at 17 and was restricted to 33bhp for twa years, but i have to admit the new laws pretty much look like the goverment trying to stop as many people as possible, or stop them for as long as possible getting on bikes, along with squeezing every penny they can out of us, Next motorcyclists will be having to pay a fixed tax price, regardless if you have a 50cc scoot or a 1800cc monster, of £50000000 a month
FZ6S-S2 flat spot with aftermarket cans....help?
i have had my FZ6 for about a year and a half now, and it has has Leo Vince Evo II cans on it for the duration. At the weekend i had a shot of one of my mates Fz6, the naked one, and noticed that his pulls alot better through the revs. He has the same cans as me, but has a Powercommander and said the previous owner removed the AIS system? Firstly, I dont have a power commander. I had never noticed the flat spot between 3500-6000 rpm(ish) untill i had a shot of the other bike. So i know that i will deffo be buying one when i have the money, and getting it mapped. Secondly, what the hell is AIS? "AIS takes clean air from the air box where it is distributed and pulled (under vacuum) past the reed valves and in to the exhaust port where it mixes with the unburned fuel and ignites @ 1200 degrees it in the exhaust header. " (quote by 04UpInFlames). Well said. If you get allot of deceleration popping with a slip on or full system this removed will help reduce it. The AIS helps the bike put out "cleaner" emisions. Thats why a "racer" would have no need for it and if you get a after market pipe some choose to remove it." The FZ6 is hardly a race bike. Has anyone removed/blocked off this system before? or anyone be able to shed some light on if it needs to be done or not? as far as i can see it would be a "free mod" not having to buy anything to do it, just a case of taking various bits and bobs off. Hope someone can help! Thanks, Matt
Charged for No MOT, Whats the charge code for my insurnace?
ooft. thank god for that! i paid my fine, so now its all sorted. Was getting ripped to shreds by my fowks saying how much of an idiot i am, so my old man checked the car and his van MOT's and they were both out aswell! lucky peckers just didnt get caught. Cheers guys
Charged for No MOT, Whats the charge code for my insurnace?
So driving back from aberdeen to elgin to put my bike in the garage for winter, i got pulled over by the local plod. Turns out my bikes MOT had ran out in August! ouch. £100 ligther, i was allowed to go but cant seem to find out what i need to tell my insurance? Bobby said i need to declare it next time i insure a vehicle, but phoned MCE to let them know anyway and the boy on the phone said thats fine. Im just about to insure my car though so need to know what to put it down as. Cheers. Ps, appologise if this should be in "general"
Hello from Northeast Scotland
Thats where im from! but live in aberdeen through the week for work. Dont forget the Dava, one of the best roads we have! Where about you at Scotty? welcome to the forum.
Chain wear on outside, top of links?
was aligned with verniers, then re checked with a steel rule after tightening, had the sprocket cover off and it was filthy inside - gonna take a proper look at the weekend - will keep yous posted. that file faireys are a pain in the arse, they made my numberplate really small one night....
Chain wear on outside, top of links?
was doing a bit of chain maintenance last night, took my front sprocket cover off to clear out all the gunk! noticed that there was wear on the top of my links, as if they had been rubbing against something enough to be worn down? Anyone got any ideas? chain is at correct tention and was adjusted propely to spec at the weekend. I couldnt see/think of anything that it might have been rubbing against. Trying to put a photo on but its taking ages to email to my comp - hopefully get it up at lunch Thanks, Matt
Finding previously owned bikes
The DVLA shoukld let you, you can fill in a form v65 i think?
"Old Fashoned" tuning/performance?
So, nowadays if you want more performance you go to a shop and get a remapped CDI, powercommander, performance de-cat exhaust etc.. What are the old fashoned style tips to get the most out of an engine in your own garage? Stuff like valve lapping/polishing, Porting and Polishing.... the stuff that doesnt reley on fancy electronics and computer software. Just out of curiousity cos i have an old 125 engine that im looking to put into a go kart - and i know im not going to get 120 mph out it... thanks, Matt
"Old Fashoned" tuning/performance?
So, nowadays if you want more performance you go to a shop and get a remapped CDI, powercommander, performance de-cat exhaust etc.. What are the old fashoned style tips to get the most out of an engine in your own garage? Stuff like valve lapping/polishing, Porting and Polishing.... the stuff that doesnt reley on fancy electronics and computer software. Just out of curiousity cos i have an old 125 engine that im looking to put into a go kart - and i know im not going to get 120 mph out it... thanks, Matt
Thunderace hunt
if you contact the DVLA you can pay a fiver to get that info, then send a letter to the bloke
Whats would be the max milage a day on a tour? Viva la Europe
Dropped it at Mulben twistys, The deer was on my FZ6! the SV is long gone haha
I Hit a deer. Where can i buy a new front mudguard? FZ6 S2
yeah so traveling back home to aberdeen from elgin on sunday night bambi decided it wanted to get a closer view of me and jumped out. BOOOM right into the front left hand side of me. Luckily my leg/boots took the brunt of the damage and after rolling to the side of the road it looks like the only damage to my bike is the mudguard, indicator and radiator cover. Will need to have a better look at the forks/wheels once im back mobile. So anyone know where i can get a Metalic Red Front Mudguard for my bike? its the 2010 model. I dont want to get a black or carbon look aftermarket one, just the OEM. Local dealer quoted me £95 for a new one. Thanks in advance. Matthew (Bambi Killer)
Whats would be the max milage a day on a tour? Viva la Europe
need to get my bike fixed first after hitting a deer....
Rothiemurcus Lodge, Aviemore, Scotland
well, not right at my doorstep - Elgin, Moray - but i work in sunny Aberdeen Through the week
Rothiemurcus Lodge, Aviemore, Scotland
thats my back doorstep! lovely place to be in nice weather... not so much in the rain.
Whats would be the max milage a day on a tour? Viva la Europe
HAHA! aye, i think 400 miles would be our upper limit - just depends on time off work. ideally i would like to take 2 weeks, spend maybe 10 days traveling, and have the rest of the days as rest days.
Whats would be the max milage a day on a tour? Viva la Europe
were going for the roads more than anything not planning ragging the tits of my bike for the whole time, were just kinda trying to find out where our stops are going to be as for accomodation, we were thinking of being as cheap as possible and getting hostels/b&b kinda things. also hopefully going to be checking out the motoguzzi factory/museam - might even get a few cheap bits for my v50
Whats would be the max milage a day on a tour? Viva la Europe
So me and a few of my mates are planning a weeks touring next year, ferry from Hull across to belguim and then through Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France then home. What kinda milage would people suggest as max per day? we were thinking of setting a limit of about 400-450 miles a day? Opinions? also any one done anything similar? Thanks, Matt
New toy :3
We have 13 in our garage between me and my old man.......
17 year old rider! new to this forum.
Hello and welcome! would love to see a picuture of your bike!
FZ6 A19 code where temp should be - Help?
Noticed this morning that where my guage shows the temperature instead it was showing A19, then went to 20 then 21. Stopped the bike when i got to work and turned it off/on and it went back to showing the temperature. Anyone got any ideas before i go and pay to get a diagnostic done? thanks, Matt Or, where can i get software to do diagnostics myself? Thankkks!