Everything posted by Campaman
Battery choices - MT09
I use the permanent cable supplied with the Oximiser and have the plug coming out at the back of my seat and can tuck it neatly between the riders and pillion seats when not plugged in.
Battery choices - MT09
I would go for the motobatt and get your self an battery Optimiser I have an alarm/immobiliser fitted and if I don't hook it up to my Oxford Oximiser the battery would be flat if I don't use the bike for 2-3 weeks. http://www.oxfordproducts.com/motorcycle/brands/oxford/battery_care_and_power_accessories/oxford_oximiser_600_euro/
Honda CB550 Cosworth
Maybe a quick email to Cosworth them selves may give you a bit more information, they may still have someone working there that was involved.
Never Ending Bad Luck
Report him to the RSPCA even if they are no longer local, and also worth telling the police as who knows what the dick may do next.
You can share from Google+ and Dropbox, I use both, I just can't seem to find where you get a link to insert directly into a post. Probably just me....
What's an iPhone :-) I used to use Picasa but now that's become Google+ there doesn't seem to be the option to get a link to post pictures into forums. Tried Photo (got a hole in my) bucket once, never again.
Never Ending Bad Luck
Our oldest Staffie (my Avatar) is scared of cats, there were two local ones when she was a puppy and they bullied her, the younger Staffie just sits and looks at cats, the two small dogs will chase anything including cats and birds, but they have no way of getting out of the house or garden as we have double gates and double doors to the exits, that act a bit like an airlock.
oil window
No metal shield in mine. Inspection mirror is a good idea.
oil window
To be honest Cynic that's how I do it, I have an old screwdriver that I use, it has a handle that wont fit through the filler hole so I can't loose it in there. I was just trying to have a bit of fun in how I would have to check it otherwise, I always think the window should be on the other side of the engine, would make it easier.
oil window
What's a centre stand :-) I have to lean mine against the garage wall and try to hang onto the bars while also trying to peer into the gloom at the window, having to use reading glasses doesn't help as they tend to fall off while I am stooping down to look at the window. Easiest way is to get a mate round to sit on it while you check the window.
Make shift bike shelter
A simple frame and some twinwall polycarbonate would probably be the cheapest way of knocking up a small car/bike port. You can get it online, or from DIY places such as Wickes http://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-10mm-Twinwall-Polycarbonate-Sheet-900-x-3000mm/p/105909 Twinwall is strong and doesn't crack like the corrugated sheets
All about motorbike clothing & protection.
Lidl also do a waterproofing spray in there W5 range
Yamaha xvs 650 choke
Mine doesn't seem to have a spring either, friction seems to hold it out and there are notches that you can feel as you pull it out. Easier to push back in than to pull out. Maybe something needs tightening up to re-gain the friction.
saying Hello
I had one from new when they first came out, wish I still had it, was a nice bike.
new member
Hi and welcome Around here its either been rain so you get wet on the outside or that hot that you sweat so much you are wet on the inside.
That's actually an XVS650A Dragstar Classic, I have one. What year is it? I paid under 2k for mine 4 years ago, R reg 1998 with 6,000 miles on it.
ROH 2016
Unless I can get someone to come in I can only leave the dogs for around 6 hours, so any days out are usually limited to that sort of time. May be nearer than you but getting out of Harborough with the amount of traffic these days is a pain, took 40 minutes just to get to junction 20 of the M1 last weekend. Cheers for the offer regarding September, will see nearer the time as I know the wife wants a week away in the motorhome then, just a shame she cant drive.
Mystery problem with '85 DT125LC
Looking at the recesses on the head and the raised area's on the gasket I would say that the face of the gasket you have showing upwards should go face down on the head, unless the gasket is exactly the same on the other side.
ROH 2016
I would love to do some of these rides and meets but it would take me nearly three hours to get to Squiers from here. Shame there isn't any around the Midlands.
Rounded Oil Plug
Pedantic mode on... Socket should be six sides (Hexagon) Pedantic mode off...
UFO's and Ghosties.
The chances of anything coming from mars was a million to one they said, but still they come....
Allan Proudlove
Taken from the MCN Review, so looks like it was towards the end of 88 or early 89. Model history 1988: Yamaha XV535 Virago was introduced with very similar spec to the later versions. The first model had a tiny, 8.6 litre, underseat fuel tank which was ditched later that year for a proper, 13.5 litre version. 1996: Minor update, including new mirrors, an improved gear box and extended mufflers. 2004: Yamaha XV535 Virago discontinued. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-reviews/yamaha/xv535-virago/1988/
Hello! Very Happy here!
Pre 1990 535 Viragos only had the small Fuel tank under the seat, the later ones had the larger tank. Some info here: http://www.motorcyclenews.com/bike-reviews/yamaha/xv535-virago/1988/
Front end swap
As said you can make anything fit, what I would worry about is what will happen to the geometry and the handling by fitting something not matched to the bike.
New Top Gear
Watched it but wont bother with the rest of the series, don't like Evans and thought Le Blank came across as dull, stiff and boring. The same format doesn't work with these presenters, they needed a new format.