Everything posted by Campaman
Hello and a Couple of Questions
Hi Nev Very good, I assume she doesn't frequent these forums then :-) Any one got an idea of what sort of MPG / Tank range I can expect with this bike? and how do you manage to hold the thing upright on your own to check the oil level?
Help with wiring RS100
This does really sound like a bad ground, the only way for DC not to flow is either the positive has a break in it or the negative (ground) has a break in it, the positive could be broken by a switch a bad connection or a bad component, the negative needs good connections to return to the battery
What got you into bikes
As I am in my late 40's when I was younger it was just the normal thing to do at 16, get a 50cc bike/moped, I started with a un-restricted Yamaha FS1E, moved up to a Yamaha RS200 when I was 17, passed both my bike and car test 3 months after my 17th birthday. I then just carried on with bikes as my standard form of transport where as the cars I also owned then became my toys had a Mk 1 Austin Healey Sprite (Frog Eye), MG Midget and Triumph GT6, the longterm bikes carried on with a Suzuki GT380, Honda 250 Superdream, Yamaha SR 500, Yamaha XJ600 and a few others inbetween. Then normal service resumed with company cars etc, and the bikes went, but the bug has always been there, used to hire them on holiday etc, so just recently I have got my self a Yamaha XVS 650 Dragstar Classic and I am loving it.
BSA B40 or Bantam D5........2 or 4 stroke ?
My brother had a Bantam about 4 years ago, was always having to give him a push start to get it going when he came to work on it, had a quick go one day and it was like riding a pushbike with and engine in it compared to the modern stuff, didn't really want to go round corners either.
Back to bikes
Yeah Intros always make sense. I am a member on numerous forums for all of my interests, and I agree with the intro first, although on here I actually did it in the newbie section after i had already done it in the Customs section... Doh! I tend not to be a big poster, more of a use the search function to find what I need and then only ask if I can't find what I am after. Cheers
YBR125 Custom steeeing lock issue
You may have to wiggle the bars a bit to get the lock into the correct position to fully lock so that you can remove the key. On my XVS 650 the bars have to be turned to the left as you are sitting on the bike, the same side as the side stand, and I have to pull them slightly back to the right to get the lock to engage.
Hello and a Couple of Questions
Nah like I said up there the filler cap doesn't lock, its unlocked and wont lock, which reading the owners manual is a fault in its self as you are not supposed to be able to pull the key out in the un-locked position. Was thinking just a set of allen keys, set of spanners and plyers, but your additions sound like a good idea, always carry a roll of Duct Tape in our motorhome, but dont know if that would be of use on the bike
Hello and a Couple of Questions
Hi Noise Stuck the tax disc holder on the bottom bracket that the clutch cable guide is held on by, as its a shiny holder need to be visible. Not much to do with the bike as it already has loads of Highway hawk stuff - screen, rack, sissybar, mirrors, airfilter cover, number plate mount, rear lamp cover, brake cyclinder cover, front mudguard bumper and also got a some leather panniers and a rear bag. Think it needs pannier supports though as they seem to be touching the exhaust silencer. Anyone know what was in the original toolkit as the bike hasn't got one so I need to make one up? Also noticed at the weekend that the fuel filler cap doesn't lock, the key goes in but it wont turn, so it either needs repair or replacement, any ideas? Apart from that so far so good, and it rides like a dream...
Back to bikes
Hi All Just getting back into biking after a few years of not having a bike, just got my self a shiny 1998 Yamaha XVS 650 Dragstar classic, and loving it. Had a few bikes over the years, started with a Yamaha FS1E, and then Yamaha RS200, Susuki GT180, Yamahad RD250, Honda 250N, Yamaha SR500, Yamaha XJ600 and ridden a few other ones in between. Cheers Andy
Hello and a Couple of Questions
Just noticed you have got a XJ600N, I had a XJ600 with the fairing and belly pan when they first came out, around 1983/84 I think, always liked that bike, had it for about 6 years.
Hello and a Couple of Questions
Hi to you both. Thanks, think I will put the tax disc on the mudguard then, and Ttaskmaster I have read through most of this section of the forum and I noticed that the custom version is better :-) The heat shield is sort of L shaped around 6-8 inches long, the other pipe has a similar piece but straight, it looks as though if I can get the inner larger heat sheild off its just a matter of bolting it back to that and then putting the large one back, I will have to have a better look in the light. Thanks
Hello and a Couple of Questions
First Hi & Hello to everyone, just took delivery of a nice & shiny 1998 650 Dragstar Classic in the Gold & Bronze colour. Question 1. There is no tax disc holder on the bike, I am going to pick one up later but where abouts on this bike are they usually mounted? There is a couple of small holes on the bottom of the nearside (UK) front mudguard, and I also notice a small L bracket on the fram below the horn. Question 2. In the rear bag I found a smallish piece of chromed metal, which I have worked out is the outer piece of the heat shiled on the curve where the back cylinders pipe curves round, there is the large heat shield with two holes one has a bold sticking through locked off with a nut, and the small piece I have found has two captive nuts in it. Is it an easy job to re-install this part on the bike? It looks like the larger inner heatshield could just be unbolted but I am not sure. Not had a bike for a few years and been after another for ages, now got this one and am very happy with it, just wish it would stop raining so that I can go for a ride once I have sorted the tax disc holder out. Thanks Andy