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Everything posted by Campaman

  1. Campaman replied to rossr's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    On previous non cruiser bikes I always used the front brake more than the rear, on the cruiser I find I use the rear more than the front, it may be that you are still adjusting to the weight difference from the 250 to 650. I have also read that the Dragstars have not got the best brakes so you need to make sure that everything is in good order but would imagine that with the age of yours that shouldn't be a problem.
  2. In that case a cover as advised by Tasky would be a good idea, out of sight and all that. In the case of the alram/immobiliser my bike has, if I could I would either get rid of it or have it so that it only sets when I want it to, at the moment it automatically sets after 30 seconds, and I find that a pain in the arse at petrol stations and the like, and I dont trust having the alram fob hanging from the key ring in the bikes ignition so I have to carry the fob seperatley in my pocket.
  3. Campaman replied to Noise's post in a topic in The Bar
    We have a Staffy and a Cocker Spaniel, neither are classed as big dogs, suppose they are medium sized, would recommend either of them on all of your counts, I have also had German Shepards, Westies, Springers, Collies and a couple of heinz mixes, to be honest I think most of this one bread is more intelligent than others is a load of tosh, most dogs if trained from being young can exhibit the same amount of intelligence.
  4. I use the disk lock from Lidl's, its very similar to the Oxford Titan, and the key type is the first one that Tasky mentions so should be OK comes with a pouch and cable so is easy to carry on the bike for day to day use, I also have a Oxford Lock and chain that I use at home with a ground anchor in the garage that I will take if I am going to an unknown area, the bike has a Datatool alarm/imobiliser that was on the bike when I got it, and I always use the steering lock as well.
  5. Can you also remote stop it after you have hidden behind a bush and remote started it and some nobwit has jumped on and trying to ride it away ? So with the remote start I assume you dont need the keys in the ignition, so once started, keys in your pocket, so seriously what happens when you stop and want to turn it off does it automatically then turn everything off? I have a Datatool alarm that sets it self after about 20 seconds of turning off the ignition, wish I could change it so it only sets when I want it too, as I spend more time blipping the ruddy thing off while I am pushing the bike out of the garage and up my drive than actually pushing.
  6. Campaman replied to Noise's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Looking good, I actually think it looks better with the front mudguard on, it sort of looks not finished without it, maybe thats just me though.
  7. On a Cruiser in during the winter as with your feet forward it blows ooop your troosers, out in the summer to keep tackle coool...
  8. Campaman replied to jerry's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    If you adjust it so you can just see over the top it will still stop the bugs from pebbledashing and you will still be able to see in the rain.
  9. Campaman replied to dand's post in a topic in General
    You should be able to take the armour out, although its not always easy to spot where it comes out, I have two HG jackets and the armour comes out of both of them.
  10. Campaman replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in General
    Its got a front brake, but not sure how it would cope, be interesting to see how the front tire holds up as well :-)
  11. Campaman replied to XJ6-boy's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I can go about 2 hours before me rear gets numb, but I think its time for a break at that point anyway so I use the numbness as a type of alarm as to when to pull over and have a stop.
  12. Campaman replied to seanbilly's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I use me trolley jack, axle stands and blocks of wood (paranoid about it falling over when I turn me back) I tried using the Mrs. but she wouldn't stand still while I parked it.
  13. Hello and welcome
  14. do the 250 Draggy's o nly come in custom style or do they also do a classic? :-)
  15. Campaman replied to seger's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I have got me glasses on but still can't see it :-)
  16. Campaman replied to fieldarcher's post in a topic in The Bar
    My wife has called my 650 Dragstar Dillon.
  17. Campaman replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Right thats put me off the tassles, to be honest I don't really like the bag thats on my rear rack and the panniers but at this point they are proving to be too useful to take them off. I dont think the panniers that came fitted to mine (a couple of posts down in the gallery) are really for the bike as they have been cut and shut where the strap goes under the pillion seat, will have to look at getting some new ones when funds allow.
  18. I click on them and they just pop up the same size?
  19. Campaman replied to gizmo666's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Looking good, I wouldn't mind some of them dangly bits for the levers on mine.
  20. Same here I have got my glasses on and still can't see much
  21. Campaman replied to Nysmanxs400's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I wont even walk around school areas, the idiots around here park on the pavement, they just pull onto it even if you are walking along it. There is a free car park a couple of hundred yards from the school for the local park but I suppose thats too far to walk for the lazy idiots in the people carriers and four wheel drives.
  22. Its had 4 owners before me and from the paperwork its was one of them that put on about 4,500 miles the other 3 did bugger all, but thats my gain as I have a nice clean bike. I have got this bike to ride but I also want to keep it as nice as I can, so am thinking about ACF50 for the winter as its still going to be used when I can, I have to use 4 wheels for work most of the week apart from Fridays, but come next spring things change.
  23. Yeah someones spent some money on the extras, as well as the obvious sissybar, rack, screen & bags, its got Highway Hawk mirrors, brake resevoir cover, airbox cover, rear lamp cover, number plate surround and the bumper bar on the front mudguard. Luckily I have a garage/car port so yeah its under cover, looking back at the paperwork some years it only did 30-50 miles, I have done over 300 miles since getting it at the end of August.
  24. I have now managed to get a couple of pics into the gallery... Title: My 1998 XVS650 Dragstar Classic
  25. 1998 its done 6,200 miles, its only real problem is a small dent in the top of the tank.