Everything posted by Campaman
Spike air filter
650 is air cooled, does not have a rad ?
Hello from Cardiff
A good place for the engine and gearbox, better than where they stick it in the 911 :-)
New old stock
Welcome back, I don't currently have a Yamaha got the Honda ST1300 while I am waiting for the newer FJR1300's to come down in price.
Hello from Cardiff
4 cylinder VW/Audi engine, originally a joint project between VW & Porsche
How do from Sheffield
To be honest I don't ride a lot during the winter, it has to be 8C or above before I will use the bike, did a Christmas card run in December and had to take it out at the beginning of this month as it was MOT time. Passed OK....
Fork oil
# is the number sign which according to Wikipedia quote below could be something to do with weight/quantity. Not much help but it seems to point to some form of quantity. 'It is often claimed that the symbol traces its origins to the symbol ℔, an abbreviation of the Roman term libra pondo, which translates as "pound weight".' Mainstream use in the United States is as follows: when it prefixes a number, it is read as "number", as in "a #2 pencil" (indicating "a number-two pencil"). When the symbol follows a number, the symbol indicates weight in pounds. (Five pounds are indicated as 5#.) This traditional usage still finds handwritten use, and may be seen on some signs in markets and groceries. It is also commonly known as the "pound sign".
1981 Xt250 exhaust muffler
That lean doesn't look that excessive to me, my old Dragstar and my current ST1300 all lean at similar angles. Simple checks are is the stand bent at all, and check where it bolts onto the frame.
How do from Sheffield
Welcome. I can stand the cold with heated grips and the heat from the engine, I just don't trust the road surface this time of year, ice, loose grit, greasy patches etc. So roll on the warmer weather and Tit Monday...
ybr 125
And I thought my ST1300 was a bit of a pig to get on the centre stand.... :-)
hello guys
Hi and welcome to the club, you may want to fill in your profile, location etc so that we know where you are if you have any questions.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
How the hell did his helmet come off, unless the strap wasn't done up.
Thunderturd 1!
Thats a nice looking little Yamahopper you have there, neat with the shaftdrive, you could probably take up Pizza deliveries with the top box.
Dragstar 650 won't start
Have you checked the fuel tank tap to make sure 1. that its turned on, and 2. that its letting fuel through when its turned on. And you will find that you will get more help if you post an intro in the new members section first.
How do I remove a sheared bolt from my engine block?
The acetone probably thins down the oil making it penetrate easier then evaporates leaving the oil in place.
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Another one here, bit more discrete. Not sure if I would want one though. https://rainpal.co.uk/
Hi Charley Welcome to the club. Its a small world, due to circumstances out of our control we have not seen you for a while, hope you and Jenny are OK? My location should give you a clue to who I am, my wife is called Carol :-) Drop me a pm if you haven't worked it out. Cheers Andy
Bike delivered......BUT!!!
Another nearly local here. I know Billing Garden Centre well, reasonable priced good food in the café. Also know the car park you were in, next to one of the lakes of Billing Aquadrome. Bad luck...
Fork Seals
Rode into work today and all seems OK, left fork leg had just a slight film of fluid on it, nothing like what it was, may give it another clean out with the SealMate at the weekend as its not easy getting at the forks under the front of the fairing. Still class this as a result as the fluid was originally running down the outside of the bottom fork leg, now its just a slight smear.
Fork Seals
Update. Did the cleaning with the seal mate at the weekend and after a few cleans and pumping of the forks the seal now seems to be sealing. Need to get out for a proper ride but it seems to have done the trick. Thing is the seal seamed to start leaking in the space of one day as on the Monday the garage floor was clean but on the Tuesday it had a small spot of fluid so probably makes sense that it was some crap in the seal rather than the seal being worn as I would expect that to be a more gradual increasing weep.
Fork Seals
Cheers will se how it goes once I have the seal mate. Assume I am better off with the bike on the centre stand and the front wheel off the ground so its not under any compression? although that would make pumping the forks difficult as described in the seal mate instructions.
Fork Seals
One is currently on its way from Amazon so I should have it tomorrow to give it a go.
Fork Seals
Hi I had seen the Seal Mate in my searching but wasn't sure if it actually worked. Off to amazon to get one ordered, they also have the Castrol Seal Buddy. Out of interest how thick is the plastic its made from as I suppose I could always make my self one if I had the right thickness plastic.
Fork Seals
Asking here as I can't find a Honda forum that has any activity. Noticed a small patch of fluid by the front wheel of my ST1300 on Tuesday, initially thought it was a leaking brake pipe but I have now traced it back to being the fork seal. I am reasonably mechanically minded but know little about forks. The left fork leg is weeping fluid, if the bike is on the side stand I get a small patch after about an hour, if I put it on the centre stand I get no weeping or patch. Is the fluid level in a fork supposed to be higher than the seals so that it leaks when on the side stand? Waiting for the Haynes manual to arrive so that I can have a look at the weekend. Any advise on how to proceed would be appreciated. Thanks Andy
Deer hitting
I was riding on the A427 between Corby and Oundle a couple of years ago when a herd of Muntjack came over the hedge, must have been 12-15 of them, how they all missed me I don't know but they all did, weaving and jumping around me. Was a bottom quenching moment :-)
Mt09 first bike - advice
The best way is to try out as many different bikes that takes your fancy and see how they feel. My last bike was the 650 Dragstar, I basically bought it because I had wanted a cruiser for a while, I did test ride one before I bought it but at then end of the day I really got it because I liked the look of it, which was a mistake because I never did really get on with it due to the riding position and the wife hated the pillion perch. Having passed my test in 1979 I have had quite a few bikes, starting with a 50cc FS1E gradually going up in size and power in the early years, I now have the ST1300 and contrary to what Lallasro says I have more than enough power and the wife is more than happy on the back. I agree with finnerz if you are looking at the MT09 look towards the Tracer as its classed as a Sports Tourer which is more in line with what you say you want the bike for. I understand you reasoning of not wanting to change again in 6 months time but based on what you say your experience is it may be the way to go, get something cheap to gain some experience with after passing your test before getting your dream bike.