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Everything posted by Campaman

  1. Yup this old duffer does, still got a copy of that somewhere on 7" Vinyl with a load of others, just need something to play them on.
  2. I went to school with Martin Johnson, he of England Rugby fame, not sure if he would be classed as famous, but if he says he is you wouldn't argue it.
  3. Hi and welcome, we are getting a few members in Leicestershire now, Burbage is not that far from me.
  4. Stabilisers would make the rear end wider... Just kidding. I would imagine part of the problem is going to be with the shaft drive, I am not sure how much clearance there is with the existing swing arm, but I suppose you may be able to get a wider rim laced to the existing hub. To be honest its a pretty chunky rear wheel already for the size of the bike
  5. I can keep up with mates with Sportsbikes and Tourers on the twisty bits, you don't have to touch down the pegs to corner quickly on a cruiser. The only time I can remember the pegs touching slightly was actually pulling out of a tricky local T junction where I had to get a shifty on as a cage appeared at speed from under the near bye railway bridge. Maybe they should have a new race class at the TT for cruisers, that would be fun.
  6. For a moment there I thought you were just ordering a Bolt as in Nut & Bolt, then I looked it up. Doh! Must be something to do that I work for a company that manufactures steel Nuts. Welcome, although introductions are normally done in the new members section.
  7. RatBob, 1 question, how long have you been riding to come up with these comments?
  8. There's a couple of people from Bosworth that work for the same company as me, Andrew Lambert and his son George from Lamas Close, and Ian Marlow our MD is my Dads partner in the business used to live in Bosworth, his Mum & Dad and I think his sister Belinda still do.
  9. Put it in the back of a transit van. Tie a rope round the bars and tie the other end to the rear of an Intercity 125 train. Remove the 100cc engine and replace with a large Hamster in a wheel. Get one of your mates with a bigger bike to push you.
  10. My old FS1E used to get up to around 50mph if you lay flat on the tank, problem was if you tried to stay at that speed for more than a minute or so you used to feel the engine start to seize and had to pull over to let it cool down, thus negating the point of going that fast as all my mates with their new restricted 50cc's would pass me.
  11. Welcome, do the electrics work once the bike is running? Go on then, 6 miles from Harborough = where. Cheers Andy
  12. I used to have the RS200 with the single seat, you had the option of either the top box or a rear seat pad, both came with it or just leave it as a single seat with rear rack. Mine was dark red, it was a nice little bike at the time and the top box was useful as it was my daily ride to work. Have you any pictures of it?
  13. "They're going to build their house over there" They're and There are pronounced the same so which one should the contestant spell, bit deep but still humorous....
  14. Motorcyclist hit by a bird (feathered kind) local to where I live, maybe a good reason to have a screen. Mind you I wonder how fast he was going... http://www.harboroughmail.co.uk/news/mail-news/motorcyclist-injured-after-bird-strike-1-5518834
  15. Yep, Boiled white fish and mash, or boiled white fish and rice, the fish is light on the stomach but gives the protein, while the mash or rice is heavy in starch which helps bind and keep the food down.
  16. Hamsters are nocturnal and very active at night, you could hook up a small generator to a hamster wheel and leave the cage sat on your pillion seat whilst parked up at night with the LED's on.
  17. Mmmm, no handlebars.... Move the foot pegs to the front wheel axle and just steer from there, could be interesting.
  18. Campaman

    Ice skating!!!

    I see so many hubcaps around I keep thinking it might be a good idea to collect them all up and put um up on ebay so that the nobs that lose um can buy um back.
  19. Not sure if the Baby drag is the same as the 650, but you are only supposed to fill to the bottom of the filler neck, so if you topped it off so you could see the fuel right to the top of the filler then yes you have put too much in.
  20. Looking good.... Make sure you don't leave any of them blue paper towels in there though
  21. To try adjusting first you need to put it onto the middle ring at the front then make sure there is no slack in the gear cable, then adjust the rear derailleur using the two small screws to set the upper and lower limit. Assuming you have an indexed shifter? this should fix you up in all the front sprockets. If not it could be that the actual shifter on the bars needs sorting or as said you need a new rear cassette.
  22. Just sneak out at night and paint a tank and an engine on it and it will be fine to use then. In my town they were campaigning for a zebra near a school on a busy road, the council and highways were not interested, so someone painted one on the road overnight... not really clever, but it was funny at the time..
  23. I have re-checked my plate, it is legal size and the margin is more than 11mm, I think its maybe that the surround makes it less in your face. So my original answer stands, If you don't want to be pulled then your option is to stick with a legal one.
  24. Yep that option would appear to be legal so you shouldn't have any problems. I have just looked at mine and it has a custom surround so that does what Slice is suggesting but in a different way, the surround blocks out the spare space around the edge of my plate.
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