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James Jeremy

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Everything posted by James Jeremy

  1. Evening all, I know there are loads of posts out there about the bogging/dieing issue but I think (?!!) mine is slightly different... I run a website mapping byways in the south of UK and just purchased a DT125R to take mates out who are only on a CBT... The bike starts easily and has 11k on the clock (of course no telling if that is genuine) but when i took for a test ride it seemed rather tame. Anyhow.. purchased it and have only just got around to taking it out for a good ride tonight and its good (if not a little gutless) at low speed but what I don't get is as you accelerate you can pull the throttle all the way back until it hits around 5,000 rpm then it simply dies (feels/sounds like no spark or major flooding). If going down a steep hill the throttle can be held on for a long distance and nothing, no spluttering, etc. I then found that once this happens if you back off the throttle and blip it, or very slowly accelerate there is still this flat spot but it then suddenly kicks in and the powerband takes off until gear change then the same thing happens... From everything that I have read this points to a fueling issue and will put a new plug in and check the operation/alignment of the powervalve servo but before I start trying to re-jet/raise the needle, etc I just wonder if any of you had any stella advice / ideas as if it was running slow throughout the revs, etc, it would make sense that it was set up but for it to literally die on full throttle is a bit baffling (and also the guy before couldn't have been riding it around like that? could he?).. Any advice much appreciated...
  2. Thanks I will do, much appreciated!
  3. Would really really appreciate that Andy... Took to trying to cut into mine tonight (that sealant is nion impossible to get off!) assumed there was only one circuit board enclosed and ended up nicking the smaller one so pretty sure this one will not work at all now, so really need a solution! ;-) I see you live south UK, if you got a dual bike and are interested in some green laning let me know... my site showing byways in Kent & Sussex = www.southerntrails.co.uk .....
  4. Hello all, im pulling my hair out over my D Reg DT125LC (1986). I bought this a year or so ago for my little bro so he can come out with me when I go green laning.... It was working fine then all of a sudden had an intermittent fault where if would 'race' and basically fart about... Took it to my local mechanic who said it was the main seals and bearings gone and drawing in air so paid loads to have the engine fully rebuilt with new bearing, conrod, piston, etc... Worked fine for a quick ride but then started again... Took it back to him as and we were stripping it I touched the CDI area and it all started to work fine. Im pretty sure that is not a cable/loom as I can mimic the fault by holding the wires up to the CDI and then move just the CDI and it starts or stops (strangely works when I squeeze the CDI unit). Anyhow, anyone got any advice? Ive been looking on ebay but cannot find one of these anywhere (hens teeth are more common i've heard).. Does anyone know if any other bikes of the era are compatible (I bought one for a DTR but no luck) or if I can have one made up for me, or this one repaired (or could I do it?!?!?!).... Really appreciate any help and advice.... cheers ;-)