G'day. I live in the home of enormous boody great tropical cyclones.
Been riding a 1991 GPZ900R for the last 17 years and 240,000 kms until it tried to kill me a couple of months ago.
Sadly it paid the supreme sacrifice and has been carted off to the wreckers.
For some time I have been contemplating an upgrade and what I really sought was the current equivalent of the old GPZ. That is, something I could load up with all my gear for a comfortable 7600 km round trip to Phillip Island - something I've been doing for the last 15 years or so.
Had been thinking along the lines of the 1200 Bandit until a friend suggested a look at the FZS1000 and as it turned out, there was one offered for the sale in the next suburb.
Anyway, picked up a 2003 model with 49,000 on the clock and in the couple of weeks of ownership, have been very impressed.